Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 18: ?Gluttony Talent

"Your Excellency Buster Johnson, congratulations on passing the test."

Gune took out a bag of gold pounds again and put it on the table.

This bag of gold pounds is obviously more than the previous 50 gold pounds, which is 100 gold pounds in it.

"If you want, you can serve as the second officer of our magic whale adventure group."

"And these 100 gold pounds are your remuneration this month, and you will have 100 gold pounds in income every month."

"Marine Adventure's income is calculated separately, and the adventure income of the second officer's position will be substantial."

When Gune said so, not far away from the corridor and many people were envious.

1200 gold a year is the lowest income.

It is possible that the income from one adventure may be more than the income of the year.

"If it were me, I would definitely agree on the spot." Someone murmured.

"Unfortunately you don't have that qualification."

"Drink more, it will come true in a dream."

Several people around burst into laughter.

"Second deputy position, very good." Buster Johnson nodded slightly.

"I am willing to join the Magic Whale Adventure Group."

Speaking, Buster Jonson reached out to grab the one-hundred-gold purse.

However, as soon as Gune reached out his hand, he already held down the 100-gold purse.

"Since you have agreed, then sign the contract. After signing the contract, the 100 gold pounds and the second officer position will belong to you."

"Contract? What contract?"

Sweeping his gaze on the table, Buster Johnson saw the high-level soul contract scroll that contained a powerful source of energy.

"Damn it, it's the high-level soul contract scroll, why no one told me just now."

Buster Jonson's eyes twitched slightly.

Looking at Buster Jonson standing in the same place, Gune's mouth was filled with a smile.

"Mr. Buster Johnson, ours is a regular adventure group, not a pirate merchant ship, let alone a pirate group where bandits gather."

"The signing of a contract guarantees that the crew will perform their duties and at the same time guarantee the benefits of the crew. This is protected by the Empire's Constitution. Moreover, each item of the contract can be found in the corresponding clauses in the Empire's Constitution."

"Don't you want your income to be protected?"

Gune asked softly.

For those extraordinary sailors who are keen on taking risks and have no unusual thoughts, this clause is a powerful means of effective benefits, and they will be happy to sign this high-level soul contract.

And for those vicious pirates who have crooked minds and disguised themselves as extraordinary sailors.

That obviously put them on a shackle.

Once they maliciously attack their companions, they even want to cooperate inside and outside with the pirate raiding adventure group.

The powerful binding force of the soul contract will make them feel the pain of tearing the soul.

This kind of soul contract of subjective will is quite powerful.

After pondering for a moment, Buster Jonson laughed.

"Of course I want my income to be protected."

"You have to know, nowadays a good captain like you is rare."

With that, Buster Jonson signed a catalyst on the soul contract scroll, and at the same time wrote his name-Buster Jonson.

"Now the golden pound?" Then Buster Jonson looked at Gune.

"Now it belongs to you."


In the afternoon.

It is within a restaurant about 50 meters from the Heimlong Tavern.

For this meal of "Sea Snake Barbecue Rice", Gunie was satisfied.

"This barbecue tastes really good. I won't have such a delicious thing when I go to sea in the future."

"Maybe I can buy more, pack it, and put it into the system space. When it's taken out, it's still hot and fresh."

The time in the system space is in a state of absolute time when it is not opened.

What it looks like when you put it in, and what it looks like when you open it out.

The only time that a slight time flow rate is generated is the short time when the space is opened.

Open the system space frequently, and for a long time, the hot food put into the space will slowly become cold.

The ordinary extraordinary storage equipment does not have such a powerful function as the system space, and the time lapse in these equipment is the same as the outside world.

Afterwards, Gune looked at Martel, who had already started to devour the third sea snake barbecue meal.

"This guy hasn't eaten for half a month? Wouldn't he follow me just to eat a meal!" Gune thought slightly.

Gone was thinking about it, and saw Yassen Howell, who was wearing a sailor jacket and a sailor hat, coming in not far away.

"Here." Gune beckoned.

