Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2368: The adaptability of King bamboo grass

None of them thought that the person who came here was actually Jiang Xiaoye!

The chairman of Wanwu Group, the person who established the Tianxia Charity Foundation, came to them in person so soon!

"My God, it's Jiang Xiaoye, Chairman of Wanwu Group!"

"Dean Jiang is here, how can we explain this? Contact the top quickly!"

"Why would President Jiang come?"

"I have said that this will have a great impact. The pasture plan was promoted by President Jiang. Now it is fine. It almost killed people and formed a whole area of ​​protest. Can he not come? He worked so hard. We are thinking about it now!"

When a group of people saw Jiang Xiaoye's appearance, they were a little panicked. How do you explain?

The villagers from all the villages who came together also began to whisper, Jiang Xiaoye can be said to be the idol of all of them, if it weren't for Jiang Xiaoye, how could they have been so comfortable now?

After Jiang Xiaoye arrived, he heard everyone's whispers for the first time. What made him sigh was that the people here did not imagine the collective riots, and they regretted it anyway.

"President Jiang, I am Ma Donglai, the county magistrate of Kuashan County, welcome to come!"

Ma Donglai quickly greeted him.

Jiang Xiaoye stretched out his hand and shook hands and said, "Major Ma, what's the situation?"

"It has been controlled. The people you sent are now in the hospital..."

Ma Donglai said with shame: "Please rest assured, President Jiang, we will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

"Don't tell me, why are you reluctant to plant pasture? Tell me." Jiang Xiaoye looked at the situation of the people here, as if not as he had imagined, he didn't look like a delicious lazy villager.

Jiang Wu brought the pilot over and stopped other people who were approaching, and the local police immediately protected them. They were even more nervous now. If Jiang Xiaoye was injured here, even the world that could cause trouble would be known.

Ma Donglai hesitated and said, "Mr. Jiang, we actually want to develop here, but there are many places you don’t know, such as Shanshi Village. This village has always been making money by weaving crafts and picking medicine from the mountains. The land on the edge is all mountains and rocks. The trees in this area are all pines. Forage grass can be planted in other areas, even at the seaside. However, it is difficult to clear the pasture grass here if we want to clear the pasture."

No land!

Jiang Xiaoye swept through his mental strength and found that it was indeed the case. He also exhaled in his heart: "Let me have a few words with the folks."

It seemed that it was not a causeless disturbance. He had never thought of such a situation. There is one more crucial point. He did not announce in detail the powerful vitality and powerful survivability of the second-generation Huangzhucao. He did not think of it. Because of this, the work of the people below has increased.

"President Jiang, wait a moment."

Ma Donglai hurriedly nodded his head and said loudly: "Everyone, come here, Mr. Jiang has something to say, all the cadres in all the villages have been maintained, and if anyone makes trouble again, I will turn around and ask you to settle the account!"

At the same time, reporters from the periphery hurriedly raised their hands and said, "Mr. Jiang, can we go there? We are local reporters in the Beishan area!"

Local reporter.

Jiang Xiaoye nodded and waved, and soon several reporters ran over excitedly. However, consciously staying away from Jiang Xiaoye, at the same time quickly called to report the situation.

The director of the Beishan TV station almost fainted excitedly when he got the news.

I can’t make it right, this is a huge news. I immediately solemnly stated that we must not make mistakes. At the same time, I rushed in immediately. After all, if we take the opportunity to publicize the Beishan area and let the people of the whole country know Beishan deeply, it is very important for development. .

Ma Dong looked at Jiang Xiaoye and was not angry. He also let out a sigh, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

At the same time the secretary came over and whispered to report the meaning of the leadership above, Ma Donglai suddenly became nervous again.

They all understand that if they are handled well, they may be a blessing in disguise and carry out a publicity in the Beishan area to the whole country, so that everyone can deeply understand everything in the Beishan area.

There are many local specialties in the Beishan area that are good, but because of the special local taste, it has been difficult to sell. In addition, the area is special and it is really difficult to develop.

Five minutes later, everyone leaned in, and others came one after another, surrounding thousands of people here.

"My name is Jiang Xiaoye. I believe everyone knows me. I have no other meaning in coming here today. I just want to tell you a little bit about Huang Zhucao. At the same time, we will not be blamed for the injuries of the people sent by our company. I need your compensation, and I hope that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

Jiang Xiaoye has decided that rewarding these injured people is a kind of compensation.

The top priority now is to bring this area to recognize the second generation of emperor grass and to develop the Beishan area. The local people are not spoiled. This kind of land does give them a sense of what is difficult to live.

"Thank you, President Jiang, thank you! But President Jiang, can I say a few words?"

The head of Shanshi Village hurriedly raised his hand to signal.

A group of leaders will kill people with his eyes, what are you talking about?

At this moment, they were all panicked, they were afraid that Jiang Xiaoye would be offended, and they would not even have a chance to develop.

"Please speak!" Jiang Xiaoye nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, we are willing to take care of what we did wrong, we are sorry, you are really good to us people, donate money and materials to us to build the school, and return to us to build the road, now I want to make us wealthy and grow pastures for us. I remember you well, I..."

"Mandarin!" Ma Donglai can't stand it anymore. What if Jiang Xiaoye doesn't understand it?

"It's okay, I'm also from the mountain. I can understand, so keep talking." Jiang Xiaoye didn't care about this. The accent was a bit similar to the old village chief. He still liked it.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, you are a good person, and we want to develop too, but this place of ours is full of stone bumps. Look at ours. It's bare. Apart from these pine trees, there is nothing else. I want some. For fertile mud, you have to push a cart to dig in the mountains. Every family has a hard time getting an ordering field. You don’t want to grow anything, don’t live, let’s say that we can grow pastures all over the mountains and plains. I’m willing, but it’s hard to plant or irrigate. We can get water, but this place is walking, or it rains, it landslides and mudslides, we...we want to get rich too!"

The head of Shanshi Village is very excited. He really wants to get rich, but the situation here makes him very helpless, difficult, too difficult!

Otherwise, how could they make trouble?