Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 838: Robots have no bottom line

Chapter 838: Robots have no bottom line

Gao Zhou is already struggling, and every time he falls, he must think about it for a while.

And the intelligent robot also began to calculate constantly. Every time it dropped a stone, it had to pause for a while. Dr. M, who was familiar with artificial intelligence robots, panicked in his heart. This included all chess games in the world, a small game, why there is a need The recalculation situation?

The opponent didn't look at the chessboard at all, so he glanced at the page when he switched to the page, then placed the game directly, and then switched.

People from both parties R and H have already approached the organizer of Huaxia and have begun to ask what is going on.

An anchor from the other party actually hacked in directly? Then one pick two? One is known as the world’s No. 1 Wisdom, and the other is Gao Zhou, a master of chess?

When the opponent challenged him, he was still the main player in Fighting Landlords? This is simply contempt!

"Mr. Gu, did you do this on purpose? There are several top professional 9-dan players in this game. None of the champion Go masters have participated in the game. Now they suddenly come in for a one-to-two? And it's still live streaming?"

The Go president of Country H almost exploded in anger. This was a naked face slap. No wonder the opponent was weak and vulnerable. The feelings were left behind!


President R Go flushed with anger.

Gu Shuosuo, the president of the China Go Association, is over half a hundred years old. After a moment of silence, he smiled and said: "It's not that we released the water this time, but...the top players before us have challenged the Wisdom, and they all lost. So there is no need to compete with you anymore to let some newcomers come on stage. If you don’t feel good, we can end the game and start again."

Intelligent robots, in fact, these days, many professional players in China have lost their confidence. They have studied chess for a lifetime, but they have lost to the intelligent robots, one by one, frustrated.

The broadcast of Zhao Wuliu's live broadcast shocked Gu Shuosuo, the president.

You know that even he was defeated by intelligent robots. This challenge, he had expected the end a long time ago, who ever thought...

"You have already compared it?"

The president of Country H Go was shocked.

"Many of the previous Go world champions have been challenged one by one, and there are not many who can hold on to the end, and they lose all."

Gu Shuosuo sighed and studied Go for a lifetime, but in the end, it was not as good as an intelligent robot.

"Mr. Gu, why hasn't this live broadcast and the match ended?"

The doctor of country M has brought people here, the intelligent robot, now every step it takes, it needs to calculate for a while, if this continues, I am afraid that it may lose!

If they lose, they may face huge losses this time.

The name of the new product has not been launched, but it will be greatly affected. Even if the opponent is an anchor, crushing a master of chess, is it crushing their intelligent robot? The most important thing is that the opponent is fighting the landlord!

Did not think about the chess game at all!

"Didn’t the intelligent robot say that any Go player can challenge? Although the opponent is not bright, but it is under the eyes of everyone, and it is still live broadcast. It can’t be terminated now. It seems that it won’t take long. Let’s wait. I will."

The artificial intelligence robot is going to lose!

Looking at this chess situation, it is estimated that it will not take long for you to really lose!

"The opponent has such a powerful hacking method, who knows what tricks they will do in the chess game!"

Country M wants to terminate the game.

"What hacking method is comparable to your intelligent robot? I forgot to introduce it. This anchor, named Zhao Wuliu, is one of the three who broke the Rubik's Cube world of Country M. He had encountered it in the Rubik's Cube world. The three Go endgames are all top-notch, but he broke easily. Does he need to do tricks?"

A Chinese Go master immediately sneered.

"Then come here to challenge honestly!" Dr. M is afraid that he will be exhausted for many years, and this competition must stop!

"Is this not fair enough? Hundreds of millions of people. This is the world's number one anchor. Honestly, here is one-tenth of the energy to deal with your intelligent robots. Isn't that fair enough?"

"If you get to the scene, what will you win?"

"The Rubik's Cube world of the Research Institute of Country M has been easily solved a hundred questions. This smart robot is vulnerable to a single blow!"

Suddenly, a number of Go masters made their voices heard. Originally, even them felt desperate. The intelligent robots were the real masters of chess, but now they are easily crushed by them!

"If you want to win us, you must come to the scene in an open manner!"

The dean of M Guoqi Academy also spoke, and gestured to his assistant: "Close Wisdom!"

The assistant ran up quickly and clicked on the chest of the smart phone that was calculating. In an instant, the luster on the smart phone's body dimmed, and the electronic eyes went out.

After all, it's someone else's thing, and the people present can only watch him turn off the smart account.

"What do you mean?"

"Seeing that there is a disadvantage, just shut it down?"

"What's the matter? Zhao Wuliu came in black? Are you afraid of being caught?"

"Why stopped?"

"Gao Zhou is going to lose!"

"It's already dead, it won't be saved."


There were also thousands of Go enthusiasts at the scene, and the game was suddenly terminated, causing many people to protest.

The dean of the Go Academy of Country M looked at the Go president of Country H and said, "Let Gao Zhou stop the game. Below is our Wisdom to challenge Gao Zhou."

The president of Country H Go was silent for a moment, and someone behind him immediately communicated with him in H language.

If I disagree, I am afraid I will lose!

If you lose, you will lose a lot. Gao Zhou can be said to be the strongest player, the real chess master!

Several people whispered for a while, the president sighed and motioned.

A Go master immediately took the stage.

Soon, the Go master quarreled with Gao Zhou. Gao Zhou put on his headphones again and continued the game.

"What's going on?" asked some Go masters in country H.

"Mr. Gao Zhou doesn't come down. He said that no matter what the opponent uses, the opponent's chess skills are worthy of respect. Even if he loses, he will finish playing."

For a while, many Go masters in Country H were silent.

"I support!"

"I also support!"

"stand by!"

When they reach their level, they are all arrogant. You lose and you lose. Respecting your opponent is sometimes more important than winning or losing.

"This is the difference between humans and intelligent robots. Artificial intelligence robots have no bottom line." The president of China Go Association smiled and nodded.

On the side of country M, many people look ugly.

"That's not bad, this is the demeanor of a master." Jiang Xiaoye watched several Korean dramas, and after eating the Wisdom Fruit of the World Tree, he spent half a day learning multiple languages ​​for the convenience of future communication, so he naturally understood Korean.