Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1403: Dark Crow

Of course there is a spaceship Zhang Yu, but there is no navigation system in the hell, and the automatic flight mode cannot be used. The manual flight mode does not guarantee that the spacecraft will always fly in a straight line, so I never thought about taking the spacecraft.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "The spacecraft is unusable, let's take a flying car on the road."

"It's okay, no matter what you don't need to walk, it's fine." Song Bao didn't care.

"What is a flying car". Yan Xi, Lao Gui and Tang Hui questioned their faces. They were **** residents and had never seen a car. When the flying car appeared in the hell, the three ghosts were shocked and their eyes all fell out.

A cross-country flying vehicle carrying twelve people, with a black body, a bullet-like front, and an ion engine at the end, can instantly accelerate to supersonic speed. Such a flying vehicle makes Song Bao admire it.

"Brother Yu, after using it up, send me the car." Song Bao said with bright eyes.

"Why, do you want to go racing again, no?" Zhang Yu refused.

"Hehehe, how do you know if the car is good or not, right?" Song Bao's words are unreasonable.

"Wrong reason, in short, don't give it, this is something my brothers and sisters have confessed, let's go, don't talk nonsense." After Zhang Yu refused, he greeted everyone to get in the car. After the intelligent system of the flying car was activated, the intelligent man reported.

"Unable to link to the navigation system and switch to manual operation mode".

"I'm coming, I'm coming~~". Hearing this, Song Bao suddenly sat in the driving position and became the driver. Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu had no choice but to let Song Baolai control the flying car.

Knowing that Song Bao likes the urination of drag racing, Zhang Yu suggested to Yas and other ghosts: "Hurry up and fasten your seat belts and don't vomit for a while."

"What seat belt". Yan Xi, Lao Gui, and Tang Hui questioned.

"look at me". Zhang Yu gestured, then picked up a belt on the right and connected it to the socket on the left. The buckle made a soft "click" and the seat belt was buckled. The three ghosts of Yan Xi, Tang Hui, and Lao Gui were stunned. They buckled their seat belts one after another.

"Sit down, the old driver is going to start." Song Bao couldn't wait to shout.

As soon as the voice fell, Song Bao stepped on the accelerator, and the energy rushed into the engine. Amid the roar, the flying car flew up, advancing wildly, and the huge propulsion made Yas and other ghosts very uncomfortable, and their faces turned blue. It's purple.

"Oh oh oh~". Song Bao, who was howling a ghost, drifted at high speed, turned and had a lot of fun, only to suffer from the ghosts such as Yas in the car.

The flying car flying over the swamp hurriedly passed by. The giant monsters in the swamp were attracted by the sound of the engine, and suddenly emerged from the swamp. One by one, huge earth dragons leaped towards the flying car with their teeth and claws.

"Sit down." Seeing the danger, Song Bao not only was not worried, but became even more excited, shouting a reminder.

"Mum". Yas and the other ghosts saw the huge dragon outside the window, their faces paled in shock.


The flying car turned extremely fast, dodged the plops and lashes of the earth dragon, and went all the way. If it is an ordinary flying car, it can't withstand such a flexible flight at all, and only a modified flying car can.

After flying out of the Tulong lair, Song Bao said with satisfaction: "Fortunately, my strength has not regressed at all."

"Open the window." Zhang Yu sighed.

"Good Le". Song Bao responded and opened the window, and immediately found that Yas and the other ghosts all put their heads out of the car window, vomiting frantically.

"Hahaha~". Song Bao gave a dry laugh and drove the car a little slower, otherwise he was afraid of being beaten up after a while.

After racing, Yas, who became half-dead and other ghosts, stared at Song Bao in the driver's seat viciously, making Song Bao's hair frightened. Song Bao, who dared not to drive anymore, drove steadily, which made the gaze behind him. Not so vicious.

Outside the car window, the short gray grass made the swamp look less monotonous. In the dirty stagnant water, some bubbles appeared from time to time. The big tree was very rare in the swamp, and it took a long time to see one.

After a few hours of flying, the flying car left the marshland and came to a wide and huge river. Yass was very familiar with this river, because he and Tang Hui escaped from here.

Suddenly, Yass remembered that there were a lot of weird fish in the Styx. Thinking of this, Yass face changed and shouted to remind him: "Be careful, Song Bao, there are many weird fishes in the Styx."

"What~". Song Bao didn't react immediately, and it was too late to react.


A few meters in length, bloated but flexible strange fishes crossed the surface of the water from the bottom of the river. In the huge fish's mouth, dense fangs and sharp teeth were exposed. If the prey is bitten, it will definitely be torn to pieces in an instant.

The strange fish jumped into the air, about the same height as the flying car, and a bite was going to the bottom of the flying car, above the parts, the metal body was also dented, and the strange fish was still biting. .

"Attacked, please flee quickly." The intelligent system of the flying car issued an alert.

