Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 2389: Increase carpenter apprentice

"Da Lin, do you want to talk to Secretary Xiao Ye about an additional one hundred carpenters? Twenty are okay, otherwise we won't be able to continue like this. The workload will increase."

An old carpenter called out Wang Dalin, they were so tired.

Wang Dalin hesitated, but he was embarrassed to refuse. Their workload was indeed too great. They left early and returned late, and when they returned home, they lay tired in bed and didn't want to move.

"Master Wang, would you like to ask? It's okay to give me ten people, everyone can take one day in turn a month, so it's really hard to support the body."

"Yeah, I can't take it anymore."

"Secretary Xiao Ye knows that our current workload will definitely add manpower to me, or Master Lin, you can talk to Secretary Xiao Ye."

These carpenters are really exhausted. Why choose to do it in Lugu Village is to save time back and forth, do more work, and go home early to sleep.

In Lugu Salt Field, I can’t eat well and sleep well, and I vomit blood when I’m tired.

"Okay!" Wang Dalin gritted his teeth: "Secretary Xiao Ye, I'll go and ask."

"Masters, take a break, drink some water and eat some snacks." Song Yue brought two women to deliver tea, and some peach crisps. The status of these masters in the village is not low. Song Yue will come to deliver things every day. .

After all, the logistics of the village are now managed by Song Yue.

Watching Song Yue's arrival, Wang Dalin quickly whispered: "Xiao Song, is Secretary Xiao Ye back?"

"No? I didn't see it. It might be at home." Song Yue has gotten used to it here, and the department store market is gradually letting her manage it. She is still quite excited.

Wang Dalin sighed, wiped his hands and said, "Everyone, take a break, eat something, and then be busy after eating."

A group of carpenters quickly gathered around, and some of them lay down and fell asleep after eating.

"Twenty minutes of rest. If you want to sleep, go to bed as soon as possible."

Soon a group of people rested awkwardly.

Jiang Xiaoye was here long ago. Standing from a distance, looking at this side, he didn't expect these carpenters to work so hard. He ignored this problem. There are actually many people in the village who are idle, and every one of them wants to have a stable one. the work.

Get two hundred?

Jiang Xiaoye was really moved. After all, the carpenter team in the future will definitely be lacking. If there are more people, it will not be so tired in the future.

The workload can also be greatly increased.

Song Yue took the thermos and left, and met Jiang Xiaoye just after walking for a while.

"Secretary Xiao Ye!" Song Yue said in surprise, "I thought you were not in the village."

Jiang Xiaoye is too busy, and there are many important things to do. Song Yue is very clear about this. After all, can the affairs of the village be comparable to the development of national science and technology?

Obviously impossible!

"Just come back, help me call Master Wang Dalin, don't wake up others." Jiang Xiaoye motioned to Wang Dalin in the distance.

Almost everyone else was resting there, and many of them were already asleep.

"Okay!" Song Yue quickly handed the thermos bottle to the woman following him, and walked quickly.

Soon Wang Dalin came and saw Jiang Xiaoye pleasantly surprised: "Secretary Xiaoye, are you looking for me?"

"Master Wang, don’t be polite. They are all his own. There are two things. Looking back, you will ask Lao Wang to choose two hundred carpenters in the village to join you, and I need a large-scale windmill twice as large as our Lugu Village. Hydraulic windmill, and it’s better to get it out tomorrow afternoon, do you think it will work?"

Jiang Xiaoye didn't get any ink, and went straight to the subject.

Wang Dalin was taken aback, and quickly said in surprise: "200 people? There is no problem with the hydraulic windmill. We already have experience, and there are enough staff, really give us 200 people?"

If there are 200 people, then the carpenter team really expanded directly!

Jiang Xiaoye's directness made him suspect that he was dreaming, and the increase in the construction team made them naturally envied in their hearts.

"Really, you can choose your own people, but you have to follow the rules."

"Secretary Xiao Ye, don't worry!"

In this regard, Wang Dalin knew very well that Jiang Xiaoye was the only one who could have his status today, so he would be cautious no matter what he did, and would never dare to make any deviations.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Xiaoye knew how hard the carpenters had worked, and said a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect your pressure to be so high, don't worry, I will pay more attention in the future."

"No hard work, no hard work, can the hydraulic windmill use the previous drawings? Just double the size, right?"

With previous experience, this time, even if it is twice as big, he is sure to make it in the shortest time. An eight-level worker, a group of masters, and a group of apprentices are still very sure.


"I'm going now!"

Wang Dalin hurriedly went to study. As for other tasks, he could only pause for a while, because Jiang Xiaoye said, the fastest speed, and other tasks can be temporarily put aside.

Song Yue hasn't left yet. When Wang Dalin is gone, Song Yue hurriedly said: "Secretary Xiao Ye, Yuyan told me that she is going to study, so I will be responsible for the affairs of the village in the future, and I will be responsible for the financial aspects. It’s not appropriate. Can you find someone to take over?"

Shen Yuyan still understands the financial affairs of Lugu Village. There must be a lot of irregularities.

After all, Jiang Xiaoye's mode of operation is very problematic.

Jiang Xiaoye heard the words and thought about it and said, "You can just come here. Then I can see and find a helper for you. By the way, do you need to add a teacher to the school? There are so many children, this will be left to you. I don’t care. Recently, there have been a group of intellectuals in the village, and there are also in the Lugu Salt Field.

There was a group of intellectuals on the Lugu Salt Field, which was also specially arranged by the county.

We must not be illiterate all the time and delay the development of Lugu Village.

Ma Chengwu was here. He didn't know how to run for thirty miles. He arrived in less than an hour. After he came, he immediately pushed the cart to look for Jiang Xiaoye everywhere.

Jiang Xiaoye is comforting little girl, little girl is sad and broken, and little fat is lost!

After Xiaopang came back, he disappeared, and he has not come back until now. Xiaoya felt that something was wrong in the middle of the night and got up to look at it, but he hasn't found it until now.

When Jiang Xiaoye found her, she was still asking from door to door, asking if anyone had eaten dog meat, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Mom said that she was stolen from the pot, oh oh, chubby just grew up, and will show me the house in the future, oh oh, chubby no longer has his brother, oh oh!"

The little girl was very sad, tears streaming down her eyes.

Jiang Xiaoye couldn't laugh or cry: "I really went to Houshan to patrol the mountains, wait until I have time to bring it back for you, okay? Who can eat it, go home."