Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 138: ? Natural disasters, dominators, old god

"The Aurasia continent is a part of the kingdom of the gods of Aristotle."

"Even, these human life forms on the Aurasia continent all have the blood of the ancient residents of the **** source kingdom of Aristotle."

"As the **** of trials in Aristotle's source kingdom, I also want to make the Aoya continent shine again in the dim silence."

"If I can, I will definitely open the trial so that many transcendents with enough talent will continue to grow stronger through the trial land."

"But the problem is, this place of trial is a broken trial place."

"The ridge road ahead, the dark jungle, the black desert, the violent wind valley, etc., are all intact."

"However, the next trial on the second leg of the road will accumulate seven teleportation points, and each one seems to be broken."

"During these millions of years, I have opened many, many times."

"The intelligent creatures that came in included the prosperous goblins and dwarves of the ancient times, the bloods of the dark ages, the mighty wolves, the dark elves, and even the dragons of the Asian age, etc. I have let them in."

"After countless experiments."

"In the end, I was sure. Five of the roads were completely dead. None of the intelligent creatures that shuttled past these five teleportation points returned."

Listening to the words of the old man of Gui Hai, Guni's scalp numb for a while.

"This is too bad!"

"Experiment with other people's lives."

"Seven teleportation points, five dead Jedi, none of them have returned."

"For so many years, I don't know how many extraordinary people have died."

"Fortunately... I am at least not the pathfinder." Gunie comforted himself like this.

"Speaking of which, do you want Old Man Guihai to throw those foreign powerhouses, Cthulhu believers, and those guys from the Southern Church into a dead end?"

Before Gune could speak, the old man of Guihai seemed to have guessed what Gune was going to say.

"This trial, don't have so many crooked minds."

"With your talent, the possibility of the holy place becoming a **** is not small. What I tell you is more about your future, not just confining to the death of other people."

"Old Man Guihai really understands human nature."

Now that the other party said so, there was no need for Gune to speak.

"But I still think it's better to kill them all here." Gune said secretly in his heart.

"Actually..." Old Man Guihai said softly.

"You only see the crisis of the transcendent world on the Oya continent."

"But I don't see that a bigger crisis is brewing, and it is getting closer."

"A bigger crisis?" Gune looked solemn.

To be honest, Cthulhu's invasion of the Aoya Continent and the Northern Empire does have the strength to resist.

This is already a crisis of destroying one side of the world, and there is a greater crisis than this?

"Those evil gods, when they came to the world of Aoya Continent, the starry sky distance they crossed is not too far."

The old man of Guihai expounded gently.

"Of course, even if it's not too far away, the span of time will far exceed the life span of ordinary people."

"And the one near here is called the Ancient Dragon Calm Extraordinary World. This is the core of this extraordinary world group."

"Even if the Ancient Dragon Calm is a large transcendent world, it is also a marginal transcendent world."

"The Ancient Dragon Calm's large and extraordinary worlds are very weak. Within the large and extraordinary worlds that I understand, any large and extraordinary world has the power to destroy the Ancient Dragon Calm."

"What you see now is that the Aoya continent is experiencing the'source tide' blooming in the starry sky, which has caused the evil gods nearby. They coveted this world and then invaded your Aoya continent."

"But... the Ancient Dragon Calm world group is constantly approaching the source area."

"It won’t be too long, a hundred years at most two hundred years. When the giant transcendent world of the Ancient Dragon Calm enters the far transcendence, it will bloom with a very, very dazzling light, and it will last for a long time, at least for thousands of years. Time to shine."

"At the beginning, Aristotle God Source Kingdom was attracted by the dreadful old gods because of its dazzling source force luster."

"Even without the coming of the old gods and the dominator."

"Those powerful war races, such as Zerg, such as mechanical life."

"They urgently need this dazzling, energy-rich and extraordinary world."

"Once they discover the luster of this edge of the world, they will start a war, and then the natural disaster war will come."

"At that time, none of the nearby extraordinary worlds with the Ancient Dragon Calm as the core and hundreds of nearby extraordinary worlds will be spared, and they will all fall into the natural disaster war."