The car body was bitten by the strange fish, and it swayed back and forth, and swayed side to side. It couldn't drive normally. Song Bao and other ghosts in the car also staggered. Fortunately, there was a seat belt, so there was no injury.

However, under the shaking of such a distance, it was impossible to control the flying car normally. Song Bao asked urgently: "Brother Yu, do you have any weapons for the flying car? If you don't fix the monsters, you can't drive the flying car at all."

"Where there is a red button on your right, just press it." Zhang Yu commanded.

Hearing that, Song Bao looked over and really saw a red button. He pressed it without thinking about it. With a soft beep, the intelligent artificial system made a sound: "The electric shock system is activated."


A violent electric arc circulated on the car body, and a high-voltage current flowed through the monster's body in an instant, causing them to stiffen and fall weakly into the river, splashing water several meters high, and the flying car was out of trouble.

"Hahaha, for nothing." Song Bao screamed, slammed on the accelerator, and the flying car "shooed" across the river and flew across the river.

After getting out of the danger, the flying car came to a dense jungle. The tall trees blocked the way. Song Bao lifted the flying car and flew over the tree tops. The gloomy woods felt terrifying no matter how you looked at it.


It resembled a baby's cry, echoing in the forest.

"It's the cry of a baby." Yass was startled, thinking it was an abandoned baby, yelling.

"No, this is the cry of Ming Crow, run." Lao Gui, who was once a hunter of soul beasts, noticed the strangeness in his voice in an instant, his face suddenly changed wildly, and he shouted in amazement.

"okay". Although he didn't know what the Dark Crow was, after the strange fish matter just now, Song Bao was worried that something big would happen, so he stepped on the accelerator without thinking about it, and hurriedly flew the flying car away from the forest.

"That's too late". Looking at Zhang Yu outside the car window, his face was dark.

"what". The ghosts were startled and all looked out of the car window.

Under the gloomy tree, the branches were shaking violently, and a group of huge black crows flew up, and the most frightening thing was that the crows were very ordinary, but the dark crows were terrible.

Each dark crow is as big as an elephant, and has a hideous face, and it has small and dense teeth. Its eyeballs are red, which is extraordinarily infiltrating and terrifying.

On the feathers, there was thick black smoke, and those who didn't know thought it was on fire.

"Guru". Song Bao swallowed in fright, stepped on the lowest accelerator, the engine roared, and flew away.

"Huhuhu". The dark crow flapping its wings, the wind was violent, and it leaped several hundred feet in an instant. At such a speed, Song Bao and other ghosts turned pale, with an expression like seeing God.

Calmly Zhang Yu commanded; "Xiaobao, press the button above your knee."

"OK". Song Bao responded in a panic, stretched his hand to the top of his knee, fumbled for a button, and pressed it without hesitation.

The moment the button was pressed, the intelligent artificial system said: "The thruster is activated."


With a blast, the propeller behind the flying car glowed with blue light, electric ions gushed out, the flying car broke the sound barrier, and flew at extreme speed. The ghosts in the car felt the strong pressure, and their faces became pale.


After seeing the prey escaping, the dark crow flew over in a hurry. The beak full of fine fangs widened, and black **** of light shot out, faster than the dark crow flying, and caught up. A flying car.

When the old Gui in the car saw this, he shouted in shock, "Quickly hide, that is the death wave of the dark crow, and you will die if you rub it."

"what". Song Bao was shocked when he heard the words. He was driving the flying car to a super long turn. The black ball of light brushed the flying car and flew past, hitting the trees in the forest. In a flash, the trees evaporated and were buried. The roots of the underground trees also disappeared, leaving only an empty ground.

This kind of attack ability is simply cheating. As long as it hits a certain part of the target, other parts will be annihilated. It doesn't make sense at all. These dark crows are too strong, and Song Bao and other ghosts have no idea of ​​fighting.

At the same time, when the flying car was turning, the dark crow chased it at an unabated speed, and the distance between the two sides narrowed a little, so that Song Bao did not dare to slow down at all.

"Lao Gui, do you know what Ming Crow has weaknesses". Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes, but they will not leave the forest." Old Gui replied.

"Damn, saying it means not saying it". Song Bao and other ghosts, who were looking forward to it, said with a depressed face after hearing the words.

During the conversation, I saw a group of dark crows chasing back and forth, shooting black **** of light back and forth. The dense **** of light occupied the sky. This made Song Bao and other ghosts in the flying car look desperate. This kind of coverage Sexual assault is inevitable.

"Dead". Song Bao and other ghosts said in despair.

"It's not time to give up, Xiaobao, pull up the steering wheel." Zhang Yu shouted.

"What, the steering wheel can still be pulled up." Song Bao exclaimed. According to Zhang Yu's words, Song Bao tried and found that the steering wheel could really be pulled up. He pulled the steering wheel with a fierce force, and the flying car disappeared with a loud noise.

"Boom~". ..