Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 370: A large wave of famous artists has arriv

Chapter 370 A large wave of famous artists arrive!

The little brown bears that Chu Shiyuan was holding were so familiar to everyone, they immediately gathered around to watch the little brown bears.

The little brown bear was so scared, what do you want to do?

"Miss Chu, let's visit Master Jiang first!"

Qiu Yu couldn't wait any longer, and urged him when he brought people over.

He also prepared some gifts related to painting, which were all intended to give Jiang Xiaoye a meeting gift.

Jiang Xiaoye was taken aback, then looked at Chu Shiyuan. Didn't these painters know that they were Master Jiang?

Chu Shiyuan smiled and said, "Master Qiu Yu, the person you are looking for is right in front of you, this is Master Jiang!"

"What, what?" Qiu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Miss Chu, we are looking for Master Jiang who painted that watercolor painting. Is that the little brother's father or grandfather? Can you take us to visit? a bit?"

How could it be a young man?

Qiu Yu didn't believe it at all. That amazing masterpiece, with sophisticated brushwork, smooth and smooth, without any flaws, it must be an expert who has painted for decades.

This young man is probably the son or grandson of Master Jiang.

"What's the mess?"

Chu Qing listened to the side and rolled her eyes and said, "You are clamoring to come to my brother, why are you looking for my brother's grandfather when you get here?"

Qiu Yu was stunned.

Jiang Xiaoye heard the words and knew that the other party had misunderstood, and explained: "Are you the ones who came to paint those paintings? If you are looking for those paintings, I am right."

It seems that my own magical art of painting everything is really sharp, just paint it casually, and directly make these famous artists, everyone, and even the masters crazy.

Come to find yourself not far away.

"Master Qiu Yu, these three paintings are all painted by Brother Xiao Ye. He is also Master Jiang. His master is not a master in your painter world, but the person you are looking for is indeed him." Chu Shiyuan earnestly And Master Qiu Yu explained.

"So young? How is it possible?"

"Unbelievable, too young?"

"This is too young, how could it be possible? This is younger than my son!"

"Speak down, what if it's true?"

A group of famous people talked about it, and they all felt incredible.

How could it be a young man?

"Bow!" Xiao Hei was dangling down the bags, and Xiao Hui quickly carried them back and forth.

The little brown bear saw the jerky and wanted to eat it. He snarled and licked the bear. Have you not been beaten enough?

Chu Qing brought too much, and Xiao Hui became a moving mouse back and forth.

Jiang Xiaoye looked at the various gifts they brought. Among them were paintings. Qiu Yu saw that Jiang Xiaoye's pens, watercolors and paper were the worst quality, so he carefully selected some of them.

As a master of Chinese painting, he has too many such good things.

Jiang Xiaoye stretched out his hand and motioned, "Thank you for preparing me a drawing board, pens, and ink. I will bring a pair on the spot. It's just that the famous artists will help me give some pointers."

Jiang Xiaoye was also very curious about the level of the paintings drawn by Wanwuhua Shenshu.

"Don't dare, we don't have the qualifications to point you."

"Quick, get ready!"

"Do you paint here?"

Although a group of famous artists don't believe it, they dare to be arrogant at this moment? They might be the third master painter of China!

"Not here anymore, come with me everybody."

Jiang Xiaoye signaled that if they were painting on this road, the villagers would have waited a moment to watch the excitement.

When Li Lan saw so many guests, she didn't care. Her son is now promising, and there are many people who come to look for, so she doesn't care much.

Especially when Jiang Xiaoye took this group of people to Houshan, he thought he was here to buy things, and he didn't follow.

A group of people came to the sea of ​​flowers.

It has become a beautiful world of flowers after the florist masters have taken care of it. In a few days, the so-called world florist masters will come to visit together, so these days the florist masters are busy with a few students.

"Fantastic, magical place!"

"These flowers are so beautiful, Zhou Lao, what you do best is painting flowers, how do you feel about these flowers?"

"Extremely beautiful, so beautiful!"

"That's... Cliff Bee?"

"It's a cliff bee!"

"My God, look, what is that? Queen Bee?"


Baby Bee sensed Jiang Xiaoye's arrival, and immediately flew with his wings flapping, but seeing so many people here, he did not approach, but hovered in the air.

Jiang Xiaoye stretched out his hand and the baby bee flew down immediately.


"I came here to play, it's okay." Jiang Xiaoye clicked on the baby bee, and a weak power of the mountain **** flows in.

The baby bee flapped its wings, naturally happy for Jiang Xiaoye to come to him.

"Jiang...Master Jiang, things are ready, don't know what you need to paint?"

Qiu Yu felt that the shouting was very distorted, such a young young man actually painted the existence of a master? Is it true?

And this is too random, right? Are you ready to start painting anywhere?

Jiang Xiaoye thought for a while and said, "I heard that you asked me to paint landscape paintings. Just paint this cliff, cliff bees, and some flowers below."


The little brown bear yells, draw me!

"This..." Qiu Yu was taken aback for a moment. Is this directly painting landscape painting? This is too confident, right?

Just find such a place and start painting directly, and you want to paint the flowers here?

Whether it is trees or flowing water, landscape paintings are relatively hazy, but if it is a close-up painting, is it possible to paint flowers?

He didn't know, Jiang Xiaoye didn't even know the specific situation of landscape painting.

In Jiang Xiaoye's thoughts, painting mountains and water is not just landscape painting?

"Give me ink and wash."

Jiang Xiaoye saw how complicated the preparations of several famous artists were, and immediately reminded him.

"Good Master Jiang." One of the family nodded immediately, with a very good attitude, no way, that masterpiece was enough to make them admire for a lifetime!

They will never reach it in their lifetime!

And now Jiang Xiaoye looks a little mysterious, such a big cliff bee queen, actually playing with him? Is this a normal person?

"Xiao Ye, why did you come here?"

Zhao Wuliu and Dahan came back, and Lao Zhonghou followed behind.

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and said, "Is the live broadcast very fast today?"

"It's okay. By the way, the beautiful boss girl asked us to bring you two roasted lamb shanks to your house. Your mother said you came here. Why are you buying flowers?"

Zhao Wuliu walked over carefreely, dangling smoke in a chic.

"No, these are all painters, don't I want to show my hand, do I paint an ink painting."

Jiang Xiaoye smiled and explained.

"Drawing? You?"

Zhao Wuliu couldn't respond a little bit after hearing this, but Jiang Xiaoye could still paint?

Do you need so many people to accompany you to paint?

"Yes." Jiang Xiaoye nodded.

"Haha, Xiao Ye, the decoration of my villa is still short of money, you wear a mask, old loyalty, and you made money!"

Zhao Wuliu's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaoye's face turned black for an instant. Damn, this guy is so witty!