Tanky Mage System

v3 Chapter 45: ? "Tough to win"

"Meat-installed Faye will hang up (

"This time, the group of transcendents who came to this trainee arena No. 556 is a bit special."

Nascimento Heli's voice sounded directly in Gune's mind.

"If my guess is correct, it should be a group of geniuses from a certain kingdom of gods who have entered the arena for trials."

"A genius in the kingdom of gods? Arena trial?" Gune's brows moved slightly.

"Around the Floating Sky Continent, there are a large number of gods' kingdoms, and these gods' kingdoms will also cultivate some top-notch geniuses."

"Then send them to the arena for sharpening and fighting."

"These people are very strong, and there are some three-star, four-star top masters, and even five-star masters."

"If you want, I can keep you out of them." Nascimento Hurley said.

"My luck has always been better, and I would like to thank Senior Nascimento Heli for sharing this information." Gune said.

Nascimento Hurley nodded slightly.

Gune turned and entered the preparation lounge.

After entering, Gune's gaze swept across the group of people, and immediately saw more than twenty powerful men with unusually strong auras.

Although these people's rune secrets are well hidden, they can't escape the insight of Gune at such a close distance.

After staring carefully, Gune retracted his gaze.

"These extraordinary geniuses from the kingdom of the gods, their sense of rune profundity are generally three to five times stronger than the rune profundity of others around them, and their strength is indeed quite not weak."

"Although they are strong enough, they can't threaten me."

This time the probationary gladiator, with the arrival of the envoy managers, quickly kicked off.

Gune has also been watching this battle.

After waiting for more than two hours, it was finally time for the battle of Gone to begin.

"Atari, Gune Lawrence, ready to enter."

Gune's gaze quickly passed the exotic wizard who stood up and called Atari.

"Fortunately, it's not that group of people, at least there is no need to reveal any strength."

I have to say that the sorcerer is called a stranger, and his strength is quite strong.

As the prelude to the battle kicked off, Güne fell directly into the disadvantage.

The strange methods of the foreign wizards bloomed in harmony with the profound meaning.

Fighting against Gunje one after another to guard and escape.

On the other hand, Gune started to counterattack gradually while defending and fleeing.

Since Kunie wanted to hide his strength, he naturally needed to act like a bit.

Otherwise, the strength is too strong and the odds will not go up.

After fighting for about five minutes, Gune relied on the mechanical angel armor to "difficultly win".

With the strength of this battle, Gune went from a trainee gladiator to a one-star gladiator.

One and a half hours later.

In a casual private room.

Duorance and Gune met.

"I think it's a pity that you don't become an actor. The weakness of your breath is as real as it is, and your magic spells that are transmitted in a flash are not used. I thought that my 30,000 Holy Source Coins were going to be used. Up."

Duorance looked at Gune and shook his head.

Gune smiled slightly.

"There is no way. I killed that guy with a spell. The odds are definitely very low, and if those gladiatorial agents know about it, they will avoid me. I can't get higher odds."

"Before I said that other people were playing shady scenes, it's not the same here." Duo Lansi said in a bad mood.

"That's different."

The two chatted again and again.


Gone’s gladiatorial medal vibrated.

Just now, when Cunei completed the gladiatorial fight and became a one-star gladiator, Cunei directly applied for a one-star gladiator.

At this time, the sound of vibration came.

Gune also guessed that it was his own angle message that was sent over.

Open it and look at it, as expected.

"Your Excellency Gune Lawrence, after 12 source hours, please arrive at the seventh-tier one-star arena No. 74 to participate in the one-star battle. Your opponent is Arudolf Bart."

"Arudolf Bart?"

Gune looked at the name and his heart moved slightly.

Looking inside the transcendent ring for a while, Gune directly pressed out a crystal ball.

With the injection of Yuanli, a figure emerged.

What caught the eye was the exotic gunman named Arudolf Bart wearing a golden metal armor.

"Why is this guy strong?" Dulansi who was not far away also looked over.

"He is a very strong guy with a solid two-star strength. This guy is also a newcomer to the arena and he has been fighting one after another. I guess his strength is at least close to three-star."

"More importantly, there is a gladiatorial agent behind this guy."

"Then...Is this wrong with your mind?"

"Of course." Gune laughed slightly.

If there is no gladiatorial agent behind the opponent, then there will be no higher odds at all.

No one on both sides pressed! Naturally, the odds will not be too high.

When the agent or their gang keeps pressing one side, naturally Gune's odds will steadily increase.

"Would you like to look at your handicap odds now?" Duolance asked.

"Not in a hurry."

Gune shook his head.

"The many gladiatorial battles of that day can be suppressed before they start."

"Anyway, no one will be optimistic about me, and wait until the end to press, then the odds will be the highest."

"That's true."

"Now, I have about 34,000 Saint Source Coins in my hand. If there is an odds of more than three times, I can earn one hundred thousand Saint Source Coins in one wave."

"And I fought very quickly, and I will only encounter more and more masters."

"Under my hidden strength, it is possible that within a month, I can earn two million Saint Source Coins."

"At that time, at least one world anchor can be purchased."

"As long as there is an anchor of the world in hand, I use the formation of the soul to transmit it back, and drop it into the world origin of the Aoya continent, to complete the stability of the origin, and then directly reduce the extraction of the world origin by one-third. ."

"In this way, time will not be too rushed."

"Original extraction, three to five years will give the Aoya Continent a checkpoint of withering and exhaustion. You must press to death."

"In this way, it can not only contain the strength of those evil gods, but also give me enough time to improve my strength."

"In addition... I also heard that in the arena, there are strange fruits that are not too expensive, which can quickly improve the realm of the extraordinary masters. If the funds are sufficient, you can buy some to speed up my Increase in strength."

After some exchanges with Dolans.

Gune got up and went to his own hidden place ~lightnovelpub.net~the arena of the Kingdom of God.

Inside a wide huge room.

A tall alien man with a heavy spear on his back was using a crystal ball to watch the battle between the two.

Of the two people who were fighting, one of them was Gune.

"Arudolf, how is your opponent this time?"

At this time, there was a sound not far away.

After flipping his hand, Arudolf Bart had already put away the crystal ball, and he didn't even bother to watch it anymore.

"The poor poor rookie actually wanted to hide his strength. Fortunately, a wave broke out and killed the enemy. I can beat ten of these guys." Arudolf Bart said disdainfully.

"Can you look down on people at will! Arudolf."

"Then he has to have that strength."

The two are talking about time.

At the door of the room, an ancestral spirit powerhouse walked in.

"Master Kathuson."

Immediately in this room, dozens of transcendental seventh-order peak transcendents stood up and saluted them.

Kathusen, wearing a gray wizard robe, passed by and turned his eyes on Arudolf.

"Arudolf, the enemy you ranked this time is of average strength, and I also conducted divination deductions just now. Although there was a strong interference in these divination deductions in the arena of the Kingdom of God, they still got good results. ."

"Although you will win, you still have to be careful. This time, you will open the handicap here and there will be a corresponding person to operate it."

"Thank you, Mr. Kathuson," Arudolf said respectfully.

Being able to use him to open the handicap is obviously an affirmation of his strength.

He naturally wants to perform well.