Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 432: Make moon cakes

Chapter 432 Making Moon Cakes

The things that these Guwu masters traded were very common, and Jiang Xiaoye never found what he was looking for.

What kind of exchanges a group of ancient martial artists wanted to participate in, Jiang Xiaoye decisively ran away.

It was getting late after dinner with Chu Shiyuan, and Jiang Xiaoye took Chu Shiyuan to walk around the pedestrian street in Fujin City before going back.

Jiang Xiaoye didn't waste time, he returned to the room and began to study the Mountain God's Order!

Linggen entered it, and the Mountain God Ling seemed to be closed.

After studying all night, Jiang Xiaoye sighed after daybreak, and bought a white-eyed wolf back, so he wouldn't even let him in!

He didn't get in all night, as if he was rejected.

Chu Shiyuan was going back to Jiangbei, it was too much work, she had to rush back to deal with, many documents need her to sign.

After Jiang Xiaoye sent her back, he continued to return to Yushan Village. Although the spiritual pearl harvest was not great this time, the spiritual root he obtained was the biggest gain this time.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaoye could now step into the magical realm of the unity of nature and man at any time, and his strength became more and more terrifying.

It was noon before Jiang Xiaoye returned to Yushan Village.

As soon as I came back, I saw the little brown bear running around, followed by a group of little milk dogs chasing it, screaming and screaming.

Not seen for a day, the whole body of the little brown bear is already dirty. I don't know if it was beaten by Xiao Hei a few times. Now he can't even beat a group of little milk dogs!

When I saw Jiang Xiaoye coming back, the little brown bear cried out, and quickly ran to Jiang Xiaoye and sat on the ground crying. Where did you go? The **** hit me, the old man hit me, and this group of puppies hit me too!

The little brown bear was so wronged.

"I'm not at home, don't you know to follow your mother?" Jiang Xiaoye was speechless. He raised the little brown bear and looked at it. His whole body was dirty. It was probably the result of fishing for fish in the water, then digging gastrodia in the greenhouse, and finally being beaten by Xiao Hei.

A group of little milk dogs came barking, wagging their tails and following Jiang Xiaoye.

Jiang Xiaoye carried the little brown bear back to the yard and put it in the basin. The little guy kept barking, where's the dog chain? Tie up the nigger!

The little owl also flew over, standing on Jiang Xiaoye's shoulder with a big bag, and started sleeping.

It seems that I was fighting with Sapphire again last night, and I don't know how long Scorpion will be in trouble.

Jiang Xiaoye was busy during the next period of time. The briquettes factory was relocated, the back mountain was covered with a greenhouse, cucumbers, honey...

More than a week has passed, and every household in the village is busy preparing for August 15.

He Laogou came back, his spirit and spirit improved a lot, but he wanted to break through because it might still have a long way to go. Jiang Xiaoye didn't ask him what he was going to do.

Dahan brought the two girls to Jiang Xiaoye's house to help make mooncakes.


Xiao Hei ran to the lobby and let him go out, and he kept drilling under the table. You are making mooncakes here, and you want to drive away Lord Xiao Hei? Lord Black is not a fool like Xiao Hui!

The moon cakes in Yushan Village are made every year, and this year is obviously no exception.

The little brown bear stood up holding the table and looked at Jiang Xiaoye's busyness, yelling from time to time, when can I eat it?

"Brother Xiao Ye, can you do it?"

Er Niu expressed extreme doubts about Jiang Xiaoye's ability to make mooncakes.

The flower cake last time, that was not even Xiao Hei, even the foodie little brown bear just ate a few and never eat it again.

"It's absolutely delicious, don't worry."

Jiang Xiaoye has a big head. Why didn't he buy a lot of moon cakes and make moon biscuits by himself?

It's just that Li Lan won't let you buy it, she has to make it herself, and she has to give some to her grandma when she finishes it. Who wants to eat such mooncakes?

Regarding Er Niu's question, Jiang Xiaoye was still confident.

After all, Jiang Xiaoye had done it before!

Xiao Hei also came out from time to time and looked up, and then went in immediately. If he walked around casually, he would probably be driven out again.

The fermented noodles were kneaded into dough by Jiang Xiaoye, and the whole family was making moon cakes.

"Xiao Ye, what kind of crab seed do you have? People in the village come to ask, how come you can eat it so soon?"

Jiang Yunshan rolled his dough and looked up at Jiang Xiaoye.

"It's just ordinary rice flower crabs. It will be fine in two days. When the time comes, I will catch some directly and I will send it to Bishuixuan."

Jiang Xiaoye has already tasted how delicious the rice flower crabs in these rice fields are.

In two days, it is estimated that the best time for rice flower crabs will come.

"Why should the rice mature too?" Li Lan curiously asked, "What the **** is going on? The rice will mature too. The old uncle said blessing the mountain gods. Many people in the village went to see what happened. Look."

Can it be immature? Xiaobuyushu plus Lingquan!

It takes some time for his spiritual rice to grow.

"Everyone is curious, Xiao Ye, the villagers didn't collect land money. Look at this August 15. How about sending a few rice crabs to one family? Anyway, there are a lot of rice crabs."

Jiang Yunshan reminded Jiang Xiaoye.

He has lived for so many years, and he has never seen such a peaceful Yushan Village. In the past, the villagers of Yushan Village could go to the sky for a little profit. Everyone who raised a fish would steal two if nothing happened, but none of the things in his own rice fields. To catch it.

Even the children in the village are not allowed to approach.

"Yes, it doesn't matter much."

There are now a hundred and dozens of households in Yushan Village. How much can be divided? According to the population, it can be divided into several hundred.

Jiang Xiaoye didn't care about this at all. Now he felt big when he thought of his krypton gold cultivation method, one soul orb a night, and he would cultivate slowly without using it.

This is not the way to go, because my wealth is not enough for cultivation!

Although Krypton Gold is strong, there must be gold to Krypton!


Don't look at Lord Hei, the little master, the crab was brought back by Lord Hei!

Thinking of the delicious rice flower crabs, Xiao Hei couldn't help drooling. No, wait a minute and then kill a few and send them back. This time, kill a few more so that the little master will not give him shells!

"Brother Xiao Ye, I want to eat crabs!" Er Niu drooled, but the attraction of crabs is much more attractive than moon cakes.

"Xiao Hei, go catch some crabs."


Master Xiao Hei will be back soon, Master, you boil the water!

Xiao Hei rushed out quickly. When he left, he didn't forget to bite the basket and rush towards the rice field. How many crabs? Can Master Xiao Hei eat this way? Fill it up!

The rice will mature soon, as will the hairy crabs. Seeing that August 15 is approaching, Bishuixuan’s new flagship will be on the table.

The death and wandering movie needs to be filmed after August 15th. A heavy rain in the tropical rain forest made it impossible for them to choose a place for filming, and August 15 was approaching, so it was simply postponed.