Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 879: Tobacco cultivation

Chapter 879 Tobacco Planting

Jiang Yunshan dragged out Xiao Hei who had gotten under the table, touched Xiao Hei's stomach, and said strangely, "Did Xiao Hei steal the chicken?"

In the past two days, Xiao Hei's belly is bulging every day, but he should eat and drink.


Xiao Hei, who was full and drunk, protested. Master, I just slept under the table. When you eat, I know who eats those silly chickens? Master Xiao Hei eats pig feet!

"Never mind it!"

Jiang Xiaoye glanced at Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei grabbed a red envelope from Tao Tao. He didn't know it was hundreds of dollars. Zhao Wuliu also gave one. After eating it for a few days, he probably won't eat it.

This dog buys meat by himself every day, without the little ash.

The cure of pneumonia is not difficult for Jiang Xiaoye at all, but Yan, Jiang Xiaoye affirmed that it is impossible for the old village chief to quit.

Having smoked for a lifetime, it is difficult to quit smoking.

"Your second grandfather still grows tobacco at home. Your second grandfather now has inexhaustible cigarettes. By the way, Xiao Ye, isn't this illegal? This should be the same as big smoke seeds, right?"

Jiang Yunshan hugged Xiao Hei and pushed it out. The dog liked to shake his body when he was fine. There were so many snacks on the table that it was unhygienic to eat.

Now Xiao Hei's entry into the house is restricted, so that Xiao Hei wants to enter the house even more.

“It’s not illegal. I’ve learned it before. It’s not illegal. Not only is it not illegal. Some places openly support the cultivation of tobacco and get subsidies from the local government. China consumes too much tobacco. Countless peasants have a way to make money. Can the seeds of smoke be compared? That is the poison of manufacture. It is not the same. The green vegetable in the second grandfather's house is tobacco? I have been there before, and I wonder what green stuff is."

Tobacco planting is the largest in Xuchang. After the reform and opening up, the elderly in the countryside are still planting tobacco. This is an old tradition.

What if you cultivate tobacco by your own spiritual spring?

Smoking is harmful to your health. There are countless people who know, but it's hard to stop smoking. This Jiang Xiaoye knows very well.

The weather gradually gained warmth, and Yushan Village was full of spring. Jiang Xiaoye felt that in summer, he had to collect the Starfire Stone, otherwise the land in Yushan Village would be steamed.

The old village chief has returned to the village from the hospital!

After Jiang Xiaoye got the news, he went to the old village chief's house with the little brown bear who was eating a big pie.

The old village chief was breathing out and watering the small vegetables in the vegetable garden.

"Second grandfather, are you smoking so badly?" Jiang Xiaoye pushed in and put down the little brown bear in his arms.

The little brown bear protested with "Aw," ran to the corner of the cement with a pie, and continued to gnaw.

"Xiao Ye is here, your second grandfather has no other hobbies, so he likes to smoke a cigarette. This doctor hasn't let you smoke it. Your uncle took away the pipe and cigarettes. Did you bring the cigarettes?" Never take the initiative to ask people to smoke, this time it was obviously uncomfortable.

"No, I don't smoke anymore. By the way, Grandpa II, I remember the tobacco that was grown in the old house before, and it was still hanging in the house before."

Jiang Xiaoye gestured towards the room.

"It was also taken away, and your uncle Jianjun took it away." The old village chief yawned and said, "It's not energetic to stop smoking."

"It shouldn't be difficult to grow tobacco?"

Lingquan, will the tobacco cultivated by Xiaobuyu technique become free of human harm? Jiang Xiaoye wanted to find some experiments.

"It's not difficult, Xiao Ye, what are you asking tobacco for?"

The old village chief felt uncomfortable when he mentioned tobacco, yawning constantly, and coughing constantly from time to time.

"I actually want to ask how tobacco grows." Jiang Xiaoye didn't know anything about tobacco planting. The old village head absolutely knew that he was a tobacco grower after all.

"It’s good to grow tobacco. Now the rural policies have been implemented. This year, all the people are going to a well-off society to encourage migrant workers to return to the village to start businesses and develop the local economy. That is the green light. Farming and planting are integrated, especially this planting. Tobacco, the technology and implementation of tobacco leaf cover will not affect the growth of other crops, Xiaoye, do you want to grow tobacco?"

The old village head hurriedly put down the water scoop, wiped his hands and walked over and said: "Go into the house and say, say in the house!"

The little brown bear ate a large piece of cake slag, and several roosters gathered around and ate the ground, so scared that it yelled at Jiang Xiaoye, come and protect me!

Jiang Xiaoye was afraid that he would pat the chickens stubbornly, so he reached out and lifted them into the house.

"Here, we used to grow spring tobacco mainly. Summer tobacco is not much. But because of this tobacco, once you plant it, you can't grow it in a row. There is also an old saying, "The tobacco leaves in Shatian are thin. Yamada planted tobacco leaves dry. The root length depends entirely on the fertility of the ground, and the strong energy is half borrowed from the soil. "Xiao Ye, do you know the meaning of this?"

The old village chief made tea for Jiang Xiaoye and didn't forget to talk about it with Jiang Xiaoye.

"Okay, Grandpa, do you still recite poems?" Jiang Xiaoye laughed and joked.

"In the past, the village relied on growing tobacco for some years, but the tobacco planted here, in the mountains and in the fields, is not good. The growth is poor. The yield per mu is twice that of ours, and the taste is not as good as others. It’s also troublesome, just once, you can’t plant a second time, at least you have to change the ground every year and drink tea and tea every three years!"

It turned out that tobacco was grown in the village before, and Jiang Xiaoye took the tea, remembering that this is true. Every time there is a fair, there are a group of old men selling tobacco at the market.

"Is there any more plants now? Isn't there in our village?"

Jiang Xiaoye wanted to experiment.

"No, where do you have them? But Xiaoyang Village has them. The land there is good, and there are almost spring tobacco plants, but now after this two months, the seeds are all grown, Xiao Ye, what do you want Son? The tobacco business is not so easy to do, we have a bad place here."

The old village chief knows the land of the village best.

"Xiaoyang Village."

Jiang Xiaoye immediately said: "I'm not curious, second grandfather, I'm leaving now, don't smoke!"

Xiaoyang Village is also close, and Jiang Xiaoye plans to check it out now.

"What does this kid want to do?" Seeing Jiang Xiaoye carrying the little brown bear and leaving, the old village chief thought for a while, he was so busy, would he still want to grow tobacco?

After Jiang Xiaoye returned home, he immediately went to push the electric car.

Little brown bear, no matter who pushes the electric car at home, he has to climb up and follow. Now sometimes Li Lan goes to the street to go to the market, sometimes he always takes this little thing.

"Don't move, fall down and collapse!"

Jiang Xiaoye patted the big head of the little brown bear, then rushed to Xiaoyang Village with the gas pedal.


On the way, Jiang Xiaoye heard a dog bark, and a yellow figure jumped over, happily running back and forth around Jiang Xiaoye's car.

Jiang Xiaoye looked at the yellow dog, Zhao Wuliu's dog after braking.