Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 102: Speech

The prince heard the words and saw that the head of state Du La-ben didn’t have the slightest nervousness, and he was relieved. He thought that the cooperation with Zhang Yu is related to the survival of the organization. He can’t let others block it, even his own citizens. That's why I want to disperse them, and I have the determination to force this decision.

"Father, let me arrange the lecture." The prince said urgently, the sooner this kind of thing, the better, so he took the initiative to ask for it.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Hearing this, the head of state nodded and replied.

At this time, the news came back to China. How could netizens miss such hot news? They were all discussing and paying attention to this matter.

"I have to admire Dr. Zhang Yu, who can actually exchange technology for such a large area of ​​land."

"A great life does not need to be explained, but how can Dr. Zhang Yu come to explain this matter? After all, the whole world is paying attention."

"The true and false have not yet been determined, everyone should go back to wash and sleep."

"So much evidence, it must be true, I now want to know that Dr. Zhang Yu has such a large piece of land, why should he come and grow vegetables."

"Idiot upstairs, can't you raise cattle?"

"It must be a tiger, the tiger is domineering."

"I think it should be a hard travel, or a place for vacation."

"What you said is wrong, it must have been built into a dream city."

Netizens are enthusiastically discussing how Zhang Yu uses the land, and they don't feel that Zhang Yu will not be able to study plants that can grow in the desert.

Ah Rabo United Nations, they are very angry at Saudi Arabia’s private decision, especially since everyone is an organization with serious desertification. Of course, there must be good things together. How can you discard the alliance casually? If Dr. Zhang Yu really researched With plants that can grow in the desert, their institutions can also benefit from it, and they can break free from the low tide of oil.

For this kind of good deeds, all agencies of the United Nations have visited the head of Saudi Arabia's U.N.A. For an organization, the most important thing is food first, followed by other things. The food consumed for three meals a day is really too much. The price of imports is also very high. In the past, oil can be sold and you can buy it at will. Unfortunately, oil is not valuable anymore. If they don’t quickly find a way out, the people will be hungry.

In a luxurious conference room, after all the capitals of the United Nations leaders arrived, the head of state of Saudi Arabia Ambrose knowingly asked: "Is there anything you want to do with me?" Except for the plants that Dr. Zhang Yu is studying, there is nothing worthy of their enthusiasm in his institution.

"Of course there is something. If Dr. Zhang Yu studies the plants that grow in the desert, we also need it. As an alliance, you can't leave us behind."

"Yes, do you have morals and shame in doing this?"

"That is, we have to own this plant anyway."

"As an alliance, we must share adversity together."


Ah Rabo, the heads of the United Nations roared.

When the head of Saudi Arabia heard this, he refused with an ugly face: "No, I paid a huge price to exchange the plants back, why do you take them in vain? You can't say anything about this kind of thing." But my heart moved, I might be able to withdraw some interest from them first.

"Don't worry, we will also pay something in exchange."

"That is, although our organization has no money now, there are still a lot of rare metals."

"My institution also has rare metals."

Many heads of state hope to use rare metals to pay for the bill. After all, rare metals are international currencies and will always be worth money. But how could the head of Saudi Arabia’s Ambrose simply agree that a part of the lost land must be recovered, so Saudi Arabia’s security President Bo, with a serious face, refused and said: "No, I have paid 250,000 square kilometers of land. Unless you allocate some land, don't think about it."

"What, land won't work."

"Yes, the land of our organization is already very tight. Let's buy more rare metals."

"You are too greedy."

The Führers scolded angrily.

When the head of Saudi Arabia heard this, he said without changing his face: "If you don't agree, I won't accompany you if I have anything to do. Do it yourself." After speaking, he stood up, as if he was about to leave and didn't want to talk.

Seeing the appearance of Saudi Arabia's head of state, the other heads of state panicked. If they can't take this ride, their institutions will be hopeless. Every year they can only squeeze the wealth of the people to import food. All scientific research will be due to lack of funds. But stop, and slowly become an organization without scientists, then this organization is destined to decline.

"we agree".

The heads of state shouted one after another, but their faces were extremely ugly.

After some negotiations, all countries paid some land. After signing the contract, they cursed and left. They didn't want to stay in this blackmailed place for a second.

The head of Saudi Arabia's Amber was very satisfied, but he seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, in the contract signed with Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu is only responsible for Saudi Arabia's Amber's territory, and other lands have a little relationship with Zhang Yu. Not at all. When he reacted, Zhang Yu had to leave a lot of his organization's land. The bulk of it was given to Zhang Yu, and he could only get some small bargains.

