Tanky Mage System

v3 Chapter 151: © Ermoco shock

The outskirts of Mount Ermogu.

Deep sea glass channel.

This "Deep Sea Glass Passage" is the same as the "Aikma Passage".

It is also a passage to Ermoco.

It's just that the Akma passage is remote, the passage is rugged and long, and it takes a lot of effort to pass.

The deep-sea glaze channel is a convenient channel from the Okamu continent to the sacred mountain of Ermokogu.

The passage is very safe, and the creatures inside have long been cleaned up by the many gods under the control of the twelve gods of Okamu.

And the distance passed is very short.

But this passage is firmly occupied by the kingdom of the gods.

It is impossible for people outside to borrow and pass.

The master **** "Dark Wu" is a powerful master **** who thought to have the dark wings of Cthulhu.

Once a pair of Cthulhu's dark wings bloom, the feathers can easily tear apart the space and enter the alien space to kill the enemy.

In the kingdom of the gods who are in charge of Okamu, they also belong to the upper-middle class powerhouse.

When the dark black was flying forward along the passage.

"Senior Dark Black."

There was a voice behind him.

The dark black turned around and took a look.

A translucent figure appeared directly behind him.

This is an ancient "epic demon lord" and a newly promoted master **** who was promoted three million years ago.

"It's the soul emperor!" Gu Jing Wubo said with a dark black expression.

"Senior Anwu, what are the important things to go to Ancient God Mountain this time?" The Soul Emperor chatted and asked during the flight.

"Go to Ancient God Mountain and just stroll around." Anwu responded casually.

"Is going to the land of Ermos?" The Soul Emperor lowered his voice.

"Haha!" Dim Wu smiled faintly.

"Senior Dark Crow, one Cthulhu fruit can possess the characteristics of a Cthulhu creature? I'm afraid this is not that simple!" Soul King asked.

"It's different now."

Anwu shook his head.

"The great Cthulhu creature has already told us."

"Soon, those terrifying Qiyuan creatures will come."

"Even, within the Ermokogu sacred mountain, Qiyuan creatures have appeared."

"It's just that they are hidden among those Eryuan creatures, making it hard to tell."

"And within Ermoco, you also know that some changes have taken place some time ago."

"No one knows whether that kind of fruit is affected, so that a single fruit can have the characteristics of Cthulhu."

"So, this matter has to be checked carefully before it becomes clear."

"Furthermore, you need to look for it. If you find those Eryuan creatures, it is naturally better. You can study the incredible characteristics of these Eryuan creatures in advance."

"Senior Anwu makes sense."

"I heard that this time, many of the gods from the three continents controlled this entry."

"I'm afraid, a fierce battle is inevitable." The Soul Emperor shook his head slightly.

"I am still a little weaker than the predecessors, so I don't expect any benefit."

An Wu glanced at the Soul Emperor slightly.

Naturally, he didn't believe a word of what he said he was weak.

The soul emperor's methods in the soul are second to none in the entire Saint Haijia.

If you really think that the opponent's promotion to become the master **** is too short, your strength will be weak, I am afraid you will suffer a big loss.

"That kid hides extremely deep, and holds a heavy treasure in his hand, and the land of Ermose, you also know that it is very dangerous."

"Even if we enter it, if we accidentally get trapped, it will take a long time to get out."

"This is indeed."

During the discussion, the two had quickly passed through the deep-sea glaze channel and entered the ancient mountain area.

Then, the two masters of the gods flew straight to the land of Ermos.

at the same time.

The same is true for the passage to the ancient mountain in the "Sacred" continent and the passage to the ancient mountain in the "Zrumo" continent.

Many masters and gods, as well as many "divine generals" powerhouses at the pinnacle of the five levels.

They all entered the sacred mountain of Ermocogu.

God generals, their realm cultivation, profound understanding, transformation of divine power, and spiritual cultivation have reached the peak level.

Once let them get the top treasure that can accommodate and absorb the characteristics of Cthulhu.

They can all have the opportunity to be promoted to the new gods and masters.

Therefore, the treasure that contains the characteristics of Cthulhu is far more attractive to them than to those who control the gods.

Regarding the outside world, the entire Saint-Hygar's many powerful people have entered the "Emmos Land" area of ​​the Ermokogu mountain, and the ancient nirvana is naturally unknown.


Arrangement unconsciously.

A month and a half of time has passed quickly in Gune's meditation.

The land of Ermos is compared to other areas.

Its most distinctive feature is that there is no gravity here.

In a vast area, gravity has completely lost its effect, like a starry sky in the universe.

All plants, even mountains and rocks, are floating.

In the fringe area of ​​Ermos.

Inside a humble floating stone wall.

Here, there are a lot of Ermos vines.

Without the constraints of gravity, these vines grow extremely huge.

It is said that in some mountains, some vines are more than one kilometer in diameter and can reach a million meters in length.

Within this pile of rubble.

Although this "Emmos vine" is not as huge as those top vines.

But there are also 10,000-meter giants with a diameter of more than fifty meters.

Its roots are entrenched on many boulders, imprisoning these boulders in this area.

In many boulder areas, in a small space within a boulder with a diameter of about 100 meters.

Gune opened his eyes slowly.

After browsing in the soul, the crown of the holy god, the ocean of divine power, and the ocean of blood, Gune nodded slightly.

"Already fully recovered."

"It's almost time to go out and find those places of adventure."


Gune's brows narrowed slightly.

"There are so many powerful people in the land of Ermose."

"I have only been cultivating here for about a month and a half, and seven gods have already passed by here and conducted investigations."

"It's fortunate that I have a powerful world, and I am completely integrated into a stone~lightnovelpub.net~ plus the characteristics of Cthulhu creatures that are difficult to detect, so I escaped detection."

"But this also proves that there are indeed a lot of treasures here, otherwise, there would not be so many gods and spirits to investigate."

"However, some of the things I exposed before may also attract the attention of some powerful people."

"It's possible that many strong people are secretly exploring me."

"Now, I'm already in the land of Ermos, and I'm flying everywhere without it."

"Hidden aura, fly slowly, with the blessings of the profound meaning of the world, and the hidden characteristics of my own Cthulhu creatures after the convergence, those extremely powerful fourth-level and fifth-level gods are hard to find me."

"Go to the floating mountains over there first, there are very dangerous areas there, first go and explore, there is a high probability of recovery."


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