Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1066: Venus Transformation

When Zhang Yu knew that the girls of Xingyue Nation were going to take medicine, he married himself. Single boys were even more dare not to go out. They were immediately confused. Is this the Xingyue Nation he established? Why did it become so? Strange.

This kind of thing must be strictly prohibited, otherwise Xingyue Nation will grow crooked, and then Zhang Yu issued a note that the chaos within Xingyue will be restored.

The number of beautiful women who immigrated to Xingyue Country from various countries is amazing, and after being injected with the perfect evolution potion, they soon became pregnant with children of Xingyue Country citizens, and the number of babies to be born soared to more than 10 million.

The surge in population has brought about logistical pressure. The delivery rooms, baby supplies, and other messy things in Xingyue Country are not enough. The most important thing is the delivery room. It is not enough to transform all the hospitals on Mars into nursery hospitals.

Alexander’s head of state Su Mei approached Zhang Yu and reported: "My husband, think of a way. In a few months, more than 10 million babies will be born, the delivery room will not be enough, and the housing pressure will also increase sharply in the future. Yes, you are not allowed to expand the city, what should I do".

Mars is not big in the first place. If the city is expanded, it will inevitably seize the land of animals and plants. This is just a temporary solution, because if the population of Xingyue Nation becomes larger in the future, will it be expanded?

At that time, the animals and plants of Mars will be on the verge of extinction, just like the earth. That's why Zhang Yu will not allow the city to be expanded immediately. But now that the population is increasing rapidly, more survival sites are needed to settle the new population.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu said: "Didn't Venus be transformed into an ecological park? Build a city on it to settle the surge in population."

"But on Venus, there is no energy, so you can't cultivate. Who would want to abandon Mars, a treasured land of geomantic practice, and immigrate to Venus." Su Mei asked with a serious face.

"Therefore, Venus needs to be transformed to make it a source star. With an environment where you can practice, plus an immigration policy, you won't be afraid that no one will emigrate by then." Zhang Yu explained.

"Then leave it to you, husband". Su Mei, who is very charming, kissed Zhang Yu and left with a smile.

"It's such a goblin. If he is not careful, he will take the trouble to himself." Zhang Yu said depressed.

Returning to the laboratory in the headquarters building, Zhang Yu called Shi Xi and the others, and talked about the troubles one to five to ten, and wanted to hone their abilities. The first one to speak was Shi Xi, shouting with a grin. Tao.

"Isn't it enough to transform like Mars, build an array to send energy to Venus"

"No, there are no planets orbiting on Venus, and the array disk cannot be installed. Unlike the Earth and Mars, there are planets such as the moon." After Xu Bo analyzed, he rejected Shi Xi's suggestion.

"Can't you install array disks in the atmosphere of Venus?" Wang Hailing asked.

"No, the atmosphere isolates the energy in the universe, and the array cannot extract energy." Zhang Yu denied.

"Then how to transform it". Shi Xi and others looked at each other.

"Why, do you give up like this? Use your brains and let me solve everything else. You should also be independent. This task is left to you. It's best to think of a solution within a month." Zhang Yu ordered.

"What, one month is too short." Shi Xi exclaimed.

"Yes, teacher, let me give you a little more time." Xu Bo asked.

"Without consultation, a large number of babies will be born after nine months. Venus must be transformed and residential facilities such as cities and hospitals must be built before that, otherwise it will be too late." Zhang Yu resolutely said.

"Well, we try our best." Shi Xi and others responded helplessly.

The heavy-duty Shi Xi and the others came to Venus through the portal to collect information, but did not find that the plants around the teleportation array were more luxuriant and more vibrant than the plants in the distance.

Venus, which has been transformed into a dinosaur paradise, is home to a huge number of dinosaurs and modern animals. After natural elimination, the surviving animals are the most adaptable. Unfortunately, there is no energy on Venus.

Shi Xi and others, who are accustomed to being surrounded by energy, felt something wrong all over when they came to Venus. This is the instinct of life. It's like eating the delicacies of mountains and seas.

Because Venus is closer to the sun than the earth, the sunlight on Venus is also much hotter than that on the earth. Shi Xi shielded the sun with her hands and irradiated her face, depressed: "If you go in the sun, people will turn black."

"It must be dark, and I don't know how long I will stay here." Xu Bodao.

"Can you come out to collect information at night". Shi Xi suggested.

"Don't dream, if the teacher knows about it, you will definitely be punished to stand in the sun and get tanned until it gets dark." Xu Bo firmly said.

"Huh~". Shi Xi suddenly gave up his plan to work at night.

