Taoist Doctor

Chapter 74

Zhou Jinyuan is kindly reminded that the students who listened to the audience listened, but they laughed and didn't care. After all, they never heard the legend of the **** chicken and the **** duck.

"They eat their cockroaches!"

"Teacher, it’s not too bad to eat, it’s a pity, but it’s only two hours before lunch time. It’s not particularly embarrassing.”

"Oh, understand, so many people. Of course, only the class can eat, but avoid it? No need."

There are 100 people in the course selection, and Zhou Jinyuan’s class students have no special circumstances and are all ones. Listening to more students, standing outside the door, Zhou Jinyuan found today to give everyone a diet class, do medicated diet, but think about it is not possible for everyone to eat.

The students who took the class had so much burden, the whole network sympathy, and they should take advantage of it. This is even agreed by the audience.

When Zhou Jinyuan saw it, he couldn’t persuade him. "That's alright."

He did not persuade, but there are still people who are squatting:

"How do I remember that someone in the circle of friends has sent it, saying that the homemade Confucius Pillow in Xiaoqinglong Clinic is very unpalatable..."

"Right, isn't that hot selling in every school now? My local roommate bought it for his sister and ate it."

"That big ball... isn't it the teacher's handcuffs! Wow, I know that the miserable or the little dragons are miserable!"

Everyone is studying medicine. Although the big meatballs have not been eaten by themselves, they know that how bad it is to eat after knowing the ingredients. It is not a delicious medicine.

Although Kong Sheng Pillow Zhong Dan is not a medicated diet, but it is so famous, just like everyone at the Xiaoqinglong clinic, it is easy for students to make up their own brains.

Everyone seems to see what the truth is, and they whisper in a strange way. For a time, the darkness of the classroom was surging, and the disciples of Xiaoqing Longban showed their fearful eyes.

I thought the teacher’s conscience found out, I didn’t expect...

Of course, some people immediately think of something else. "Hey, I don't know if the teacher forced me to eat the meatballs in the past, and I want to hear the teacher tell the past."

"What do you say, the more you say the more energetic, not as you say it?" Zhou Jinyuan did not learn anything, but the teacher-style set of words naturally came out.

He didn't know what to say when he looked at the audience. He ordered the last few people who could talk about it. "Some of you, stand up and come to the class! I will give me a hand later!"

"Don't be a teacher, how many people are still penalized..." Hearing and suffering, he stood up and begged for mercy.

"How many people have spoken in class, what did you just talk about?" Zhou Jinyuan said.

The auditor immediately shut up, and was just arranging the teacher's cooking skills... I stood up and stood up. Speaking of it, he and his teacher are almost the same age, and he is trained to obey the post.

"Then we will come to see - who can tell me how to dialect the results of the patient's examination?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

There are still a lot of scholars in Xiaoqinglong class. Someone immediately raised their hand and replied: "Lung spleen!"

"Right. Then continue to talk about food, spleen and qi and lungs, you can use ginseng soup, Schisandra soup, etc., for different focus, you can also do other medicated diets, such as if it is phlegm and bloody, you can also do us Today, I want to demonstrate the grapefruit chicken soup." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Some people immediately squatted down the stage. This Chinese medicine university also has classes such as "medicine diet", or they usually love to study food. They know it. The grapefruit chicken soup tastes bitter!

Sure enough, the devil is still the devil...

"In addition, I also prepared some glutinous rice, this **** juice, beef and glutinous rice, but also to fill the lungs." Beef sweet, can qi and spleen, glutinous rice is also tonic and spleen, **** juice, not to mention, scattered Cold and sputum appetizing. In everyone's mind, this dish is still much more normal than the grapefruit chicken soup.

Zhou Jinyuan knows that the students are complaining that he might be going to do dark medicinal diet. He told the prisoner who was sent to the station to peel off the grapefruit. "Pomelo meat is peeled off a bit, otherwise it is very bitter."

Listening to the darkness of the belly, peeling it off again, how much will bring a little. The white peony, endothelium and seeds of grapefruit are bitter.

More importantly, even if you peel it off, the grapefruit meat is hard to cook...

"The skin is also washed, the skin is planed, and I will make a grapefruit candy." Zhou Jinyuan directed the students to finish the ingredients.