"You have to know, even if it is the Aristotelian **** source kingdom in its peak state, it dare not say that it can defeat those natural disaster creatures."

"And this weak Old Dragon Calm must be easily occupied. Then, all the creatures in your Aoya continent will be killed by those natural disaster creatures and become the incubation base of their race."

"That's why I will tell you that a bigger crisis is brewing."

After listening to the words of the old man in the sea.

Gune rubbed his eyebrows slightly.

"This is really... the room leaks in the night rain. The existence of the evil **** has already put the entire transcendent world in a crisis of destruction."

"In addition to the coming old gods and dominators, and even natural disaster creatures, this is not to say that it will make the less wealthy family even worse. It is simply using the bulldozer to flatten the whole family."

"and so……"

The old man of Guihai expounded gently.

"I told you to let your eyes not be limited to the current evil gods, but also to value your own growth."

"This seemingly mortal situation may not be without turning point."

Gunie stared seriously at the old man of the sea.

"I told you before, of the seven teleportation points, five of them are Jedi, the land of death, there is no return."

"However, the fragments of the world where the remaining two teleportation points are located are based on the information brought back by those extraordinary."

"One seems to be involved in a weird war."

"It seems to be in the war between the mechanical spider and a race called the Abyssal Blade Race."

"If you enter there, if you are lucky, you can return safely, which is equivalent to passing the trial."

"And if you are unlucky and get involved in the war, you will basically die without life."

"On this level of battlefield, the extraordinary masters are all cannon fodder."

"Even the transcendent masters have fallen in pieces. It is conceivable that this mechanical race and the abyss blade race are powerful, and I preliminarily speculate that there may be two high-dimensional transcendent worlds, or the top large transcendent worlds. battlefield."

"You have to know that in the world of the transcendent, survival and war are the main themes, and the strong are qualified to survive."

"And the area where another teleporter is located."

"It's a very powerful, large-scale and extraordinary world, even a powerful world that is not weaker than the Aristocratic Kingdom of God."

"And another purpose of your trial is to enter this large transcendental world. Try to get the world coordinates of the transcendental world, it is best to get a treasure such as a teleported treasure of the transcendental world. ."

"Get the world coordinates of this extraordinary world, something to transmit?"

Gune didn't understand why he did this. Can't this elemental forbidden land be directly transmitted to it?

The old man of Guihai obviously understood Guni's doubts, and he spoke softly.

"I told you before that the Ancient Dragon Calm large transcendent world is a very marginal transcendent world."

"Even if you enter this world for a long time, you will not get much what you need, so this extraordinary world is not suitable for your growth and practice."

"More importantly, the Ancient Dragon Calm does not have the ability to lead to other extraordinary worlds."

"In other words, no matter how powerful you are in your cultivation, you will be inseparable from this extraordinary world group in the future."

"You will be trapped in this area after all."

"The trial ground here is also broken, and the accumulation of energy is very slow."

"I don't know if it will be hundreds of years after the next opening."

"If there is a natural disaster war, I am afraid there will be no chance to start it next time."

"Under the natural disaster war, this trial land will be destroyed, and I will die."

"So, this time teleportation to enter the other world may be the only opportunity in your life to contact the outside world~lightnovelpub.net~ So, you must get the coordinates of a large teleportation in this extraordinary world. ."

"Of course, it is safer to get a treasure that can be directly transmitted into the world."

"At least, in the future, if the whole world is truly destroyed, you will have the ability to leave here."

"Of course this is the worst case, and the good case is after you have the coordinates of this extraordinary world."

"By establishing teleportation, you can continuously enter this large-scale transcendental world, so as to grow rapidly in this large-scale transcendental world and become an extremely powerful god."

"You have to know that your talent is very rare. Even in a large and extraordinary world, it is difficult to give birth to an extraordinary and enchanting genius like you."

"If you can really become the pinnacle god, you may not be able to protect this world in the future when the Ancient Dragon Calm shines to attract natural disaster wars."

"This... is what I really want to tell you."