Taoyuan Mountain Village

Chapter 887: Picking tobacco leaves

Chapter 887: Picking Tobacco Leaves

General small things can't absorb many small rain cloth techniques, but these tobaccos can absorb a lot of aura, indicating that these things have the characteristics of medicinal materials.

"No catch!"

Jiang Xiaoye watched the little brown bear stretch out his paw and wanted to catch the leaf, and immediately knocked on its head.


The little brown bear protested, then hugged Jiang Xiaoye's legs and barked, starving to death. There is no jerky in the nigger’s doghouse. Catch fish and eat!

Seeing that the tobacco is still growing slowly, Jiang Xiaoye took the little brown bear home. Tomorrow morning, the medicinal effect of the little cloth rain technique will definitely be fully utilized.

Zhao Wuliu placed the team directly in his own home. Of course, the fees are charged according to the standards of star hotels, anyway, the players have money.

In one afternoon, these players fully understood what the devil is. They played the ball. Zhao Wuliu played a life. If he went out, the football could be scored from hundreds of meters away. Isn't it a win?

And the strength of the ball, with the goalkeeper smashing the goal net, so that the goalkeeper is still in a coma.

Meng Yingzi didn't speak for the whole afternoon. He couldn't understand why there is such a strong football player, who is still human?

Empty volley shot, header, pass, hang in the air...

"Xiao Ye, this is the body refining plan given by the prison that you found, look at it!" Zhao Wuliu came to Jiang Xiaoye with a notebook, happy.

"Just look at it. This is extreme training. They can't stand it."

Jiang Xiaoye was speechless for a while after seeing the training event. This is probably the training method of special forces. How could these football players stand it?

What's more, the first training is for physical fitness, without any football events.

"It just can't stand it. There are three substitutes. There are only a few who are tired. And today these people are shocked by me. They are all excited and have to dominate the football field. I can't wait to start practicing tonight."

Zhao Wuliu was prepared early, after all, there are substitutes.

"Although it's a bit ruthless, it's feasible. Don't teach them exercises. The body exercises to the limit. Although it can't match the third-rate masters, it is absolutely terrifying. It's too easy to play football. Give them a ginseng stew every day. Remember Collect money."

A ginseng is enough to make them vigorous and terrible.

"Good!" Zhao Wuliu said happily: "This is the goalkeeper's. I plan to build an invincible goalkeeper. What do you think of this training program?"

"This, do you have any grudges?"

Jiang Xiaoye took a look, and was speechless. The player training method combined with ginseng and the aura here is sufficient, they can hold on, but this goalkeeper...

"Yes, let Lao Tzu lose so much money, of course I must make him cry."

Zhao Wuliu smiled, the training method is simple and rude.

Jiang Xiaoye has no time to deal with this for the time being. The mass production of Super Spirit Springs and swine fever have finally been controlled. During this time, Super Spirit Springs will be the first to start selling in Jiangcheng.

"Do you need to advertise?"

Chu Shiyuan is going back to Chu's house these two days, after all, he has stayed here for a long time.

"You don't need to fight, this thing is not unsellable." Jiang Xiaoye shook his head, there is no need to advertise, because these things are already very famous, but because they are only provided for pigs, so many news now say that they are super Lingquan is dedicated to swine fever.

In the beginning, the super spirit spring mineral water was gradually ignored.

But as long as the sale is made, there will be no problems at all.

On the second day, under the World Tree, Jiang Xiaoye opened his eyes.

"Are you going to break through?" Liu Huo looked at Jiang Xiaoye with a weird expression. Last night, Jiang Xiaoye's aura was ups and downs. Sometimes the aura that radiated made them afraid of breaking through the four levels. This is a sign of a breakthrough!

"It will be a breakthrough in these two days. After the breakthrough, there will be a lot of work to be done." Once the breakthrough, Jiang Xiaoye didn't know whether to go to the alien battlefield or stay in Yushan Village. After all, the Boundary Breaking Stone had not moved, indicating that the alien The battlefield is still stable.


Liu Huo thanked him and watched Jiang Xiaoye leave strangely.

Jiang Xiaoye is about to break the cage and step into the extraordinary!

The little brown bear was scared to sleep by Jiang Xiaoye's breath last night, so he went to sleep with the little cow so that he could share fresh milk with the little cow partner when he got up in the morning.

When Jiang Xiaoye came to the fish pond, it had already ran with a round belly.

"Good, not bad!"

Jiang Xiaoye was overjoyed. The tobacco is ready to be picked. Looking at the two types of green and golden tobacco, each of them is 1.78 meters tall, which is much larger than yesterday!

Tobacco must be pre-treated before fermentation. Fresh tobacco leaves are picked from mature and immature leaves, and then brewed to remove the green air and water in the leaves, saccharify and mature.

Jiang Xiaoye immediately began to pick tobacco leaves.

The little brown bear took a bite directly, and after a few bites, he began to stick his tongue out, screaming in anger, and nothing broken is not tasty at all!

Although there are only a hundred tobacco plants, they are too big. After Jiang Xiaoye picked them, there were a lot of them. He went straight back to push the cart to load the truck, and then went to some wire mesh racks where flying sandworms were hung before. They were fresh. Tobacco can be processed by air-drying, just like making air-dried meat. After the tobacco is picked, it is placed in a shed to air-dry naturally.

There is also the method of sun exposure, hanging a shed or on the wall, using sunlight and natural wind, and drying and aging. This method is the usual treatment method used by the elderly.

There are also some drying and fire roasting. Jiang Xiaoye didn't do it, just air-dry it.

"Xiao Ye, did you come from there?"

The old village chief came out for a stroll, and when he saw Jiang Xiaoye hanging tobacco leaves, his eyes lit up and he hurried over to take a look.

"I planted this by myself, see the effect, Second Grandpa, how is your pneumonia?" Jiang Xiaoye smiled and continued to hang the tobacco leaves.

The old village chief touched the tobacco leaves and sighed: "It's better, but it's not making smoking too uncomfortable."

For an old smoker, suddenly quit smoking, it really makes him uncomfortable.

"The body is important." Jiang Xiaoye reminded.

"I know, why are your tobacco leaves so yellow?" The old village chief who grows tobacco naturally found that Jiang Xiaoye's tobacco is different.

"The variety is different."

Jiang Xiaoye had already thought about it a long time ago. As soon as the Xiaobuyu technique mutated, it must be a different breed.