Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 784: Lobster harvest

Chapter 784 The Lobster Harvest

Xiao Hei was completely back to normal. Jiang Xiaoye pulled Xiao Hei to look at it for a while. The monster inner pill in his body had been absorbed by it, and the remaining half of the spirit power exuded made it unnecessary to deal with it wholeheartedly.

But the energy is more vigorous!

The little brown bear saw Jiang Xiaoye's stewing meat, and ran over, suddenly found that Xiao Hei was awake, and was knocked over by Xiao Hei before he had time to run.


The little brown bear rolled over to Jiang Xiaoye's side, holding Jiang Xiaoye's legs, and began to complain. Why do people's **** are chained, but our **** want to raise them freely?

The little brown bear expressed his upset about Xiao Hei's free-range breeding.

A few days passed quickly.

The construction of the research base in Houshan was not fast. Because of fear of problems, the delivery of the alien species was delayed, and Jiang Xiaoye could only wait silently.

Shi Wang created a huge forest site for Jiang Xiaoye, and Jiang Xiaoye directed him to build a canal.

Jiang Xiaoye was quite rude to use the alien species.

After making unremitting efforts for this period of time, Jiang Xiaoye finally created 30 acres of spiritual fields. When the spiritual energy penetrated completely, it was time for him to plant spiritual plants.

Today Jiang Xiaoye has another important thing, that is, divide the money!

The bank made an appointment for several days, and 8 million of cash was loaded into the car. The bank manager reluctantly held Jiang Xiaoye’s hand to bid farewell. He was distressed and uncomfortable. He paid so much money all at once, but this super customer should not be offended. what.

Jiang Xiaoye had all the money loaded into the car, and immediately hurried back to Yushan Village. Yushan Village was waiting for the money.

Lobster dividends!

The village invested almost two million, but the eight million was the lobster money that was taken away these days. There were more lobsters beyond everyone's imagination, and even Jiang Xiaoye didn't expect it to be more than he estimated.

Lobster dividends are very simple. There were only one hundred and sixty households in the village who invested money, and they all invested similarly. Now, it is estimated that those who have not invested money will be jealous.

As soon as the car arrived in the village, a group of people gathered around.

Jiang Xiaoye stopped the car and was immediately surrounded by the villagers.

"Stay away, stay away, line up, won't you line up?" The old village chief looked at it and immediately shouted, "What are you doing here? Every house and every household will come up to take care of things, and everyone else will step back a bit, saying Line up to the front of the name, Lingling, say the name!"

The old village chief drove people away with a pipe.

Sister Ling immediately took out the ledger, opened it, and started reading her name.

"Jiang Haibo!"

"Jiang Jianjun!"

"Li Dacheng!"


At the same time, the old village chief had already greeted people to move a table to divide the money. Jiang Xiaoye walked over with a box of money. As soon as the box opened, he exclaimed.

It's all money!

Jiang Xiaoye used to make salaries at the briquettes factory, and the business was quite pure.

"Listen to me. I don’t want any money for the 160 households that invested in lobster farming. After all, I promised everyone to buy it at a high price. The price is really not that high, but the standard is fully met. Those who can only get back 8 million, and now some sold this year are already 8 million. Next year, it is estimated that there will be 5 or 6 million. It can be said that there is no problem if everyone’s money is sevenfold. I got it, and every household came to collect it, press the fingerprints, and it’s the Chinese New Year. Everyone has money to buy some new year goods. When I turn around, I will kill a few more pigs. Everyone will get a point."

Jiang Xiaoye shouted immediately. At the beginning, Jiang Xiaoye said that several times the vendor price was recovered. Now it is twice the price of the vendor, so he doesn't need to divide the money.

These one hundred and sixty households are making a lot of money!

"Xiao Ye, seven hundred and ninety-three thousand, not eight million." The old village chief quickly reminded.

"The remaining 200,000 is for the village. There are many lonely elderly people in the village, and they will still be taken care of by the village in the future." Jiang Xiaoye explained with a smile. He didn't care about the more than one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. Up.

"This makes you out of the land and makes you worry about it. Why are you still posting money?" The old village chief's voice increased by three points, and everyone was talking about it.

After all, Jiang Xiaoye was at a disadvantage no matter how you look at it.

"This lobster is in the store. A pound of lobster is 188. I feel that I have given too little." Jiang Xiaoye quickly explained in a low voice, this is a little bit more, no one owes anyone, let him balance his heart.

"That's your shop, what does it have to do with this." The old village chief disapproved.

"Second grandfather, please help me to divide it, there is still in the car."

The lobsters in the village are paying dividends, and all those who have a share of dragging their wives and children are here, and those who have no share can only look at it eagerly, not envious.

"Jiang Haibo, fifty-eight thousand three hundred, ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty-four thousand and fifty thousand, and eight thousand three hundred... a little bit, if you are right, press your fingerprints, the next Jiang Jiancheng, sixty two Hundred, take it, click on it yourself, no problem, press on your hands, don’t worry, come one by one..."

Sister Lingling has already started shouting one by one. Some people voted more and some less, so the money is different.

"Xiao Ye, let me help you!" Zhao Wuliu came and helped Jiang Xiaoye carry the box on the car. As soon as he started, everyone looked at him, even the old village chief couldn't help but look at him. .

"Look at your character!" Jiang Xiaoye sneered, his expression too real.

"Grass, what are you looking at? Did I ask you to pay back the money or did I take the money and ran away? If I earn hundreds of thousands every minute, I would care about this little money? Look at how poor you are. Promising, not prosperous!"

Zhao Wuliu cursed and sent the box over, not forgetting to despise everyone.

No one cares about him. There is no way. The biggest creditor in the village owes him money. Now every household has made some lobster money for the New Year. If the goods are really to be accounted for, they really can't do it.

"So much money?"

"I knew that I had also voted back then. It was seven or eight times higher. This household has invested a lot, and the least voted was eight or nine thousand!"

"I came back late, why are lobsters still making money? Isn't this just a few months of breeding?"

"Xiao Ye, can the lobster still invest money now?"

"Yes, Xiao Ye, can you still invest money?"

When the lobster paid so much dividends, everyone else in the village was jealous. How much is this?

Jiang Xiaoye hesitated when he heard the words, then raised his head and said, "Listen to me, this lobster doesn't actually make much money, it won't make tens of thousands of dollars. I promise you that when the chicken is sold next year, the time will come. You don’t get this money anymore. I will also take cash points next year. Every household will have more than 100,000 or 200,000 points. Now this year’s lobster will not be dealt with, and it will be messy if we make it again."

Dividing the money is bound to make some people who can't divide the money look greedy, Jiang Xiaoye had long thought of it.

Raising lobsters at this time, how do you share with the people who invested money before? When the time comes, there will be a mess, and it is estimated that it will be able to fight when the money is divided, and Jiang Xiaoye will plant rice and raise rice crab next year.