Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 1103: Sheng Rui wants to build a company in Yu

Chapter 1103 Shengrui wants to build a company in Yushan Village

“You don’t need to build a factory in the village, just the back mountain over there. We see that there seems to be a factory over there. The place is good. We can find a place nearby to build a factory. Our Shengrui Group is willing to donate 5 million to the village. Every year, each household can share five yuan for land occupation fees and pollution compensation fees, and workers are also treated very well..."

"You are here for Super Spirit Spring, right?"

The old village chief understood him, and interrupted Lin Sen.

Super Spirit Spring, but the root of Yushan Village, even in all provinces, there are people staring at it.

Lin Sen was taken aback and looked at the old village chief in surprise. This old man actually knew? Could it be said that everyone in this village knows it?

This is not a secret? Did they guess wrong?

"The old secretary knows?"

Lin Sen and Zhang Wenqing looked at each other, feeling bad.

"Can I not know what's going on in this village? Let alone me, the whole village knows that I won't collect your money."

The old village chief directly rejected the idea of ​​using Super Spirit Spring, which is tantamount to touching the foundation of Yushan Village.


The old village chief has seen tens of millions of people coming in and out and handing them out. Will they shake the foundation of Yushan Village for this little money?

These are outsiders!

"Old secretary, as far as I know, the mineral water factory in the village is now private, right? The money is not divided among everyone, right? The profit is occupied by one person, how can this work? Let's put it this way, I am willing Give 10 million to your village. How can you divide the old secretary at will, give it to the village 1 million or 2 million, or give it all, you have the final say, there are only 300 households in the village, and a family can divide tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, I will work in my factory in the future with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan. This is the salary of some first-tier city workers. It can also bring development to your village. It will be of great benefit to your town and county!"

Lin Sen doubled directly, very decisively.

10 million is a lot.

The current chairman of the group is not like those in the TV series, waving a long string of numbers at all times. That is bragging. It is estimated that the money of the Tiandi Bank can be played like this.

"Old secretary, although the situation in your village is developing well now, it seems that every household owes money to the bank, right? Pork prices are beginning to decline. The cost of raising pigs last year was very high, right? Clearly, maybe this money is life-saving money. Of course, the old secretary, think about it, if you work in our Shengrui Group company, you will have five insurances and one housing fund, year-end bonuses and benefits, plus salary, you can earn 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a year. A dollar, two people are worth hundreds of thousands."

Zhang Wenqing also tried to tell the old village chief about the current situation.

Mutant biological genes seem to really exist!

He just thought about it carefully. These mutant biological genes seem to make animals powerful and smart, but they are extremely obedient and seem to be harmless!

If this is really studied by them, they will make a sensation in the world!

At that time, it will bring endless wealth!

The old village chief put down the pipe in his hand and shook his head and said: "This is not good, you don't need to say, let's go back, it's getting late, our village guest house has not been built, and there is no hotel in the village."

"The problem of accommodation is not urgent."

Lin Sen whispered: "No matter how much benefit Jiang Xiaoye gives you, we will give you double. We will go to say hello to the county. Then you will be responsible for it, so that you will not offend people. The arrangement has nothing to do with you!"

"what does it mean?"

The old village chief glared, patted the table and stood up: "Get out and get out, what is it? How much benefit does it give me? I admit that on weekdays I smoke the cigarettes and tea given by Xiaoye, but that is because the juniors are filial to the elders. , What do you mean? Get out!"

Incorruptible wanted to help the old village chief in the village all his life, so he patted the table and cursed.

This is simply to discredit him!

"We will give you 3 million privately, and 10 million in the village as usual. How do you divide you!" After all, Lin Sen is the president of the First Pharmaceutical Group. He was scolded after coming here for a long time, and he was full of anger.

"Who cares about your stinky money? Get out!" The old village chief patted the table, and Lingling quickly got up and took a look.

"Jiang Xiaoye called your second grandfather, right? For your own benefit, have you asked the villagers in the whole village? I think I can talk to the villagers in your village, and your county and even the mayor!"

Lin Sen tidied his suit, with a hint of coldness on his face.

There must be something tricky in it. If you are scared, you may succeed.

"Get out, get out quickly, you are looking for the province, I also said this!"

The old village chief was angry.

Others are sophisticated and know what Lin Sen means.

It's just that he is not afraid of the shadow leaning.

"Why are you shouting? What's wrong, yo, girl, so pretty?"

Zhao Wuliu went to pull the ginseng, heard the call here, brought the yellow dog over to take a look, and lay on the window and glanced at Qin Shumei, a loud rogue whistle.

The yellow dog following him was anxious and suddenly stretched his head to look at it, obviously wondering who Zhao Wuliu was talking to.

"Zhao Wuliu, chase people away!"

The old village chief waved at Zhao Wuliuyi.

"Look at you, old man, why are you so irritable? You think I am so obedient as Xiaohei? Is there a beautiful girl, girl, do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to be a junior? I am Zhao Wuliu, a rich thief , There is a foreign wife to marry!"

Zhao Wuliu took care of his cool score.

Zhang Wenqing's face was green.

Zhao Wuliu wanted to say something. Suddenly he felt a chill behind his back, and the yellow dog under his feet was hiding under his legs. He immediately understood. He quickly flicked his pocket and took out several hundred dollars and turned his head: "Hei, here comes. Ah, buy meat and eat it, it will close soon after dark!"


Xiao Hei was snarling his teeth and preparing for a sneak attack, this guy whispered ill of himself secretly!

In the end, this scene was a little overwhelming. It stared at Zhao Wuliu. What is this regulation?

Xiao Hui ran over, stretched out his head and took away the money, and ran directly towards Xiaoyang Village. Xiao Hui is now very skilled in the business of buying trotters.


Turtle, count you acquaintance!

Xiao Hei took a look, and immediately went after Xiao Hui.

"Damn, fortunately I am witty, I found the weakness of this product, but the loss is a bit big!"

Zhao Wuliu feels sorry for his money, but he can't beat this dog!

Seeing the yellow dog cautiously, Zhao Wuliu slapped it angrily and said, "Why are you so stupid? You can't even beat Xiao Hei."

The yellow dog wagged his tail quickly and called to Zhao Wuliu.

You can't beat it either!

"Zhao Wuliu! Come and chase people!" The old village chief began to shout again.