Shi Xi and the others, who collected the data, couldn't find a place to put the energy conversion array, and suddenly became depressed. They could only choose other methods to transform Venus, but the process of getting out of nothing was the most difficult.

Sometimes a good idea can be thought of in the next second, or it may never be thought of in a lifetime.

Day by day, Shi Xi and the others were already dizzy, but still did not think of a solution. Until one day, when Wang Hailing was in the camp, looking up at the starry sky, she saw the moon.

An inspiration flashed by, and Wang Hailing exclaimed ecstatically: "I have thought of a way~~".

The shouting alarmed Shi Xi and others. They all ran over and asked Wang Hailing: "Quickly talk about it, what is the way~~".

"Since there is no place to install the energy conversion array on Venus, let's get one for Venus, isn't it all right?" Wang Hailing explained.

"Speak clearly." The confused crowd said eagerly.

"Get a moon out of the atmosphere of Venus, and then install an energy conversion array on it. Can't you turn Venus into a planet that can be cultivated? What do you think?" Wang Hailing smiled.

"Good idea, let's get started quickly." Shi Xi was overjoyed.

"Xingyue Kingdom's new space battleship is powerful enough to pull a planet to the edge of Venus. I will immediately second one to come over." Xu Bo couldn't wait to say.

"I'll see which asteroid in space is suitable." Lu Hong turned around and went busy after speaking.

After thinking of a way, Shi Xi and others searched for a suitable asteroid in space and used a space warship to pull it to the orbit of Venus. When the asteroid circled Venus, Shi Xi and others cheered happily. .

"We succeeded."



After cheering, Shi Xi smiled and said: "Let's go, everyone, start to install the energy conversion array."

"it is good". Everyone responded with one answer.

The energy conversion array was easily installed on the asteroid in the orbit of Venus. After that, a huge amount of pure energy was injected into Venus, and then Venus began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

All animals and plants have begun to evolve. Even the nucleus of Venus is activated by energy and begins to transform into a source star. Although the transformation speed is very long, as long as it evolves into a source star, Venus can automatically convert energy.

After completing the mission, Shi Xi and the others returned to the laboratory in the headquarters building on Mars and whispered to Zhang Yu.

"Teacher, we have transformed Venus."

"We are great."


Zhang Yu, who likes to peep, has long known about the transformation of Venus. He pretended to be surprised and admired: "Yes, it only took half a month to complete the task. Now you can start building a city on Venus. ".

"Should we go to build the city?" Shi Xi asked.

"No, just let An Ran go. She is a professional. You can rest for a few days before starting new scientific research." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Good teacher". Shi Xi waited.

After receiving Zhang Yu's order to build a city, An Ran, the Minister of Construction, immediately gathered together people and horses non-stop, transported a steady stream of construction materials to the top of Venus, and began to build a city that can live in hundreds of millions of people.

The movement on Venus cannot be concealed from others, and Zhang Yu never thought of hiding it. Everyone soon knew that Venus was transformed into a planet that could be cultivated and could soon immigrate to it.

Citizens of Xingyue Country posted on the Internet and discussed.

"Finally the land is divided again, long live".

"I don't know how the land was divided this time, I look forward to it."

"Several wives are pregnant, but I didn't expect to have land, so I'm so happy."


The earth, the citizens of various countries whose beautiful women were seduced away are very upset, but now they have discovered that the Star-Moon Kingdom has transformed Venus into a planet that can be cultivated, and the earth has nothing, so how can it not make people crazy with jealousy.

Above the Earth World Forum.

Citizens of Country M complained hysterically: "The government is too useless. Now Xingyue Nation can transform the planting star into a source star that can be cultivated, and our earth has no movement at all. When can we cultivate?"

Citizens of Eagle Country envied: "Don't stop me, I want to smuggle to Xingyue Country, where is heaven, whoever wants to join him, sign up."

Goose Screw citizen jealously said: "How can the difference between people and people be so big? It turns out that being with the right person is very important. Those who followed Dr. Zhang Yu in the morning have reached the pinnacle of life, and at this moment, we are still standing still. ".

The citizens of Odalia roared again and again: "I have been disappointed with the government time and time again. Wouldn't they go to negotiate with Dr. Zhang Yu to transform the earth?"

The heads of state obviously also want the help of the Star-Moon Nation to transform the earth into a planet that can be cultivated. Those with identities don’t want to die, and as long as they live in a place surrounded by energy, they can live even if they can’t evolve and cultivate. longer.

The heads of state who could not refuse this temptation came to Xingyue Nation one after another, wanting to discuss the transformation of the earth, the diplomat Minister Ma Tianxing said hesitantly to the heads of state.

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