Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 1822: The development of a can

Chapter 1822: Development Brought by a Can

Jiang Xiaoye did not ride his Phoenix bicycle, which was also a treasure of the family, and no one moved in the house.

High in the sky, Jiang Xiaoye walked on the eagle, and the golden eagle, which obtained the power of the mountain **** and the power of the common people, was fast. Jiang Xiaoye did not bring much burden to it, and the speed was faster.

After finishing the canned food and going to Zhongjing to solve Su Tianlan's troubles, he will return to Yushan Village.

Time is pressing and Jiang Xiaoye doesn't know if time is too late. It is very important to show the super carrier to the whole country.

In Ganshan County, Liu Jun is looking at the report.

"The county chief, Jiang Xiaoye from Lugu Village is here." The secretary knocked on the door and entered.

"Oh, please, please, no, I'll pick it up." Liu Jun was overjoyed when he heard it, and quickly got up with the file in his hand.

"The county magistrate, you are too polite, this time I'm here to trouble you."

Jiang Xiaoye came in, with a golden eagle with white dots standing on his shoulder. He looked very beautiful, with sharp eyes looking around, not scared at all.

"Haha, classmate Jiang, hurry up, sit down and pour classmate Jiang a glass of water."

The conditions in the county are relatively rudimentary. After all, this is pretty good in this era.

The secretary went to pour water immediately.

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, isn't Zhongjing Glass Factory in our county? I heard that they have a batch of unqualified glass jars to deal with. The fruits are not selling well this year. I want to buy these glass cans and go back to sell canned yellow peaches. , I can’t let them sell waste products, but I don’t have any contacts over there, so I want to trouble the Chief Liu."

I don't know, I went, it takes time, and it may be useless, but it's different when Liu Jun comes forward.

"Canned jars? Because of raw material problems, there are many unqualified products at Zhongjing Glass Factory. People who place orders are naturally unwilling. I have asked the county for help and experts. Are you in a hurry? , What is needed, we said in the car!"

Liu Jun was immediately more enthusiastic than Jiang Xiaoye, because Zhongjing Glass Factory might go bankrupt if it goes on like this, which will definitely affect Ganshan County that wants to develop.

But Jiang Xiaoye needed less, and he certainly couldn't help.

The old Santana, the secretary is a driver, Jiang Xiaoye and Liu Jun are sitting behind.

"Zhongjing Glass Factory is difficult to mix now, the product quality can't keep up, and the experts we ask for are worse than others. A large factory is going to be finished like this. There are only these factories in our county, hey."

Liu Jun sighed.

Jiang Xiaoye's thoughts changed sharply when he heard this, and he smiled and said, "Glass, I have the top glass technology. What kind of experts should I hire? I will give a way for all the villages and towns in our county to make money together. Would you like to listen? "

Jiang Xiaoye has too much money-making experience, glass? The current glass technology is not crushing this era casually?

The secretary's car skills are really hard to describe, but there are too few drivers at this time.

After being bumped a few times, Liu Jun couldn't take care of it anymore. He was surprised: "Comrade Jiang, do you have the top glass technology? What method of making money? Can you tell me?"

Directly from classmates to comrades.

"Glass technology is available. We have studied the most advanced glass technology in China and improved it. The formula is in my hands. In fact, there is not much difference, but the cost, the absolute quality, and the way to make money, I will test it first and wait until it is effective. How, if you think it is feasible, you can try it together in all villages and towns. Not only can it solve the problem of unsalable fruits and the fruit farmers can’t afford to eat, but it can also drive economic development. The most important thing is that it may drive the entire city. The follow-up will depend on your strength. In the current era, it is important to dare to think and do. As long as the core is to make the people rich, to develop quickly, and to be at the forefront correctly, even if you commit a crime, it will not be a problem."

From canning to changing the development of the entire county and even the city, Jiang Xiaoye has such confidence.

The unsalable fruit has become a big boost.

Liu Jun's mind turned sharply and began to analyze.

"If it can lead the province and the country to solve this major problem, the unsalable fruits of fruit growers can be sold, and the problem of making money for many people has been solved. Although they cannot be rich, the problem of food and clothing this year will be enough to solve. At the same time, if the country can export , Then it will bring a lot of benefits to the country. At that time, Ganshan County will become the country's benchmark county. You can do whatever you want, then you can do it boldly. The opportunity is rare."

Jiang Xiaoye began to draw pie for Liu Jun. This is very difficult, but once it has a chain reaction?

Domestic glass factories will rise, there will be more canning factories, and the employment of workers will also increase. Fruit growers and farmers will be able to make money, and the price of unsalable fruits will rise. If the country seizes the opportunity, it will directly start exporting... …

A canned food can drive the development of the country. This is also one of Jiang Xiaoye's ways to make money. Of course, the right time and place are indispensable, and opportunities are the most important.

Liu Jun's whole body began to be confused, and the secretary who was driving was sweating on his forehead.

However, it seems to make sense!

"Are you sure?" Liu Jun's heart trembled.

"The production of canned food in the village will inevitably be very successful. There is no need to think about it. It will make money. If it is implemented in the county, then the glass factory will recover and make money. At least this can be guaranteed. The city, the province, and even the country. If you lead, I'm a small person, so I won't mix things up."

Given him a position of power in the city, he can quickly mobilize the country.

It's not an exaggeration.

"Hurry up!"

"Good county magistrate!"

The secretary accelerated the car.

"The implementation of Baotian in Huxian County has already begun, but we have chosen ten villages for the experiment. We can't take any risks, but the results can already be seen."

"These are not important, as long as someone takes the lead, it will be feasible, and the canned food is the top priority."

A big contract is bound to succeed, Jiang Xiaoye has nothing to say about this, as long as he does it, there is no problem.

Zhongjing Glass Factory, knowing that the county magistrate is coming, a group of leaders pulled the banners and beat the drums to welcome them here.

"A little ceremonial." Jiang Xiaoye waited until the secretary opened the door and got out of the car.

Familiar welcome ceremony, this era is full of breath.

A group of leaders saw Liu Jun come down first, and then greeted Jiang Xiaoye next. A group of people looked at each other, where did the big people come from?

Actually want the county magistrate to welcome?

The factory director immediately took people over and said enthusiastically: "Welcome the county magistrate to visit our Zhongjing Glass Factory, welcome, welcome, welcome this little comrade, welcome!"

There was a round of applause.

There was a sound of an eagle in the sky, and a golden eagle fell down. Jiang Xiaoye stretched out his arm, the eagle and a harrier turned over, landed firmly on the arm, and began to comb his feathers.

"Lao Tan, you are welcome. I brought someone who can save your glass factory today. This is Comrade Jiang Xiaoye. He has the top glass making technology and is a college student from Lugu Village!"

With a word from Liu Jun, Jiang Xiaoye's status was fixed.

Jiang Xiaoye felt a scorching gaze.

Don't doubt it?

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and muttered in his heart.