The bovine lungs are cleaned. After dicing, take a sip and go to the blood. Add some glutinous rice together, simmer and cook. Ginger juice is added to the seasoning when it is cooked.

Because of the large number of students, Zhou Jinyuan has cooked a lot, so that it is estimated that one person will be a few.

The raw material of the grapefruit chicken soup is the little hen that Zhou Jinyuan deliberately let Shao Jingjing go to buy. In order to avoid too much oil, I went to a lot of skin and put on the right amount of cooking wine. Washed grapefruit and ginger, onions, candied dates, etc., stuffed into the chicken belly. Add some water and steam it.

While cooking and cooking the chickens, Zhou Jinyuan will take this time and tell everyone about the diet in detail. It is also a classic long-term endorsement. "No matter "Su Wen", "The Yellow Emperor", "Lingshu", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" In the classic works such as "The Golden Chamber", the role of food and diet is mentioned. Many medicines are both medicines and foods. They usually pay attention to diet regulation and prevent diseases..."

He also ordered a few classmates to discuss what kind of food they should eat from their physique. Even if you eat, you should pay attention to the choice of ingredients after dialectical.

"Teacher, what do you usually cook for the assistants? Would you often ask him to go to your house to eat?" asked the student A raising his hand.

Zhou Jinyuan stared at the student A.

At the beginning, the student A smiled and even glanced at it. He found that the assistant was just like he didn’t notice what was going on here. He looked down at his book and screamed in his heart.

However, she was looked at and was restless, "Oh..."

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan slowly said: "So curious, then you stand up, give your assistant a pulse, tell me what kind of constitution he is, what to eat."

Student A: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Come on, I will tell you when you say it."

"..." Student A grieves, "Teacher! I am a foreign language major!"

This time it’s Zhou Jinyuan’s speechlessness: “...? You are from the School of Humanities and Management? What are you doing in my class!”

Student A: "Sense, Interest..."

If I was not Amway, I was interested in your cp for a while, and I wouldn’t come to the Classical Medical Case! When I sit in two classes, I don’t understand it!

Zhou Jinyuan almost suspected that the student had been blind to answering the question until someone gave her a testimony.

"Well, then since you are interested, you can translate this page ppt in your professional language. If the translation is good, I will answer it." Zhou Jinyuan still has not let go of this student.

Student A: "... OK, OK!"

Fight, in order to engage in cp, fight it!

Fortunately, her usual grades are good, and I really know some professional translation vocabulary of Chinese medicine practitioners. I translated the page ppt smoothly.

"It's okay." At this time, Zhou Jinyuan should answer her previous questions, but he once remembered the two problems, and suddenly it was a bit unnatural. He seemed to feel that something was wrong in the subconscious. He fingered the platform and hesitated. Wording.

Instead, she kept concentrating on the book's Rong Xuexue. At this time, she suddenly raised her head and answered for Zhou Jinyuan: "Never do. At home, I have been cooking for Teacher Zhou, he only eats."

Zhou Jinyuan quickly took a look at Rong Xue.

The audience is at a loss.

No, this information is a bit big!

What do you mean at home, do you live together? And you usually go to school every day and go home immediately. Is it rushing to cook? How many little secrets do you have in the end? !

Also, to put it this way, Teacher Zhou does not have any cooking experience. In this case, the pot of chicken soup and glutinous rice... oh...

From the perspective of Zhou Jinyuan, he had to look sideways to see Rong Xuexue. He not only did not turn his head, but also turned his head to the other side, and went to see the screen. "Cough... So know how happy you are?"

Yes, the assistants didn’t give you anything to cook and cook for everyone. The students felt that it was not appropriate to abandon the teacher's dishes before.

In fact, some of my classmates still want to continue to ask questions in detail, but the question seems to be tested, and it is a hesitation. It is in this hesitation that some unusual tastes have already emerged -

It is the fragrance of grapefruit chicken soup, and the sweetness of glutinous rice...

The bitterness of the entrance is not bitter, I don’t know, but this grapefruit chicken soup smells very fragrant, and it is not oily and not greasy. It is not rich, but it is especially hooked.

In particular, this autumn tiger has not left, and the appetite is somewhat affected by the weather. This fragrant but not greasy taste is a big move for the index finger, which is a challenge to human willpower.

At first, if there is nothing like it, only the students who can stand the penalty station can smell it, then the front row, the back row, and the door, all smelled!

