Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 1517: Real estate owners panic

"Such a beautiful place can only be suitable for the elderly, but there is one question. This is the center of the Taklimakan Desert. What is the temperature? Is there any danger? Is it convenient to buy things? Is there an airport? All these need to be considered."

"Make one!"


Only 30,000, this is far from enough, 300,000 is not enough, but if there are 300,000, the national housing prices will be affected, if there are 3 million forest tree houses, the national housing prices will plummet, if there are 30 million ...

China’s housing prices have collapsed!

Jiang Xiaoye next broadcasted a live broadcast for everyone, with endless deserts full of tender waters. This area is already a precursor to a grassland!

This is the center of Taklimakan, here, like a miracle!

Everyone watching the live broadcast felt incredible.

Jiang Xiaoye checked the time, and it was almost time.

"Okay! Here are a few things to announce. This is related to our entire China. Because the desert greening problem has already been solved, the State and the World Walk Charity Foundation has now decided to green the desert, starting with the Taklimakan Desert, but The funds that need to be spent are huge. If you have the conditions and want to support, you can make donations to the World Walking Charity Foundation. Every amount of your money will be checked from the World Walking Charity Foundation just like express delivery. The donation amount is large. The green area will be named after you, or you will name it yourself. If the green area is not destroyed, it will never be renamed. Here, on behalf of the Wanwu Group, I donate 30 million yuan to the World Walk Charity Foundation for national desert greening."

What Jiang Xiaoye hopes now is for the whole people to work together instead of relying solely on the country. Only when everyone works hard will they be cherished.

It's too simple to make people careless.

"This is just a kind of love. Don't let this love affect everyone's normal life. I hope that donations will do what we can, because behind you, there are countries and major patriotic companies behind. This is the first thing. Here I assure you that within one year, the Taklimakan Desert, the largest desert in China, with a length of 1,000 kilometers and an area of ​​330,000 square kilometers, will turn into an oasis, the largest desert in the world today. oasis!"

In one year, the country’s largest Taklimakan Desert was greened, with an average of nearly 30,000 square kilometers a month greening. This is a huge amount of work, and people all over the country know.

But Jiang Xiaoye is really sure that with split greening, one area will be greened out of one area, so that the green area can be reduced by half. One year is enough.

After watching the live broadcast, people all over the world who watched the live broadcast were shocked. Many people who followed the broadcast expressed disbelief and bragging.

Jiang Xiaoye did not explain any more, and continued: "The first thing that I just said, the second thing is the greening of the desert this time. One hundred thousand people will come to the desert for greening, ten hours a day. Work, I believe that with everyone’s hard work, one year is enough. As long as the Taklimakan desert is greened, there will be no desert in China that can stop us. In fact, what we need to consider now is where to stay. Some deserts are used as tourist attractions, lest the deserts become extinct in China. It will be no good to excavate and build deserts when you want them."

One hundred thousand people were the one hundred thousand felons that Jiang Xiaoye wanted. He estimated that there were only so many felons in China, and all of them were sent to the Taklimakan Desert to plant trees. There was no problem at all.

What is the concept of 100,000 people?

How many sand control talents are there in China? There are 100,000 people who are willing to do more than ten hours of greening work every day. This is simply terrible!

In the Taklimakan Desert, working hard every day makes many people think of selfless soldiers.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that what they wanted to contribute to mankind this time was a repeat offender...

Those who are to be executed, or life imprisonment, felons with decades of imprisonment.

"I rely on, awesome, dig and build deserts, swell!"

"Are you volunteers? Too hard for them, right? How many years have been a person's lifetime of youth? In one year, all of them were thrown into the desert to plant trees?"

"People admire, I am willing to donate some money as support!"

"Hundred thousand people are not private, why do we not support it!"

"It's probably Bing brothers again. It's too hard. Unfortunately, I'm not up to age."

"Do you still need volunteers? I am willing to go to help free for a month, and it doesn't matter if I get a tan!"

"It's big summer, I hope they won't have heatstroke. In the center of the Taklimakan Desert, I heard that the high temperature can reach more than 60 degrees. How can this person stand it?"

"With awe!"

"Thank you!"

"The World Walk Charity Foundation is amazing. I have never donated money. I donated this time, not for anyone, but for the whole people!"

"Come on!"


Jiang Xiaoye wanted to explain what he saw, and wanted to tell everyone that those who came here desperately planted trees would be the felons of the troubled society, but now it seems that it is better not to let the people know, and I don’t know if Jiang Wu wants to. Let it be revealed.

Not to mention, let everyone be in awe!

Anyway, planting trees to green the desert is a good thing!

"What I just said is the second thing. The following is also a good thing. Today is the first day of Yushan Village Super College freshmen registration. However, there are only a few hundred students in the villages surrounding Yushan Village. In the hospital, or among the domestic orphans, choose a quota of 10,000 people. These people can enter the super academy for free study. Here we will arrange a dormitory for you, and a small amount of living expenses will be given every month. Food, drink and clothing are all free This is only the first batch to cultivate talents in all fields, and enrollment will continue to be expanded in the future. All expenses will be paid by the State and the World Travel Charity Foundation. Talented and smart orphans, here, you will get the best training."

Super Academy, it's time to show off!

The first thing you need is students, who have already batched talents.

It is these orphans who have no one to take care of them that can relieve the pressure of the society and cultivate talents, and give them a brand-new family so that they can be independently called the pillars of the country!

The topic of desert greening of 100,000 people just now has not ended. Jiang Xiaoye's current remarks have once again detonated the live broadcast room, and 666 frantically swept the screen.