Yasen walked straight over.

"Have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"Then you order something to eat first, and then talk about things after you have eaten it." Gune said.

Yasen was busy with the Sea Demon Ship these days, and it was obvious that there was news when he came here.

There are many people in this restaurant, and important things are obviously not suitable for discussion here.


"This is Mr. Yasen Howell, the first officer of our Magic Whale Adventure Group."

"This is my newly recruited crew member, Matt Cole."

"Hello, Mr. Yassen Howell." Mattel said quickly after swallowing a large bite of food in his mouth.

"Good noon, Your Excellency Martel Cole." Yasen smiled softly in reply.

"How's the recruitment job?" Yasen then looked at Gune.

"Very good, there are already fifteen crew members and a second mate."

"Second officer?" Yasen's expression moved slightly.

"Yes, a strong fourth-tier mid-term transcendent."

Yasen thought for a while before looking at Gunne.



As soon as he spoke, Gune made a slight hissing gesture, and then glanced at Martel.

At this time, Martel was gorging on sea snake barbecue rice with his head buried.

This young guy is very good, but after all, the time with this Gune is very short, so it is better not to let him know many things.

"I know your worries, I have my own measures." Gune said softly.

"That's good." Yasen nodded slightly.

He had seen Guni's methods and thoughts. If the other party is really a vicious pirate pretending to be a sailor, and wants to eat the magic whale adventure group inside and outside, he is afraid that he will die miserably.

Wait until Yasen has eaten lunch.

Mattel has eaten the sixth sea snake barbecue rice.

The young guy has an amazing appetite.

"Do you have a talent for gluttony?" Looking at Martel who was drinking sweet soup after a meal, Gune asked his doubts.

"Uh... yes." A trace of embarrassment appeared on Mattel's face.

For ordinary transcendents, he does eat too much. But this has been very restrained, he is currently only half full.

In the city before him, he was blacklisted by many buffet shops.

He has been blacklisted by more than five cafeterias only half a month after he came to the port of Harutf.

"Is there any benefit to eating more?" Gune asked curiously.

"The more I eat, the greater my strength. My talent has been in a state of fullness for a long time and can increase my upper limit of strength." Mattel replied.

"It's a pity that my money bag can hardly support my long-term fullness, I..." Mattel stammered down his voice, "I... can eat."

Gune frowned slightly.

"Satisfaction... Raise the upper limit of strength."

"It seems... I found the treasure!"

Afterwards, Gune patted Mattel on the shoulder.

"It is the duty and responsibility of a captain to feed his crew."

"Martel Cole, as the captain, I order you to let your stomach go and eat as much as you want, so that you can be full at all times, and I will pay for the meal."

"Yes! Captain." Mattel was startled, and then nodded seriously, with a smile on his face.

He knew his captain was very rich before, but he didn't expect the captain to be so generous.

"This time, I followed the captain right." Mattel secretly said in his heart.

Others followed the risk and said that it was a polite way of saying to eat a meal.

And he Martel said that it was really true.

Then Gune waved to the waiter.

"Get me a membership card for your store. It's two hundred gold pounds. All rush in."

The female member was stunned.

Two or three silver dragons for three or five people are more than enough for a meal.

Half a silver dragon is enough for one person.

Two hundred gold pounds, that is two thousand silver dragons~lightnovelpub.net~ This may not be enough to eat in one year.

But since the guests want to recharge so much, they naturally have no opinion.

Put the completed membership card into the hands of Martel.

"In our magic whale adventure group, there is no reason to work hungry." Gune said.


Mattel nodded. Mattel was serious about eating.

Soon Gune and Yasen walked outside the store.

Seeing the departing captain and chief mate, Matter was stunned for a while, and then he sniffed hard and poured the pot of sweet soup in front of his mouth with no drop left.

At the same time, in Mattel's mind, there was a word that his grandma used to say in his ear when he was young.

"One day in the future, if someone is willing to take you to fill you up, you must repay them well, because that is a good person."