Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1385: drifting

Frightened You Sheng was really frightened by the Sea Elf Pink Dolphin, and she didn't dare to do it anymore. After the Sea Elf Pink Dolphin vented her anger, she continued to swim downstream with Yas and Tang Hui on her back. The one who died frequently The sea elf powder dolphin was also taken away by its companions.

Tang Hui, who woke up faintly, was also frightened by the sea elf powder dolphin. After hearing Yass' explanation that there was no danger, she relaxed and enjoyed the kindness of the sea elf powder dolphin.

Yas saw the shore, the ghost of You Sheng, who was chasing after him, and said depressed: "It's really a ghost."

"Yas, where will they take us". Tang Hui asked curiously,

"I do not know either". Yas smiled bitterly.

In Youcheng, Song Bao, An Qian and other ghosts who came from Lingcheng discovered the lively street market and heard a distorted story. A prince rescued the princess from the hands of the demon Yousheng, and escaped to a happy and beautiful world together. In it.

Song Bao, who heard this story, said with a dazed face: "There are fairy tales in hell."

"Maybe it's not a fairy tale, but a real event that is rumored to be false. The people like to exaggerate things, so it spreads around and the story is distorted." Yan Xi, who has been living in hell, spoke.

"It seems that a ghost really rescued a female ghost from the city lord's mansion. This is too awesome, who is so bold." Song Bao admired that it was not an easy task to rescue the target from the heavily guarded City Lord's Mansion.

The whispering words of the two pedestrians passing by made Song Bao stunned.

"Lao Chang ghost is really good. I didn't expect that he was so kind that he would be stared at his daughter by such a demon like You Sheng. Fortunately, he was so kind. The boy Yas he saved had a conscience and saved Lao Chang. Ghost's daughter".

"Yes, this world is really messy, when will everyone not have to worry about being afraid".

"I don't know if Yass and the others can escape the catastrophe, You Sheng's demon even the Black Armored Army has been taken out."

"I hope they can hide, hey".

"---". Song Bao and An Qian and other ghosts looked at each other.

"It's not the ghost you're looking for, it's the Yas they call it." Yan Xi saw the shocked expressions on the faces of Song Bao and other ghosts, and asked hesitantly.

"That's right, it must be Yass, and only he has the ability to rescue the target from the city lord's mansion. After all, he was Zhang Yu's best expedition leader during his lifetime. He has experienced countless dangers and is full of experience." Song Bao screamed.

"I didn't expect Yass' experience to be so rich." An Qian exclaimed.

"Hey, don't say so much. Use the ghost hunting mirror to find where Yas and the others are. The black armor is the most elite soldier of the city lord of Youcheng, and Yas may be dangerous." Yan Xi reminded him after hearing a lot of information about hell.

"Yes." Song Bao reacted, took out the ghost hunting mirror, and activated it.


The ghost hunting mirror reflected white light, and then the picture appeared. In the picture, Yas and a pure female ghost were sitting on top of a pink unicorn dolphin, drifting on the river Styx, without seeing at all. What is the danger.

Upon seeing this, Song Baoguo said crookedly: "Cut, it's really a wave of good dog food."

"it's so pretty". Seeing a scene in the picture, An Qian and other female ghosts are full of little stars.

"No, look at the shore." Yan Xi's expression condensed and reminded.

"what". The ghosts were surprised, their eyes moved to the edge of the screen, a group of soldiers in black armor, followed by Yass, obviously, they should be what the pedestrians call the black armored army.

"We have to hurry over." Song Bao said with a solemn expression.

"Let's go". An Qian motioned.

Song Bao and other ghosts who left the Youcheng kept rushing to Styx, holding the ghost hunting mirror, Song Bao kept giving the correct position. In this way, you won’t be afraid of going wrong, you can come. After arriving at Styx, everyone found something very urgent.

That is, the speed of the Styx is so fast that it is impossible to catch up with Yass by walking, unless they also jump off the river, but in doing so, it is only the same speed as Yass, and it is impossible to catch up.

"what should I do". An Qian panicked and asked.

"It would be great if there was a boat." Song Bao said with emotion.

"Without a boat, why don't we just use one by ourselves". Yan Xi said.

"No, it's too late now. When we finish the ship, Yas will not know where to go, and the Black Armored Army will not let Yas escape." Song Bao shook his head and analyzed.

"Or, wake up Zhang Yu to find a way." Yan Xi suggested.

"Yes, Brother Yu entered **** physically, so he must have brought a lot of supplies in, maybe there will be ships." Song Bao was overjoyed when he heard this, and said with confidence.

Zhang Yu, who was asleep in a daze, felt the sensation of being shaken violently. He woke up and saw Song Bao's eager expression. He sighed a little helplessly and asked, "What's the matter?" .

"Brother Yu, we want a boat, it doesn't need to be big, it's fast enough." Song Bao shouted.

