Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1408: Reunion

Everyone who heard the words watched and saw the robot's cold body and the familiar model of the fuselage, which were all special signs of the Xingyue Kingdom, stunned, unbelievable, stunned Yas and other ghosts, shouting road.

"It's really a robot from Xingyue Country."

"Impossible, how did Star Moon Kingdom and Hell connect?"

"Can we go home?"


"go home". The appearance of the two words made Song Bao and other ghosts excited, forgetting the danger of the Evil Spirit Land, and Zhang Yu, who strode over and kept his sanity, was taken aback and hurriedly pulled Song Bao and other ghosts away. return.

"What are you doing, it is very dangerous for your ghosts." Zhang Yu said angrily.

"Sorry, I forgot when I was too excited." Song Bao and the other ghosts said embarrassedly, their foreheads were covered with cold sweat, if Zhang Yu hadn't pulled them back in an emergency, they might have become irrational evil spirits.

"I'll go in and have a look, you stay here and wait." Zhang Yu gestured.

"Well, go early and return early." Song Bao waited with a look of expectation, and said that he hoped that Zhang Yu could bring back good news.

Zhang Yu, who has a physical body, doesn't fear the invasion of the miasma in the land of evil spirits. Those miasma are only aimed at souls without a body. When Zhang Yu walked in, he saw a dense cluster of evil spirits fleeing away.

The miasma made the vision less clear, but Zhang Yu's eyes were not affected at all. The closer he gets to the robot, the more excited and expectant Zhang Yu is. He has been in **** for so long, and there is no clue to leave hell.

If the robots in front of us really belong to the star-moon country, then it proves that the gate of the starry sky has been activated. Only this treasure that brings the four-dimensional universe from the three-dimensional universe can open the passage of hell.

After the analysis, Zhang Yu secretly looked forward to saying: "It must be as expected."

"Uuuuu~". The howling of ghosts and wolves resounded through the land of the dead. Although the evil spirits were scared away by the nuclear fusion light of the robot, to Zhang Yu who broke in, his eyes glowed like a cat smelling a fish.

A large number of evil spirits swarmed in, and even the escaped evil spirits had forgotten the threat of robots.

Besieged by a dense cluster of evil spirits, Zhang Yu just radiated the yang energy in his body, so that all evil spirits were blocked out. No evil spirit could enter, but the evil spirits were reluctant to leave. Entangled.

"trouble". Zhang Yu frowned, his vision was blocked by the evil spirit, and the position of the robot was no longer visible.

At the same time, through the video shared by the robot, Tang Yan and other women in the temporary command room saw the rioting evil spirits and what was besieging them, but the miasma and evil spirits blocked the sight, and they could not see the evil spirits. What is it.

Angela looked anxious and said, "Could it be Xiaoyue?"

"Not necessarily, just go and see." Tang Yan frowned.

"I'll let the robot go over and take a look." Shi Xi shouted, the robots all ran towards the evil spirit group, the nuclear fusion light on the robot Xiong's mouth was reflected on the evil spirits, making a "Sisisi" melting sound.

"Hohoho~". The evil spirit fled away in horror and gave way.

The robot and Zhang Yu stared face to face together. The five daughters of Tang Yan, Shi Xi and others in the temporary command room were all dumbfounded, and then became ecstatic. They all saw Zhang Yu's figure.

"It's my husband, I know, my husband will be fine, woo woo woo~". Tang Yan yelled with tears of joy.

"Great, I found the teacher." Shi Xi and others exulted.

"Quickly connect the annunciator, I want to talk to my husband". Angela said with joy.

"Yes". Guangnao Xiaowen responded and linked the robot's communication system, allowing Angela's voice to appear in hell.

"Husband, is it really you". Angela who spoke through the robot asked incredulously.

Zhang Yu in the land of evil spirits heard the robot and made Angela's voice. He was immediately excited. He knew that he had guessed right. The Star Gate really opened the passage to hell. There will be no second explanation. NS.

"It's me, An Qi, how are you all?" Zhang Yu said excitedly.

"We are fine, but Xiao Yue is gone. Has she been to your area? We can't find her." Angela said emotionally and joyously.

"What, how could this happen, how did Xiao Yue disappear?" Zhang Yu said in a panic that his daughter was gone. As a father, Zhang Yu was very anxious.

"Because you are gone, Xiaoyue wants to find you, but I locked the Martian spacecraft on my own terms, and Xiaoyue quietly opened the door to the starry sky. I don't know where to go, we are also looking for her." . Tang Yan explained helplessly.

"Too messy." Zhang Yu said angrily, but it's useless to be angry, things have already happened.

"Husband, I miss you so much, I will go and find you now". Tang Yan complained.

"Don't come here, I am **** here, if you come here with insufficient yang energy, you will definitely be eroded by yin energy, let me go back." After thinking about it, Zhang Yu decided to say.

"Well, we wait for you to come back." Tang Yan and other women said in unison.

