Tanky Mage System

v3 Chapter 150: ?Quasi-God Master

After the death of the disintegrated God Spirit Gunner of the Fourth Stage God Spirit, his body was quickly gathered into the sea of ​​blood by Gune.

At this time, the other five spiritual powerhouses of the Intermediary Society saw this scene, but they couldn't stop it.

This time, the goddess of Kuni is too capable.

The expressions of several gods grew gloomy.

The head of the evil nightmare spirit even seeped water.

Before they dared to insist, it was because this first-level realm **** had never had a powerful beheading ability.

Suddenly the black one burned fiercely, but after all, it was difficult to make a devastating blow in a short time.

And the rays of light that tore through the space gathered together, and the power of scouring was very powerful, enough to cause enough threats to them.

But the scouring of light is only a fixed area, they can be avoided instantly.

But at this time, as the sea of ​​blood bloomed and the breath of Cthulhu bloomed.

That would be completely different.

Once they are weakened to a certain degree.

Or be seized by the opponent.

This one-level **** can use the blood sea Keksulu breath to suppress it.

Then, under the scouring of the black light, there is basically no life.

Its methods of beheading have risen sharply.

The threat to them has risen completely.

At this time, the evil nightmare gods are already a bit hard to get off.

If they continue to fight, they may have a chance to kill this future quasi-god master.

But there is a high probability that they will die, including himself.

And once they retreat, they can save a few of them.

But it also completely offended this terrible future quasi-god master.

In the future, if the other party retaliates, the life of the congregation between them will definitely be difficult.

Between the lightning and flint, the evil nightmare **** has already made a decision.


Give an order.

The evil nightmare spirit has already taken the lead in retreating.

And the other four gods heard this retreat command, as if they were forgiven.

Immediately everyone was flying back quickly.

With the retreat of several people.

After Gune released several Barlow flames and continued to ignite them, he stopped attacking and did not continue to chase them.

These four realm gods, even if they were seriously injured, it would be difficult for Gune to continue chasing them down.

After all, their speed is much faster than Gune, who wants to catch up, but can't catch up.

After patrolling the surroundings, Gune didn't wait much, his figure flew directly toward the door of the fire, and then quickly disappeared into the depth of the door of the fire.

After entering the Ermos area, after confirming that there were no other gods around, Gune was also slightly relieved.

In the battle just now, Guni's **** crown was also shaken a little.

It takes one or two months to cultivate.

However, the five gods of the other party are even more miserable, and it will take more than ten years to get over.

Even a fall in the realm is possible.

"These guys should be from a certain organization, otherwise so many powerful people will not besiege me at once."

"After I come out of the land of Ermose, I will know the identity of these guys after a little inquiries, and I will retaliate against them at that time."

"After all, I am still in the first stage, and the slashing ability of the Cthulhu books in my hand is not strong enough."

"When I am promoted to the second stage or even the third stage, I can easily destroy the gods of these fourth stage and even the fifth stage."

"Moreover, this time my Cthulhu breath has bloomed. Although it has scared off these people, it has also exposed my Cthulhu breath."

"They will definitely suspect that this is because of the role of the Nakthul tree."

"It's not, but the people outside don't think so."

"I'm afraid, there will only be more powerful people coming to kill me, and then get those mysterious fruits in my hands."

"We need to improve our strength as soon as possible to be able to better deal with these situations."

"First find a place to submerge and restore strength, and then look for the remains of Cthulhu."

"There are a lot of remains of Cthulhu in this land of Ermos."

Afterwards, Gune's tour disappeared in a narrower passage.

The location of the entrance to the Fire Extinguishing Gate.

With this battle over.

Many strong gods also withdrew their eyes.

But they knew that after this battle, the gods of the first realm were probably going to be famous.

The black demon masters the kingdom, it is this guy who needs to hunt down.

And also a quasi-god master.

The two are linked together, and it's hard not to be famous.

"This demi-god powerhouse has not delivered any news that he has a Cthulhu aura before."

"Now I have it."

"This is obviously inseparable from the treasure of Cthulhu in his hand."

At this time, many gods converged with each other and discussed.

"This is the treasure that created the master of the gods."

"It's true. It's enviable that this kid got this chance."

"However, this is not necessarily good news."

"This first-level god, with treasures that can obtain Cthulhu's biological characteristics, will definitely be coveted by many other top-level experts in the fifth-level."

"Even some of the masters of the gods will not let him go, after all, the masters of the gods also want to become stronger."

"I'm afraid, there will be many strong people arriving in the land of Ermose soon, looking for that little guy."

With the discussion of many gods.

Stealing the mighty Cthulhu gem from the Kuni demi-god realm.

Then get the Cthulhu Treasure and contain the Cthulhu Fruit.

At the same time, in the first stage, there are many news about having the terrifying power comparable to the gods' fifth stage.

As soon as this news was passed out, there was a wave of waves in the spirit level of the entire Ermokogu mountain.

Opportunity for the master of the gods.

This is what countless strong people want to obtain.

And that little one-level **** possesses nine such treasures in his hand.

Although I don't know how many of them are used, there must be more.

If you kill it and get the treasure, it is naturally better.

Or use other treasures to redeem such treasures from its hands.

For them, it is an absolute bargain.

After the news was delivered, many powerful gods of the five-layer realm left the area where they were originally stationed one after another and marched towards the land of Ermos.

The opportunity to become the master of the gods bloomed.

Immediately, the undercurrent of the entire Ermokogu sacred mountain was surging.

In past history.

The birth of any master god.

Will cause the **** wind of the entire Ermokogu mountain.

There will even be the masters of the gods who will personally end up and fight.

This time, there were nine treasures that could become the masters of the Cthulhu gods.

Moreover, they are all in the hands of the same person ~ lightnovelpub.net~ even if they are obtained by the master of the gods, it is of great help to them, and can even raise their strength to another level.

As the masters of the gods, there is a big gap in time between each other.

The ability to master less Cthulhu traits and more Cthulhu traits is no less than the difference between the first and second realms.

When the news was passed to the kingdoms of the gods in the three supercontinents of Saint Haijar, as well as the top gods.

These top powerhouses have also begun to take action.

Gune didn't know, his own Cthulhu breath bloomed.

Quietly, a terrifying turbulent wave was brewing throughout Saint Haijar.


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