Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2276: Treasure: Mechanical Worm

"Now that the production line is not installed, can they be produced?" Jiang Xiaoye naturally agreed, but he now wants to solve the problem of the game helmet production line first.

"Master, an ordinary mechanical tribe has thousands of mechanical arms, and hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands of mechanical insects are ancestral. These things can be separated from the mechanical tribe. Master, I have a detailed copy of the mechanical tribe to send. It's on your phone."

The phone rang, and a folder came.

After Jiang Xiaoye opened it, the amount of information was huge. After a few minutes, Jiang Xiaoye was shocked. This machine clan is a treasure. Every machine clan is a treasure, and to him, it is an extremely precious treasure!

Mechanical insect, mechanical arm, mechanical heart! Ordinary mechanical clan has one mechanical heart, thousands of mechanical arms, and about 150,000 mechanical insects. Mechanical insects are similar to the mechanical part of the mechanical clan and can be separated and recovered.

And the mechanical arm can be transformed into a weapon, into a building, into a robot, etc., all kinds of functions can be displayed!

The heart of machinery is the heart of energy, and the heart of machinery is not destroyed. Even if the mechanical arm of the mechanical bug is mostly destroyed, it can be repaired slowly by the energy of the heart of machinery.

Build a production line out of thin air?

"Xiao Ye, what's the matter?" Xu Zhengqun couldn't help asking after watching Jiang Xiaoye staring at the phone with a surprised expression for several minutes.

Xu Yanan was also curious.

"It's okay. Mr. Nao sent me some information. By the way, Uncle Xu, let all the people in the factory leave the factory." Jiang Xiaoye's eyes brightened. If there is a machine clan, there is no need for a production line, only Cerebral can give them. Provide information and they can produce their own production lines!

"Are all the people in the factory leaving? Installers and technicians, as well as workers?" Xu Zhengqun was surprised and stopped installing?

"Yes, no matter who it is, let them leave first."

Jiang Xiaoye was already looking forward to it.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Xu Zhengqun nodded, and immediately waved to several leaders who followed far away.

"Chairman, Mr. Xu, Miss Xu!"

The two persons in charge of the West Coast factory rushed over.

"Lao Gao, let all personnel in the West Coast factory evacuate, and we will begin to evacuate now." One of the responsible persons was sent by Xu Zhengqun himself, and he knew it naturally.

"Huh?" Old Gao was stunned and said: "Evacuate all?"

what happened? This overtime work to catch up with the project, there is not much time to eat, how can all these people be evacuated suddenly?

"Yes, all evacuate, and tell the workers and technicians, take a break today, go back and have a good rest." Jiang Xiaoye walked over and said, "Anyone, including you, is now withdrawing from the factory. There is no need to leave a person behind. , Someone I'm looking for will come and take over soon."

Lao Gao and the other person in charge still couldn't react a little bit. After seeing Xu Zhengqun's gaze, they quickly said: "Good chairman, we will deal with it right away!"

The two left in a hurry.

Soon, everyone’s walkie-talkie here rang out the leaders’ shouts, whether it was busy decoration workers, workers installing the production line, or technicians, even security guards, and their leaders’ voices rang from the walkie-talkies. .

"What's the matter? Isn't time running out?"

"It should be the chairman who came to know that we have been working overtime for many days. Let us rest."

"Yes, our chairman doesn't care about progress, he cares more about us working people."

"Great, you can go back to sleep!"

"so sleepy!"

The workers and technicians started to automatically make up for their brains. Jiang Xiaoye's arrival made them feel this is not surprising. After all, Jiang Xiaoye's reputation is too good. Knowing that they don't have enough rest, they are definitely not willing.

Soon everyone began to evacuate.

"Why let everyone go? Who will take over?" Xu Yanan couldn't understand.

"Intelligent brains and mechanical creatures will take over." Jiang Xiaoye waited until there was no one in the factory where they were, and pointed to the front.

There was a clearing ahead, Xu Zhengqun and Xu Yanan both looked over, but they could not see clearly.

When Xu Zhengqun wanted to ask, a huge shadow appeared, illusory, and gradually materialized. Soon, a mechanical monster like a giant jellyfish appeared in front of them.

"What's this?" Xu Yanan took two steps back in fright, hiding behind Jiang Xiaoye, her face pale.


Xu Zhengqun guessed, but now this technology doesn't seem to reach this level of robot, right?

He remembered Jiang Xiaoye's words, intellectual brain and mechanical creatures will take over, mechanical creatures?

The console lights up, and at the same time, the mechanical monster also lights up, the brain is connected, and the mechanical heart is quickly integrated.

"Crack, click, click!"

A series of mechanical sounds sounded, and the mechanical arms turned into one-meter-high robots. At the same time, the huge body began to quickly decompose, and the thumb-sized mechanical insects quickly dispersed.

Soon, half of the factory was covered.

Xu Yanan, who was a little intensive phobia, turned her face into a pale with fright.

The disassembly, reorganization, and reorganization of the mechanical insects are a new production line that is gradually taking shape, and it is constantly deforming, as if it is undergoing the most perfect change.

The console, the screen lights up.

"Master, it has been successfully formed!" Mr. Nao's voice sounded.

Jiang Xiaoye said with satisfaction: "Very good. A mechanical creature covers half of a medium-sized factory. Inform Odin to continue."

Soon, another mechanical creature appeared.

As long as it is a factory where people are evacuated, mechanical organisms will soon appear after there are no people, and then the entire factory will undergo tremendous changes.

Sophisticated production equipment, rows of small robots, and the mechanical creatures seem to have been shrunk dozens of times. These small robots are connected to the mechanical creatures with a light blue electric light.

"This, what is this?" Xu Zhengqun gaped at the sight.

"Isn't it the alien creature Xiao Ye said?" Xu Yanan was also stunned. The factory has become extremely high-end in a short time, and all the production equipment appears to be very sophisticated and high-end!

"This is a mechanical creature, controlled by Mr. Brain. I'll tell you later when I look back. It seems that this building needs to be remodeled."

The buildings on the west coast have many windows and even many unopened monitors. These things will not be needed here in the future.

This place will be one of Jiang Xiaoye's secret bases in the future.

Of course, it is the smallest.

The largest production base will be in the Taklimakan Desert. During this time, game helmets are produced, but when there are enough game helmets, he will consider continuing to produce other things.