Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 19: ?Little Pirate King

Inside the dark and quiet chamber.

With the release of more than a dozen secret threads of puppets by Gune, the entire house has been completely isolated from the outside world.

On the small sofa, Yasen and Gune sat opposite.

"How's the news about the Sea Demon Ship?" Gune asked first.

"There are two good news about the Sea Demon Ship."

"I'll talk about the first one."

Yasen pondered for a while, then slowly explained.

"The first is the largest black market in Harutf Seaport, where it is said that a black market resource exchange auction will be opened in half a month."

"If nothing happens, there will be three sea monster ships for auction at that time."

"Among them, there is a sea monster ship about 36 meters, which is in line with our requirements. The only downside is that you know at the auction. The price of the sea monster ship will be caused by auction by round. The price is high."

"Originally, the price was only 130,000 and 140,000, but it may rise to 150,000 or 60,000 or even 178,000."

Having participated in auctions, Gune knew very well that the prices of these sea monster ships would rise exaggeratedly under some strong competition.

"Then the second news about the Sea Demon Ship?"

After pondering for a while, Gune asked again.

"Little Pirate King'Quay Serpent Edward'."

Yasen said softly.

"A member of the pirate king Edward's family?" Gone asked, narrowing his eyes.


Above the vast ocean.

The most powerful pirate king is undoubtedly the five most famous "big pirate kings".

Compared with other little pirate kings, each of these big pirate kings owns more than a dozen large-scale sea magic ships over fifty meters, and they have many powerful soldiers and powerful high-level superpowers.

If the other little pirate kings encountered the steel steam giant, they would definitely take a detour.

And these great pirate kings, if they weren't the kind of steel steam wheel over 100 meters.

They will dive into the water, approach these steamships silently, and then dive out quickly to encircle the giant steel ship.

It is said that many medium-sized steam steel giants have sunk into the seabed in the hands of these big pirate kings.

The official sailors who died in their hands are even more numerous.

The most important thing is that these pirate kings are more or less related to the Cthulhu Church.

At the beginning of the blood sacrifice at Buck Seaport, the Pirate King was involved.

Among the five pirate kings.

The Edward family may not be the most powerful, but they are certainly the oldest.

This pirate family of them is said to have been passed down for more than five hundred years, and the blessing of a certain powerful deep-sea monster flows in their blood.

The Edwardian pirate family has many strongholds on the sea, occupying the most resource islands, and their wealth is even more amazing.

Today, the pirate king Edward family owns the great pirate king "Duke Edward IV".

And his two sons and one daughter, three little pirate kings.

And "Quicked Serpent Edward" is the youngest son of the great pirate king "Duke Edward IV", and it is said that there are a lot of formidable extraordinary high-level powerhouses beside him.

Yasen continued.

"Feathered Serpent Edward has released the news. He wants to shoot a forty-meter-long sea monster ship, which is priced at 160,000 gold pounds, and it is relatively urgent. It seems that there is only a window period of these few days."

"Forty meters and one hundred and sixty thousand gold pounds, the price is quite a bargain." Gune thought slightly and nodded.

"The price is indeed a very good price, but they are pirates, the reliability of this transaction will be greatly reduced." Yasen said.

"Do they desperately want the golden pound?" Gune asked again.

"Yes, they really need resources."

Yasen nodded.

"Duke Edward IV has been at war with another pirate king "Kama" in recent years."

"Fighting is very expensive."

"Equipment, materials, artillery ammunition, massive amounts of potions, after the damage of a good magic ship, a large amount of sea magic ship decks are needed to repair, as well as combat rewards for combatants, etc."

"You have to know that pirates are a group of people who work with money from the world. If you want them to sell your life, you have to give enough money. If you dare to deduct their golden pounds, they will be able to Put the knife in your body."

"Pirates with weak strength may not dare to do this, but they will sneak away in the deep sea without any notice."

"For those transfigured sailors, they can cruise as easily as a fish in the sea."

"So, the wars of pirates have always burned money very, very much, and only in this way can they be able to raise these pirates."

"It is often rumored outside that the Pirate King is very rich."

"The one thing they reversed is that it's not that the Pirate King is rich, but if you are not rich, you can't be a Pirate King at all.

"Not to mention the big pirate kings, just the little pirate kings have three or five sea monster ships, and they have one or two hundred men."

"Just raising these people will cost tens of thousands of pounds a month."

"This is indeed the truth." Gune nodded slightly.

After pondering a little, Gune thought and said.

"We are not too short of gold pounds, and there is no need to take the risk to contact this feathered snake Edward."

If Gouje is already extraordinary Tier 4, or even Tier 5, then Gouje has the confidence to touch this feathered serpent Edward.

If the other party is really willing to sell, Gune can get this sea magic ship at a lower price.

Maybe you can even build a relationship with the other party, and then follow the vine to find members of the Cthulhu Church, and even some strongholds.

And if only the third-order Gune is in contact, the Gune may not take advantage of the conflict.

At this stage, Gune is still a little safer, there is no need to put himself in danger for tens of thousands of gold pounds.

"This...it is true." Yasen nodded slightly. "This group of pirates is really not easy to get along with. In case of conflict, we will suffer."

After Yasen finished speaking, Gune groaned for half a minute.

After that, Gune said in a deliberate manner.

"Can you...can find the trail of this feathered snake Edward? Or are you sure he will appear somewhere?"

"Huh?" Yasen's expression moved, and his deep eyes looked at Gune, "What do you want to do?"

"Not contacting this guy does not mean that we have given up the sea monster ship on this guy. If I know the traces of this guy, I might be able to use a special method to try it out, maybe I will have some gains."

While speaking, Gune looked at Yasen: "Can you get it?"

Yasen frowned slightly, his own captain's ambition was really not so big.

"Are you sure you can escape after the shot? Both of his guards are top Tier 5 transcendents." Yasen did not answer, but asked in a low voice.

Gune shrugged ~lightnovelpub.net~ I can guarantee that the two guards, they can't even find me. "

Gune's words made Yasen feel a little more at ease.

During this period of contact, Yasen knew very well that his Captain Jack would not say such words if he was not completely sure.

"You can get the trail of this guy, but it costs gold pounds."

"How many?"

"Five hundred is not enough, one thousand is safer. After all, it's just a trace, and it's not a big problem."

Gune directly took out two stacks of ten yuan gold pound notes, accumulating two thousand gold pounds.

When it comes time to spend money, Gune is never stingy.

"Two thousand gold pounds, I want to steadily know the trail and whereabouts of this feathered snake Edward."

"No problem." Yasen Howell nodded cautiously.