Anxious Zhang Yu turned around and ran out of the land of evil spirits. Song Bao and the others were still outside. They couldn't keep them. They had to take them away together. Otherwise, Zhang Yu was worried. After all, **** is too messy now.

Outside the land of evil spirits, Song Bao saw Zhang Yu hurriedly returning, and asked expectantly: "How about it, is it our robot?"

"Yes, the door of the starry sky opened the passage to hell, and we can go home." Zhang Yu nodded and replied,

"Yeah, great". Yas and others cheered ecstatically.

But soon, the ghosts sounded, they are not human, even if they go back, they are still in the state of their souls, this state is not what they want, and after a while, Song Bao and other ghosts collapsed.

Seeing Song Bao and other ghosts' expressions, Zhang Yu comforted: "Don't worry, I will definitely make everyone become human again."

"I believe you". Song Bao said firmly.

"Your Majesty, I believe you too". Yas said sternly.

"Then I beg you." An Qian and other ghosts said one after another.

"What about you, do you want to go with me?" Zhang Yu looked at Yan Xi, Lao Gui, and Tang Hui.

"I want to follow Yass, I will go wherever he goes." Tang Hui replied weakly, her small hand firmly grasped Yas's arm, making Yas smile awkwardly in the ridiculous eyes of the ghosts.

"You are kind to me, and I want to repay it back, so I decided to go with you." Lao Gui said seriously.

"Can". Zhang Yu agreed and looked at the last ghost Yan Xi and said, "Where are you".

"Of course I am following you, the world on earth, I want to see how it is." Yan Xi replied with a look of anticipation. As a native **** resident, the world is the place she yearns for, and there is also Zhang Yu, a person who makes her feel good, and Yan Xi does not want to be separated.

"Well, they are all around me. I want to take you in. Remember, don't leave the yang circle, otherwise, you will become an evil spirit." After Zhang Yu told him, he stimulated the yang circle.


The collision of the Yang Qi and the evil spirit made a sound, and Song Bao and other ghosts who were leaning against Zhang Yu followed Zhang Yu in fear and entered the land of evil spirits. The breath of ghosts that made the ghosts frightened surrounds the yang circle. Outside, ready to approach at any time, but they are all blocked by the yang ring.

Discovering that the evil spirit's breath can't help the yang circle, Song Bao and other ghosts relaxed, and together with Zhang Yu, strode into the depths of the evil spirit land, in front of the open passage of the starry sky door.

"Let's go". After Zhang Yu gestured, he walked into the passage, and Song Bao and other ghosts followed one after another.

In the deep black passage, the dots of light make people confused between illusion and reality. Behind the light is a chaotic and disorderly storm of time and space. Zhang Yu can feel the storm of time and space, which poses a great threat to himself.

The door to the starry sky opened by the three-dimensional world is only space storms and turbulence, while the thinking world has an additional time attribute, which increases the degree of danger by tens of millions of times. After all, time is the most mysterious thing, and its power is also very strong.

Through the tunnel of the Star Gate, Zhang Yu and the ghosts stepped into the underground warehouse of the Mars headquarters laboratory. Zhang Yu felt that there was also evil spirit in the warehouse, and he did not dare to disperse the yang circle for a while.

"Xiaowen, close the door to the starry sky". Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Guangnao Xiaowen responded, the energy transmission stopped, and the channel instantly shrank and disappeared into the air.

Without the evil spirit energy supplement of the evil spirit land, the evil spirit energy remaining in the warehouse was offset by the yang energy. Soon, all the evil spirit energy in the warehouse disappeared, and Zhang Yu just withdrew it. Yang gas circle.

"Okay, it's okay." Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Xue dragged Tang Yan's four daughters from the temporary command room and teleported to the warehouse. After she appeared, she sprayed into Zhang Yu's arms, hugged Zhang Yu tightly, and they were finally relieved. .

"Sorry, I worried you." Zhang Yu apologized.

"Needless to say sorry, no matter what happens, we will wait for you to come back." Tang Yan burst into tears.

Yan Xi and other ghosts watched this scene with sad faces. They all knew why Zhang Yu appeared in **** because he protected Xingyue Country and the Moon Continent, and fought frequently with the Nine Lives Blood Cat.

Such a fearless spirit, although very stupid and stupid, but I have to say that this kind of self-sacrificing spirit is such a good character, which makes Yan Xi's goodwill towards Zhang Yu, one of the more powerful factors, everyone likes heroes.

After getting bored for a long time, the five daughters of Tang Yan discovered that Song Bao and others around were not right, they were already ghosts.

"Song Bao, Yas, An Qian, Shu Ya, Shui Xi, it's great that you are all still there." Tang Yan's five daughters said with a sad face, although they are ghosts, it is always a good thing to keep their memories alive.

"Sister-in-laws are good." Song Bao said with a smile.

"Now is not the time to speak, prepare to continue to open the door to the starry sky, and you must find Xiao Yue back." Zhang Yu interrupted the conversation between the people and the ghosts, and ordered.

"What's wrong with my little niece". Song Bao exclaimed. ..