Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 477: Raising crayfish

Chapter 477 Raising Crayfish

In this regard, the old village chief really knew more than Jiang Xiaoye.

"Raising lobsters? Can you raise lobsters at this time?" Jiang Xiaoye looked at the old village chief, then at the rice fields.

"Lobsters are fine, Bishuixuan's lobsters are selling very well!"

"The lobster raised by Brother Jiang, I feel it will be hot again!"

Lin Xin and Han Yu immediately agreed. No matter what Jiang Xiaoye makes, it is incredibly delicious, it's amazing!

Raising lobsters?

Can lobsters be raised at this time? Jiang Xiaoye only knew that there were a lot of lobsters in summer. Now the weather has started to get a little bit colder. Can you breed crayfish?

"Second grandfather, can you raise it now? Can you raise it this day?"

Jiang Xiaoye was very curious. According to common sense, lobsters were infested in summer.

"Of course it can be raised. It is the best time to breed crayfish after the rice is harvested. However, the crayfish are stocked to grow shrimps. The ditches are dug and the rice fields are fully irrigated. However, the rice planting next year will not work. It is a three-year cycle. In the third year, lobsters will be harvested in June. At that time, they will be planted with no-tillage and transplanting seedlings. Xiaoye, do you think that you can raise them?

The old village chief took a pipe and spit out a cigarette at the little brown bear.

The little brown bear hurriedly shrank his head into Jiang Xiaoye's arms, and yelled angrily, killing the old man!

Slow growth?

This is not a problem at all, which means that crayfish can be farmed in winter!

"Second grandfather, what is a shrimp?"

Jiang Xiaoye felt that he was a little ignorant. Although he used to fish and prawns, he ate a lot of lobsters, and he was not sure what kind of prawns were.

"If this crayfish is bred in August, September, or even October, the best choice is to grow shrimp, and it is best to choose crayfish with more than four dollars. Such crayfish have strong anti-risk ability, are sexually mature, and the price is also high. Yes, it is very suitable for breeding now. If you are breeding Xiaoye, I can ask an expert in lobster breeding in the county to teach you."

Now that the village develops and becomes rich, there is strong support from above, and some help can be done.

The old village head smoked a smoke and said, "However, the growth rate of lobsters is a bit slow. Xiao Ye suggests that you cultivate a hundred acres. If there are more, it is unnecessary. What do you think?

Next year’s rice will be planted, and there will be rice crabs.

If this year wasn't for the locust plague, Jiang Xiaoye would definitely be a huge harvest.

The locust plague destroyed half of the rice. It really hurts people and the loss is too great.

"If you grow up, it will probably start in spring next year. You don't need to wait that long. Our Yushan Village is special and we can raise things faster than ordinary places. If you want to raise them, then just raise them all!"

Jiang Xiaoye is determined to pay attention, raise it!

Don't worry about the growth rate, just use the rice fields.

"All raised, what about the ducks?" The old village chief hurriedly reminded Jiang Xiaoye. There are 30,000 ducks here. The size of those shrimps is just right for these newly grown ducks. How many are not enough to eat. .

"The ducks are raised around 20 acres of rice fields, and the rest are all raised crayfish. The ducks will be released when the lobsters grow larger."

These ducks are more ferocious than one. Even if the loach hiding in the mud is dragged out inadvertently, it will be besieged and bitten by more than a dozen ducks. The bigger one is okay. The duck can't swallow it, and finally there is hope to escape back. , The small ones will definitely be swallowed raw.

Crayfish, if the shell is not red, is definitely duck delicacy.

"Middle, Xiao Ye, if you really want to raise it, I will call an expert from the county to give you advice."

The old village chief knocked on the pipe and asked Jiang Xiaoye's opinion.

"It can be bred."

Jiang Xiaoye nodded and said, "Then raise crayfish!"

The crayfish you raise yourself still need a third year to mature? I am afraid that the lobster here will be overwhelming if it is just hot next year.

"Xiao Ye, accompany the guests, I will call and talk, ha ha, you chat, you chat!"

The old village chief waved his hand and left happily.

Now Yushan Village is about to become a typical county in the county, the fastest growing, this year is undoubtedly Yushan Village.

The speed of getting rich in the village is really rapid.

Lin Xin watched the old village head leave, and quickly reminded: "Brother Jiang, do you want to raise less? Don’t delay the rice flower crab and rice next year. If you don’t have your rice flower crab and rice next year, I guess the guests are not willing. of."

It takes so long for crayfish to grow up. Lin Xin is worried that rice and hairy crabs will be affected.

Now the rice in Bishuixuan has become Yushan crystal rice.

"No, don't worry, I buy a larger lobster, maybe there are lobsters to eat during the New Year, haha."

Jiang Xiaoye really doubted that creatures like lobsters that knew how to eat would grow quickly when faced with Lingquan and Lingquan food? Don't put it in it and mature quickly like hairy crabs.

This may be very big, but the weather is getting colder. Lobsters will dig burrows for overwintering in winter. They grow very slowly and it is difficult to mature.

"Lobsters in winter are not fat, taste bad, and have poor nutrition. The best time is next summer."

As a chef, Han Yu still knows something about lobster.


I'm afraid that in summer, all the lobsters here will become the size of Australian lobsters!

After chatting for a long time, Han Yu and Lin Xin followed the guys who came to pull the goods back. It used to be a vegetable puller, but now it needs three. If this continues, maybe a convoy will come in the future.


The little brown bear quickly stretched his head in front of Jiang Xiaoye and cried, catching fish and eating it!

"Look at your fat, you know how to eat!" Jiang Xiaoye patted the little brown bear's belly. This little guy had eaten the jade of light, and it was all photochemically. Why is it still such a virtue now?

Jiang Xiaoye couldn't understand, can this little guy rise up?

Little brown bears don’t admit that they are fat. Mom is fatter and eats more!

Jiang Xiaoye returned home and talked about his thoughts with Jiang Yunshan.

"It's cold all day, is it appropriate? We don't need money right now, and there is no need to take risks." Jiang Yunshan has some opinions on breeding crayfish at this time. At this time, the mortality rate is too high.

There is no shortage of money at home now, and there is no need to take this risk.

"It's okay dad, let me see the situation, otherwise the rice fields can't be left deserted like this."

If the rice fields are not used now, they will have to wait until next year. There are spiritual springs and spiritual spring food. There is no need to worry about the survival rate of crayfish. They will mature next year.

"That's OK, you make your own decision."

Jiang Yunshan thought for a while and agreed.