Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2388: Master Carpenter Wang Dalin

The breakfast at the Lugu Saltworks was still good. Jiang Xiaoye went to study the water source after eating. The draught on the Lugu Saltworks has become a big problem.

This year's severe drought, if it is not solved better, a few wells alone will not be able to solve the problem.

Drilling wells can only meet the needs of the village to drink water and wash clothes. What about the irrigation of vegetable fields? Jiang Xiaoye thought for a while, and decided that it would be better to find a very large lake to irrigate the water source.

Soon he found a way. There was a big lake about ten miles away from here. It was a huge lake in the mountains, and the water was clear and clean.

"No wonder it's sinking." Jiang Xiaoye found a spring in the center of this lake. Underground spring water continued to gush out. In addition, this side has the lowest terrain, a natural super large lake.

It's just a bit too far, and it will take a few days to get it right.

After studying for a while, Jiang Xiaoye returned to Lugu Salt Field. Now the carpenters in Lugu Village are working in Lugu Village, so besides the installation, the real carpenters are already in Lugu Village.

"Secretary Xiao Ye!" Ma Baoguo saw Jiang Xiaoye coming back, and ran over with excitement on his face: "Secretary Xiao Ye, how is it going? Is there a way to get caught?"

He hoped that Jiang Xiaoye could take the water pipe from Lugu Village, but it was too far, thirty miles away.

Then came Ma Chengwu. This dark young man was excited and decisive in his work. He had already handed over all the things here, and he was very happy.

Following Jiang Xiaoye, it will definitely not be bad!

He has another idea, that is, he hopes to help Jiang Xiaoye manage the department store market, but he knows that Jiang Xiaoye needs to recognize his strength, and he is still very confident in doing business.

"I'll go back to Lugu Village. It's a little bit troublesome." It will take two or three days. Jiang Xiaoye decided to go back to Lugu Village to find a carpenter to work. This time, the hydraulic windmills and big windmills needed are even bigger than those in Lugu Village. of.

It is estimated that it will take a day and a night for the old carpenters to stop and do their work together to make this thing.

As for the bamboo pipes to transport water, it is also troublesome. The distance of ten miles is too far. Not to mention a lot of bamboos, but also a few more water pipes.

Ma Baoguo looked complicated and said, "Hey, what can I do about this."

"Leave it to me." Jiang Xiaoye said with a smile: "This time, it is not only the problem of draught that needs to be solved. It should be solved in one go, otherwise there will be no water to irrigate the vegetables.

"Yeah, what horrible weather? After the big winter, spring has come and it doesn’t rain. Now it’s troublesome to find fresh water. This is about to be planted in spring. A small canal alone can’t solve the irrigation problem. When the time comes, some of the above houses are short of water, and they are cut off directly for us, then we will be in trouble."

The amount of drinking water that needs to be consumed every day has almost become a problem, and if this continues, it is estimated that I will buy water to drink, let alone irrigate the land.

"Yes, Secretary Xiao Ye, I still remember what happened last summer. I didn't dare to pee when I held my pee at night, and even ran to the ground in the middle of the night to pee.

Ma Chengwu still remembers how miserable the Xiaofeng Salt Field was last year, and his memories are all black.

Jiang Xiaoye knew that they were scared, and smiled: "Don't worry, leave this to me, Chengwu, if you're okay, come with me to Lugu Village. If you look at it these few days, you will learn and learn in Lugu Village. A few days of publicity and propaganda, a salesman's meeting started in Lugu Village.

Once the shopkeepers' meeting begins, the shopkeepers who have heard the news will be attracted by everything in Lugu Village. Now that it has been reformed and the good day has come, Jiang Xiaoye naturally intends to start first.

Shuiyuan, a trader's opportunity, and a laboratory in the evening, these are things Jiang Xiaoye needs to be busy at present.

He asked Ma Chengwu to ride to Lugu Village, but he went back to the village first.

Since Wang Dalin came to Lugu Village, his only appearance has disappeared. Now he walks on the street and his waist is straight. There is no need to hide after seeing people, and people will kindly call him Master Wang for his life.

Yes, he is now the most powerful master carpenter in Lugu Village, and all carpenters are under his control.

He works with external forces every day, and he is extremely grateful to Jiang Xiaoye for his recognition of him. He has taken the whole family and finally lived a life that he could not even dream of.

"Master Wang, when will my furniture be my turn? I'm going to get married in a month. Let's see, can you see if I want to get married, and see if you can hurry up?" Yes The villagers in Lugu Village came to him, and there was too much work in the village.

Many of them are busy every day. Last month, he took 170 yuan for his wages. Counting benefits and other things, it was a full two hundred yuan!

The apprentices below can get fifty dollars, because the carpenter is too busy, even busier than the construction team, and works overtime every day.

Wang Dalin hesitated and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Song Kuilin, who is also from Meng'an County, Master Wang, can you please hurry me up?" Song Kuilin hurried over to pass the cigarette.

"Don't smoke, Xiao Liu, check it out for him to see if the row time can match."

Wang Dalin also takes care of some anxious people, and sometimes even works overtime to do it. After all, there is too much work to do now.

An apprentice carpenter hurried to pick up the notebook and quickly shouted: "Master, Song Kuilin will be in the middle of next month. What he wants is a complete set of furniture. According to the time, it will take almost a month to get it out."

"A month later? That's not going to work, it's too late, it's too late, I finally got married, I want to be a little bit more, can I add some money? Can I speed it up? I, I really Worry!"

Finally, I have a daughter-in-law, and promised to have new furniture, two big pieces, if there is no new furniture, wouldn't he be a lie?

Song Kwailin was stomping her feet anxiously.

"Once you are done, you are in a hurry. I promise to make it for you within a month. We will work overtime every night. Don't worry." Wang Dalin was very good at talking.

Some carpenters can only sigh after hearing this and have to work more overtime.

Although they have money to take, they are not iron-clad after all, and many people are already exhausted.

If Lugu Village had not enough spiritual energy, how could they persist with such a workload, for fear that they would be exhausted long ago.

Song Kuilin was overjoyed and thanked him again and again: "Thank you, Master Wang, thank you, Master Wang, thank you, masters, thank you, and I will give you fruits later, thank you!"

Song Kuilin was in a good mood and left thankfully. Wang Dalin did what he said. The character of the whole village is obvious to all.