"good". Zhang Yu nodded, took out a speedboat from the space ring and placed it on the edge of the Styx. He fell asleep again quickly, recovering from his injuries all the time, otherwise it would be dangerous next time. Can't help anymore.

The speedboat full of science and technology made Yan Xi, who lives in hell, full of curiosity, how could the boat move without paddling? Before Yan Xi asked, Song Bao and other ghosts stepped onto the speedboat without stopping.

Song Bao, who was at the helm, shouted, "Sit down."

"All right". An Qian waited for the ghost to answer, and Yan Xi, confused, sat in the middle of the speedboat with Zhang Yu on his back, and let An Qian help her to fix her seat belt.

Just when Yan Xi couldn't help but curiously ask, Song Bao turned on the speedboat, the engine suddenly roared, making a low and low noise, and the propeller turned extremely fast, driving the speedboat to rush on the river.

"Wow wow wow". After seeing this, Yan Xi exclaimed and asked again and again: "What kind of boat is this, how can it move on its own, and it can be so fast".

"This is the speedboat of the technological world. It can not only run in the river, but also fly." Song Bao said triumphantly.

"Then fly, it's faster, isn't it". Yan Xi beamed his eyes.

"Yes, I'm optimistic." Song Bao hesitantly pressed the anti-gravity start button.


The speedboat shook violently, and then Song Baozhu forced it, because the speedboat was still on the Styx, and did not fly as expected, Yan Xi asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"No, anti-gravity engines cannot be used in hell." Song Bao said helplessly.

"Okay, forget it." Yan Xi said disappointedly.

Song Bao, who couldn't show off, drove the speedboat to full power. Two waves splashed on the river. The speedboat rushed in the middle. The water monsters that were alarmed under the river swarmed out again, but they even chased the tail of the speedboat. Not on.

"Rumble rumbling~".

Soon, the speedboat arrived at the location of the waterfall, and Yan Xi who heard the loud noise shouted: "No, it's the waterfall, stop now."

"It's too late, everyone sit still, we are going to leap down." Hearing that, Song Bao explained with a wry smile that too fast and time is not a good thing, because braking is difficult, especially in the river.

From the top of the waterfall, the speedboat that jumped out was parabolic and dropped. Song Bao and other ghosts, whose hearts were about to pop out, made continuous screams until the speedboat fell into the river under the waterfall.


The water splashed tens of meters high, and the speedboat sank into the river. The enclosed cabin was filled with air, and soon resurfaced. Because it was Zhang Yu's speedboat, the quality was very good. Even such a big impact. damaged.

"Hahaha, we are all right". Song Bao, who was in control of the speedboat, yelled.

"Can you take a snack, don't mess around, bastard". An Qian bared her fangs and yelled angrily.

"Sorry for you". Song Bao apologized insincerely, manipulating the speedboat on the river, and ran wildly again.

On the beach along the coast, the Sea Elf Pink Dolphin placed Yas and Tang Hui on the shore, and left one after another into the Underworld, but Yas and Tang Hui did not dare to stop, because the shore on the right , The black armour is coming after him.

"Let's go." Yasra rushed Tang Hui wildly.

On the shore on the right, the sound of horseshoes was endless. After arriving at the beach, You Sheng, watching the opposite beach, saw a row of footprints disappearing in the grass, and behind it was a dense forest.

"They finally came ashore, chase me." You Sheng exulted and said that as long as he went ashore, he would have a chance to catch them.

"Yes". The black armies responded.

The ghost horse carried the Black Armored Army and You Sheng, flew up, and crossed the Styx from a high place. Without the suppression of the sea elves, the great monsters, demons and ghosts in the Styx appeared one after another, scared You Sheng quickly climbed to Go higher in the air.

"Papa Papa".

The ghosts that jumped up from the Styx could not reach the ghosts of Yousheng, and shouted unwillingly. They fell into the Styx, splashing with water.

Flying from a high altitude across the river, I landed on the beach, chasing Yas and Tang Hui along the footprints, with a terrifying expression on his face. His patience was exhausted, and he just wanted to catch Yas and Tang. Tang Hui, it doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive.

In the city lord's mansion of Youcheng, under the powerful strength of Youwang, the sixth sense is very strong, but today his mood has been very bad, there is always a feeling of anxiety, secretly guessed.

"It's not that something is going to happen to my son, right".

"No, I have to go and see." Soon after, King You put down all his work and left Youcheng alone.

At the junction of the river and the sea, the speedboat was docked on the shore. After Yan Xi waited for the ghost to jump off the speedboat, she helped the speedboat to vomit frantically. Song Bao's speedboat skills were too scary, and he was struggling with his life.

⊙o⊙)...". Seeing the ghosts retching, Song Bao was a little dumbfounded.

"I swear, I will never take your speedboat in the future." An Qian, with a blue face, said viciously.

"agree". Yan Xi and other ghosts agreed.

Song Bao, with an embarrassed face, saw the messy footprints and horseshoe prints on the beach, and quickly changed the subject: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, or Yass and the others will be caught up by the Black Army." ..