Unscientific, Mr. Zhou is not a cook, but also likes to smash dark meatballs? Is this a lack of color and fragrance?


Halfway through the afternoon, someone’s stomach has rang.

Zhou Jinyuan still has to go over, open the lid and pour the **** juice into the glutinous rice. The sweet taste is more intense. It is the sweet smell of glutinous rice. Because of the addition of beef lungs and **** juice, it is special and more Attractive.

Now what Zhou Jinyuan said, basically no one can listen to it, and began to stare at the two pots of food that will be out of the pot.

The students who took the penalty station did not consciously hold their legs, bent over and sniffed closer. The temptation he was exposed to standing next to the food was undoubtedly the biggest, drooling.

And his classmates have already begun to call him: "Old Zhang, you are farther away from my meal!"

"Hey, Lao Zhang didn't choose a class at all, don't smell it, it smells useless."

The students in the penalty station suddenly woke up and turned to look at Zhou Jinyuan. "Teacher... Actually, I... the lungs are not so good, cough..."

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at him with a funny look. "This way, then you can eat some grapefruit skin later."


Zhou Jinyuan opened the cover and looked at the chicken soup again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, a lot of heat and aroma escaped together. There is a lot of stewing for a class, and it has been completely tasted.

It can be seen that the light yellow and fragrant soup is infused with the succulent chicken. The top of the head is just a chicken leg that is half open. The joints are connected with bones and bones, which makes people drool.

Zhou Jinyuan sniffed a bit, and with his movements, he heard the sound of inspiration inside and outside the classroom.


Outside the door, the audience listened to the door frame, and the voice shouted out. The tone was not so bitter and full of desire.

This is also a chicken, but it is very different from Zhou Jinyuan's steamed chicken style that Xiao Qinglong gave to Elena. It is more clear and fresh, but if it is called Shao Jingjing, it is also a fairy!

"I reminded you before, avoiding it." Zhou Jinyuan shook his head. "Or, go to the playground and calm down now?"

"Don't go, don't go!" The classroom refused to go out, and the outside of the classroom didn't want to be far away. It has been fascinated by the **** chicken.

Now I have two words in my mind, I am upset.

——Why can't the hand speed be better at the time, choose Xiaoqinglong class, this is not to pay for the work of listening to students, but you don’t have to eat it!

The classroom is already full of people, and the students outside the classroom are trying to get a little clear, but they are desperately trying to probe inside. They use force probes and look at the probes in front of them, so they can't wait to climb in.

"Glutinous rice can be eaten, chicken soup for another ten minutes, add some salt." Zhou Jinyuan finally put salt, sprinkle the salt and cover it to continue steaming chicken.

The glutinous rice is picked up in a disposable bowl. Zhou Jinyuan screamed a name, and when he got the name, he flew up to take his bowl.

That is the moment, the shackles of the students have reached the peak...

I can only watch the people of Xiaoqing Longban, sip a bite, bite a glutinous rice with a bright, moist, soft and sweet taste. The sticky taste is just right, and it is especially layered. The glutinous rice is full of flavor.

Ginger juice is the last to be poured in, the amount is moderate, so there is more looming taste, but let the taste more delicious appetizer. I don’t know how to deal with the bovine lungs, there is no smell, and the taste is smooth and crisp.

It is a pity that one person will eat a few mouthfuls, but it is better to eat a few mouthfuls.

"The bedroom is long, you must take a bite!" There is no shortage of companions, but only one person chooses to go to class, this becomes the touchstone of friendship. "Remember the night we spent together?"

"Is it still not my good friend? Is it because I teach you to go over the wall to find food?"

Zhou Jinyuan began to slap his chicken soup. Everyone has rice. This chicken is definitely not enough for a hundred people to eat. He came up with an idea to divide the chicken into 15 portions and add a little soup.

"The students who have had excellent answers in the previous classes have a piece of meat. You can also divide ten soups. I will ask a few questions and answer them first-come, first-served."

In a few words, more people regret it. Why aren’t the first few lessons more positive?

At the same time, I also aimed at the next question, um, first answer first -

The worst is the one who listened to the penalty station. He was the closest to the pot bowl and couldn’t eat it. He could only watch Zhou Jinyuan’s food. At this time, he sighed and asked: “Teacher, we still have no chance, if we answer If you give me a chance, it’s also a human being!!"