The next morning, the people who were still marching received the news that Yuan first spoke in the central square, so they changed their location and came to the central square. It quickly became a crowd of people, and the people who came from behind were crowded. Can't squeeze in, can only take out the binoculars from the back to watch.

Reporters from all over the world have received the news. Long guns and short guns have set up instruments in various places inside the square. Some media are still planning to broadcast live. If it weren’t for Zhang Yu’s relationship, they wouldn’t care about what happens to this organization, but Zhang Yu’s Participation is different. You must know that Zhang Yu has more than one billion fans and is definitely a superstar. If you announce a little bit about Zhang Yu, no one will worry about it.

"Come out, the head of state is out."

"Finally, it's too crowded here."

When the crowd saw the head of state coming out on stage, they all talked.

The well-prepared Saudi Arabian Führer Ahnlabh cleared his throat when he stepped onto the stage, and then said to his own citizens: "I am Dura Ben. I thought you would understand my difficulties in doing this. But none of you, so I am here today."

Yuan first made a noise and made his mistakes clear, so that the masses below were all persecuted. If you exchange the land privately, it is our fault. Is there any reason for this?

Without waiting for the citizens to react, the head of state said again: "Does everyone know the situation of our organization? Does it feel that life is more sad than before, the price of food has risen drastically, wages are getting less and less, and job opportunities There are also fewer and fewer people. I believe that many people below are unemployed. Do you know why this is?"

The Führer’s questioning silenced the citizens in the square. After thinking about it, they all knew that the Führer was right. This is the situation in Saudi Arabia, but does it have anything to do with the exchange of land.

"Don't change the concept secretly, what we want to know is why you want to exchange the land." The citizen closest to the head of state reacted and asked loudly.

"Yes, we have the right to know."

"We want the right to know."

The citizens booed.

After the head of state heard this, he said with a heavy face: "Okay, I'll just talk about why I want to do this."

"First of all, the condition of the institution is getting worse and worse. I have to find a way out for everyone. Because the oil plunge this time is not temporary, it is permanent. Therefore, the Saudi Arabian ambassador has a major financial problem and has not sold. For oil money, our organization still needs to import a lot of things. Where does the money come from?”

"There is no money, and the institution has become severely desertified. The self-sufficiency of food cannot be achieved. Food must be imported. Where is the money. Therefore, I hope that Dr. Zhang Yu will develop a plant that can grow in the desert. If you can be self-sufficient in food, if you develop another field, I believe the organization will definitely get better and better, do you believe it?"

The words of the head of state pierced into the minds of citizens. They instantly understood that the popularity of trams has greatly increased oil inventories. When the supply exceeds demand, oil can only plummet, and every country has a small number of oil fields, not to mention. I need oil from my own organization. The trouble is that Saudi Arabia is a major oil producer. If no one wants their oil, what else can their organization sell? You must know that Saudi Arabia is an organization with serious desertification. .



"Viva Heads".

"We absolutely agree to exchange."

Citizens who were relieved of their ties were praising the head of state, secretly blaming themselves, how can they doubt the head of state, really **** it, you must know that now the head of state is treating the organization wholeheartedly, and you must not hold back the head of state, so the crowd consciously After leaving, the protest also ended.

Citizens who were persuaded by the Führer would do what they should do, and they have returned to the same condition as before, but they are looking forward to the research results of Dr. Zhang Yu. If the Führer says, their own institutions will become like the Führer said. Green institutions, what a beautiful picture, they can't help themselves in beautiful fantasy.

The commentary style on the Internet changed after the speech. The citizens of Saudi Arabia gathered spontaneously to praise Zhang Yulai.

"Dr. Zhang Yu, please do your research successfully."

"As long as Dr. Zhang Yu can successfully research it out, we will help you take care of your territory and build a house for free."

"I also help."

"me too".

The comments were covered by these praises. Netizens from other organizations had watched the speech of the Saudi Arabian Führer and knew that it was related to the work of their organization, so there was no trouble, ridicule, ridicule, only silent blessings.

At the No. 1 Citi State residence, Obamar, who learned of the bad news, broke a lot of things in anger and continued to curse: "Damn it, why is everything like this? Isn't there no one? Can one thing go to my heart?" ..The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: Read the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 102 Lecture), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (