Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2279: Prosperous Shang Lugu Village

Jiang Xiaoye's words made everyone in the queue happy. Many people were hungry, and they couldn't help smelling the smell of food coming out of here.

There is something to eat, and it's yellow noodle buns. Who wouldn't want to wait?

Soon, the order here stabilized.

"Because of the large number of people, so now I decided to add another distribution point, right next to it, so that everyone can receive eggs and rice as soon as possible, but now everyone stays still, wait a while, naturally someone will give it to you Re-dividing the team will allow you to receive food faster!"

He originally divided two points, but now he only opened one point. It is estimated that Wang Niansheng was afraid that the village would not have enough food to distribute.


Jiang Xiaoye went to the granary, and the expanded granary was full of grain again. At the same time, he went to the wine cellar again and put enough rice in the wine cellar.

Divide, for him, it's a drop in the bucket!

The black and gold patterned tiger wagged its tail like a puppy behind him, and only after getting some imperial power did he go back to practice happily.

Liu Jun looked for Jiang Xiaoye everywhere, but couldn't find it. When he found it, Jiang Xiaoye and Su Can led a new distribution point.

"Distribute separately. You can call out the people and arrange them here, like the second, fourth, sixth, eighth and so on. If you meet a family in line, you can choose the next family On the other hand, don’t cross too much, Su Can, you personally take responsibility for this matter!"


"Sister, you bring people to steam the whole grain buns. All the people in the village who can steam the buns use them. Then find some people to boil hot water and send them some water at that time. Forget it, don’t boil hot water and make rice porridge. Well, the disposable paper cups I told you before, everyone fills up a cup, and then find more people to share, Su Yu, then you will bring someone to accompany my eldest sister to decimate rice porridge."

Jiang Xiaoye quickly arranged that as long as there was food, it was impossible for these people to make trouble.

Liu Jun ran, and dozens of others followed. They seemed to be the leading cadres of the major teams and even other communes. After seeing Jiang Xiaoye, many people started talking in low voices.

"This baby is Secretary Xiao Ye?"

"No, it's really small!"

"The big leaders have said that, this Secretary Xiao Ye, a natural peasant leader, really is so!"

"Major Liu!"

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and said, "I went out to buy eggs and rice. After I came back, I discovered that this happened. I was negligent."

"I said why I didn't see you, Xiao Ye, you have the courage to directly send porridge and buns. I thought about it before, but there are too many people and I dare not give you the shot."

Liu Jun smiled, and also let go of his guts, he was frightened since last night.

The reporter ran to take a photo, Jiang Xiaoye smiled and said: "Little girl, take my Polaroid to take a photo, and the photo will be given to the reporters at that time."

The cameras of these reporters are blurry, what can they take.

The little girl who just ran over ran towards the house again, and she was very happy to see Jiang Xiaoye coming back.

"These are?" Jiang Xiaoye motioned to this group of cadres.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Let them introduce themselves. Come on, everyone introduce yourself. After the introduction, come and ask Secretary Xiao Ye."


Jiang Xiaoye understood that these people didn't leave, they wanted to learn from their experience and get rich.

"Secretary Xiao Ye, I am Zhou Fu of Mengshan Commune in Ganshan County, hello, hello!"


"Secretary Xiao Ye, from the Heizhu Brigade of Malu County, Qingyuan District, I am the captain of a large team, and my name is Sun Shitou. Thank you to the party, and thank Secretary Xiao Ye for the food given to the Heizhu Brigade!"

"Qingyuan District? It's not close, you guys came here overnight!"

Jiang Xiaoye was surprised.

Sun Shitou said with a smile on his face: "No, I was so happy when I heard that, the brigade branch secretary must come in person, but when he is older, the livestock in the village will be busy, otherwise, let the mule bring him."

"Secretary Xiao Ye, I am from Fengming County..."

After a brief introduction, it took nearly half an hour.

Looking at the well-ordered team divided into two, Liu Jun felt in his heart that he was really inferior to Jiang Xiaoye in this respect.

"I see, you want to know how rich Lugu Village is, right? In fact, this is not a secret, and County Mayor Liu knows it. You are still waiting to ask me, walk around, talk to the village committee... Forget it Let’s go to my house and talk about it. The village committee has been renovating these days, and it’s going to be booming when preparing for the New Year. Reporters, you have fewer people here. The house is small."

Jiang Xiaoye understood that these people also wanted to let their brigade live in Lugu Village.

"I don't know, haha, the leaders above have asked me many times, what can I say? I just said that Lugu Village is a pilot project of the joint production responsibility system. The fields are divided into households, and the leaders are active. I’m talking nonsense, saying that you have just started here and haven’t planted any crops yet. This makes me choke. Fortunately, you planted vegetables!"

Liu Jun is already a celebrity now. Even the province knows that the head of Ganshan County, Jiang Xiaoye's limelight, has been added to Liu Jun.

"We have a brick kiln, why didn't we have a construction team or something?"

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and led the way.

"I didn't dare to say it clearly. After all, this is the old way. The leaders know that Lugu Village has now become the subject of the above discussion. You don't even know how big the storm Lugu Village is now. "

Liu Jun whispered: "Although the leaders above told me that this is a good thing, but who knows if there will be any changes? The current policy changes day by day. You have to be careful not to be arrested. Hold the handle."

"I want to catch, I have a lot of handles here. I am a small village secretary. If I can't do it, I won't do it. Anyway, the development of Lugu Village has taken shape. It is the same with me or me. It is impossible for anyone to pick peaches."

Some people were jealous of Lugu Village. The former leader of the commune wanted to take Lugu Village's enterprises as the commune. Jiang Xiaoye didn't know about various methods. Liu Jun directly transferred the people away, and Zhang Qingyuan lay down all the way to the current leader position.

At home, my mother is killing chickens, and the yard is full of sausages, bacon, and other New Year goods.

"Come on, mother, what kind of life do they have!"

The captain of a brigade couldn't help it. Looking at Lugu Village along the way, it was almost the same as in the legendary city. They had never seen such a situation.

They dare not even think of these houses, especially in Qingyuan District. Many people live in cave dwellings instead of houses. How can they ever see such houses?

The house reinforced by the heart of the earth is full of beauty and hardness.


Some people couldn't help but swallowed their saliva and tried hard to avoid sight. Their brigade couldn't even eat the black-faced bun, let alone eat meat.