"Sorry, you haven't chosen my class after all." Zhou Jinyuan said in a word that their tears came out quickly.

After the fifteen lucky students got the chicken, they stood in front and ate. Also said that grapefruit chicken soup is bitter? Not at all suffering!

The fragrance is tempting, the wine is not greasy, I don't know if it is the role, but it is also very appetizing. It is obviously not enough to eat, but the appetite is wide open. I have a classmate who shed tears: "The teacher I was wrong, I used to think that I was Bupleurum physique, I was originally a citron chicken soup physique!"

Listening to the students directly to the table, leaving to see is torture, to go out and reluctant, resulting in distorted expression, eyes staring green on the head.

"Please listen to the question below..."

"Mr. Zhou. What is this doing?" Someone tried hard to squeeze into the classroom, but those who were eager to listen to the students, blocked the layers and did not let them go.

When his shoes were squeezed out and planted, everyone discovered that the guy who was squeezing inside was a president.

"I have heard the embarrassment when I am old. I just went downstairs and the classmates on the top also smelled it. I still complained about whether the canteen is in the soup, how is the fragrance floating ten miles." President Luo said with a smile, "It turned out to be you." Yeah."

"Yes, do some medicated diet for the students to eat." Zhou Jinyuan said, "Dr. Luo wants to drink a bowl..."

He hasn't greeted him yet, and the students are anxious to make a strange voice, "噗行-no-"

Especially listening to students, especially angry and angry said: "Ronal Principal did not choose a class!!"

"........." President Luo was shocked and took two steps. "I don't eat, don't be excited!"

He swallowed his mouth, and the fragrance was very fragrant, but the students who were green-eyed were terrible. He went to the cafeteria.

At this moment, everyone still doesn't know that there is already a picture in the circle of friends at the same time:

[What is the situation, the German industry building is a big shock. The zombies? ? Will also bark]

The picture shows the ladder outside the classroom. A group of people listen to the layers of the students. The claws are squeezing inside, the head is lifted, the eyes are green, and the mouth is big. It is really like a zombie...

[? ? Chinese medicine big shocked zombie class]

[Scare, what are they doing, can you pay attention to expression management 233333]

[...This is not the classroom for Xiaoqinglong class to start classes?]


After eating the meat and drinking the soup, Zhou Jinyuan began to teach you detailed steps, including how to make the grapefruit chicken soup fragrant but not bitter, how much appetizing and delicious the glutinous rice **** juice.

Seeing Xiaoqinglong class turned into a new x-party cooking training class, Zhou Jinyuan said: "I think this class is still very interesting, and I will join my teaching plan later."

Everyone: "..."

So, when you listen to the abuse of life, you have to change the fixed process.

This also led to the fact that after the gods were widely known, those who went out from the Xiaoqinglong class, who mentioned that they had attended Zhou Jinyuan’s class, would be asked a question of 80% chance, not “you will be some kind of classical "Acupuncture?" is not "Would you like to draw a character", but instead:

"Will you be a **** chicken?"

"Teacher, you are very interesting. Have you thought about our feelings? Learn to eat on an empty stomach."

"Hahaha, there is no way to do this. You can't do that much. You can go back and experiment a few times and you will get the same taste." Zhou Jinyuan also watched the class soon. "Today, I will talk about the rest of the grapefruit skin. It takes a long time to soak the sugar, and it can't be eaten in class."

"I have to take it home to do it." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the grapefruit skin and turned to Rong Xuexue. During the period, Ai Ai asked, "...Do you eat sugar?"

Rong Xuexue is packing things up and seeing him. Zhou Jinyuan asked this because Rong Xixue was quite fond of eating when he was a child. It has not been eaten for a long time. However, Zhou Jinyuan said in class that he was slightly suspected of collapsing the image of Rong Xue.

The two of them talked with their eyes.

Rong Xixue hasn't said anything yet. There is already a student at the stage who says: "Eat! Ah, I am sweet!"

Yes, the teacher and the teaching assistant are very sweet!

Zhou Jinyuan was shocked: "??"

Was it driven by him crazy, eating hair, sugar is not doing well.

The author has something to say: Zombie: I am hungry! ! ! ! 2k novel reading network