Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2371: International craze triggered by pasture

Jiang Xiaoye's Beishan speech on Emperor Zhucao also caused great reactions. Although Jiang Xiaoye had said that the second generation of Emperor Zhucao was powerful, they did not expect to be so tough.

In a short time, the hot search reached the top, and even people from other countries began to pay attention.

Now Weibo has become a treasure of other countries. You can query all kinds of information about Wonder China. The only uncomfortable thing is translation, so that some countries have started Chinese courses to facilitate learning and development.

The people of China are also stunned.

"Simply, the second generation Huangzhucao can still be so strong, can it be adapted to places like Beishan?"

"Unexpectedly, Boss Jiang would give a speech in person, and thought he would ignore it now, so he would make endless moves. Not bad, good!"

"If the problem in the Beishan area is really solved, it will be the good news for the Beishan area!"

"I heard that it was because they resisted the implementation of the pasture plan, and I don't know whether it is true or false. In this way, other places in the country with bad conditions can also be managed by the second-generation emperor bamboo grass?"

"It might work?"

"Foreign foreigners are going crazy, hahaha!"

At present, this situation is relatively calm for the domestic. When encountering such things, they usually will, oh, boss Jiang is tossing again? This is it? Normal operation, not bad, not bad!

But for foreigners, that is, an eight-level violent wind swept across!

In the international forum opened on Weibo, people from all over the world are discussing frantically.

"Look at Huaxia, look at us, God, are we abandoned by you?"

"Why does China have a person like Dean Jiang, but we don't? Wouldn't the second-generation Huangzhucao improve the spread of deserts in our country?"

"It can be managed in the Taklimakan Desert. Can the desert in our country also be changed?"

"If the Gobi Desert is planted with this windbreak, wouldn't it be no longer necessary to worry about sandstorms and desert spreading? Why are we lagging behind? Looking at the clearance of sandstorms, we don't even know the principle!"

"Strongly request the import of second-generation emperor bamboo grass!"

"It's over. It is estimated that all of our forage enterprises will be cold in the future!"

Many forage companies seem to have seen the end a year later. The stock market is turbulent and they can only watch it, especially some large forage countries. Not only will they lose the huge market of China, they may also be impacted in the future.

Imported second-generation emperor bamboo grass forage!

This is the key!

If they have the second generation of emperor bamboo grass, can they do it too? This is pasture, nothing else. If it is the products of the Wanwu Group, they can control it, but it is impossible to control these things, right?

Some people are thinking of importing to control the desert, and some pasture groups are considering introducing them to take the opportunity to develop, so as not to be impacted by Chinese pastures.

The discussion was abrupt and more and more lively.

When Jiang Xiaoye was about to go to Shanbao World, he received a call from Xu Zhengqun. Many foreign strangers wanted to import the second-generation emperor bamboo grass, so they went directly to him.

Even many countries have begun to contact China, wanting to introduce this ferocious second-generation Huangzhucao into the country.

Otherwise, it must be a shock wave to wait for them in the village in the future.

This is a very important pasture country, and the leaders at the top immediately asked Chen Cheng to contact Jiang Xiaoye.

"Xiao Ye, this forage grass cannot be exported, and the planting must be well controlled. It cannot flow into foreign countries. At least it cannot flow in large quantities. Step by step. If we can develop in this area for three years, China will become a big country of forage! "

Chen Cheng and Jiang Xiaoye explained the situation. The country M makes no idea how much money is made from pasture and aquaculture every year. If the money is made by them in the future, the change will be too great.

Jiang Xiaoye immediately replied: "I understand. Don't worry. In fact, the second-generation emperor bamboo grass is still defective. Except for the second-generation emperor bamboo grass base in Yushan Village, only the pasture base in Taklimakan is left. The seed knots belong to the second generation of emperor bamboo grass, but once the seed knots are separated from the second generation of emperor bamboo grass grown from these seed nodes, the effect will be weakened. We can call the separated ones we can call the third generation emperor. Bamboo grass, and if it is the fourth generation that separates the third generation of imperial bamboo grass, the effect will be worse and worse."

One generation is stronger than one generation, but when he comes to him, one generation is weaker than one generation, similar to golden grass.

But the third-generation effect is still very strong.

After hearing this, Chen Cheng first let out a sigh, and soon couldn't help but said: "Would it not be that we will be weakened in the future?"

"No, I continue to provide energy for the second-generation emperor bamboo grass planting festival, because I can cultivate this thing. If we want to export it, we will export the fourth-generation, but even if it is so, it will take a year later. Re-export."

The fourth generation, the effect is not much stronger than that of the new emperor bamboo grass, so once Huaxia's pastures break out, the name of the forage country will still fall on Huaxia.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoye's cultivation is very simple. Even the fourth generation of Xiaobu Yushu will gradually become the first generation of emperor bamboo grass after being irrigated, and the separated species is the second generation of emperor bamboo grass.

Chen Cheng hung up to report after he understood it clearly. In short, it is impossible to export now.

Jiang Xiaoye also decided to think about it in half a year and let them manage the desert and protect the ecological environment by exporting it to them.

Now that there is a shortage in the country, I believe they are willing to wait.

The things prepared by the Fourth Master Red were all sent to the Jiangcheng warehouse. Jiang Xiaoye installed a lot of laboratory equipment. These were the lists given by Cerebral, not too exaggerated.

There are even 20,000 big photos.

Maybe I didn't make it clear with Fourth Master Red that every photo printed by Fourth Master Red is not small, and the quality is super good. There are too many, so Jiang Xiaoye gave up signing.

Jiang Xiaoye entered the world of Shanbao in the dark.

"What the **** are you doing? Why aren't you coming out?" The **** Ximu stood in the distance and looked at Jiang Xiaoye's disappearing back. Why didn't the few people in Shenling come out now?

He didn't believe that Jiang Xiaoye hadn't gone. If he did, he would definitely revive those people, but why hasn't there been any movement now?

Jiang Xiaoye didn't know that his child's psychology made the **** Ximu almost confused.

But now he is busy forgetting Shenling, not that he will not go, but he has forgotten...

"Master, time is running out."

A gloomy sound came from the mountain god's crutch in the hands of the **** Ximu.

"Yeah, the mysterious place is about to appear, this is the last chance..." West Evening God sighed, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.