Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1430: Federal capital

Under the invasion of the desolate beast army, human beings are retreating steadily. Even if Zhang Yue's six people join the battlefield, it will be of no avail. There are too many desolate beasts, and some desolate beasts are stronger than Zhang Yue and the others.

During the battle and retreat, among the corpses along the road, there were humans and wild beasts. Under the fierce fighting, the sky became gray and the depressive atmosphere made all the surviving soldiers' faces desperately silent.

The generals under the dusty face cursed: "Stupid plans, greed hurts people, if we planted the beast-repellent grass in the gap earlier, it would not make the field like today."

No matter how angry the soldiers were, they couldn’t do anything. The surviving soldiers squatted lonely in a valley surrounded by mountains. There was only one way out. This was the best hiding place they could find. .

Outside the valley, wild beasts were all over them, and they marched mightily along the federal capital. The aura of the seeds of civilization attracted them deeply, just like the attraction of dried fish to cats and dogs to bones.

Unless the Federation is willing to give up the seeds of civilization, otherwise, the situation will continue to deteriorate.

In the valley, the fidgeting general shouted: "All stand up, you are the soldiers of the people. Don't lose your confidence. Stand up for me. After resting, continue to the capital to drain the last drop of blood for the Federation." .

"Yes". The soldiers shouted with red eyes, in the capital, with their family and friends, they must not fall.

For the more ambitious war, Zhang Yue and Xiaozhi, who lost their absolute combat power, followed the special personnel in distress. The old man Qiwen was a little older, and the life of sleeping and sleeping in the air was a big challenge.

The tired old man Qiwen was very grateful to Zhang Yue and the others for their guardianship: "Thank you for protecting us who are old and weak."

"The old lady is welcome. I still think about it. Is there a way to survive this catastrophe? I remember that my country was almost invaded by wild beasts. In the end, a biological virus was used to escape the danger. ,you may try it". Zhang Yue replied.

"What kind of biological virus is it?" The old man Qiwen was surprised.

"I don't know too much. In short, it is a very powerful virus with a 100% infection rate and fatality rate. If it weren't for my dad to develop an antidote in the end, trillions of people and beasts might die." Zhang Yue said with fear.

"---". When the old man Qiwen heard the words, his face was shocked. Is this kind of damaging virus really developed by humans? It is simply too horrible.

But even if she was given this virus, the old man Qiwen wouldn't dare to use it. She didn't have the extraordinary ability to develop an antidote to this powerful virus. If she was not careful, she would die together.

The old sighed Qiwen said: "I still think of other ways."

"Also." Zhang Yue gave a dry smile, knowing that he was reckless, and not everyone had the research ability of Zhang Yu.

"let's go".

For a moment, the federal non-commissioned officer greeted everyone and continued to return. Not long after leaving the valley, wild beasts could be seen everywhere. The battle started. In the rout, the federal soldiers who lost their explosive and powerful weapons could only rely on the guns in their hands, and Zhang The six of Yue lead the battle.

There were wild beasts in the front. Zhang Yue's eyes kicked, and his mental power burst out, forming a powerful shock wave of mental power. Any wild beast without Zhang Yue's powerful brain died instantly under the shock wave.




A piece of wild beast fell to the ground, a neutral position appeared, and Zhang Yue shouted with sweat on his forehead: "Rush out."

"Tatata". The federal soldiers followed, followed by Zhang Yue and the six people. The soldier shot the barren beast with a grim face, rushed to the gap, galloped away, and disappeared into the distance.

In the rush, whether it is a general or a non-commissioned officer, they are all the same as the soldiers, there is no difference, the soldiers who are left behind will either die under the chase of the desolate beast, or they will die together with the desolate beast.


The explosion of the grenade sounded from far behind, and the running soldiers gritted their teeth in grief and said nothing.

Both tubes were desperately rushing to the Federal Capital. For the flying beasts, they were the fastest. Zhang Yue and the others took one step before reaching the Federal Capital. Above the endless steel wall fortress, the artillery tubes suddenly roared.




The bursting flame hit the sky, producing a dazzling red light, and the entire sky was brightened up. In the fire light, the swarm of wild beast queen bee was killed and wounded countless, and the corpses fell to the ground and piled up into a swarm of corpses.

The soldiers standing on the huge wall were full of red light, and in the command room in the city, everything in the picture made the federal high-level people who were deeply suspicious of the people, and cheered with joy: "Good fight."

"Don't be too happy, there are still many monsters that have not been solved." The head of the Federation reminded.

During the indiscriminate bombing, the swarm could not get close to the city wall by one step, and there were already countless casualties. The queen bee furiously stirred its wings and issued new instructions, and the swarm that had rushed into the past suddenly dispersed.


The vast sky and the swarms of bees that no longer gather together have caused the dense artillery fire to lose its original power. Under the continuous explosion, the number of bee swarm deaths has been greatly reduced, which makes all the senior leaders of the Federation change their faces.

"Damn it, monsters still have wisdom and know how to avoid intensive artillery fire." The head of the Federation was shocked.

"This is terrible. The sky is too wide. Our artillery fire can't take care of every area. If we let the monster find loopholes, our sky defense line will collapse immediately." After analysis by the think tank, his face was full of horror.

"Never let monsters fly in. There are too many people in the capital, which will make the people who have been frightened for a long time, and they will be emotionally broken." The head of the Federation said solemnly.

"Then increase the artillery equipment to keep the sky tightly guarded, but it will take a while for the engineers to install the launching device." The think tank said after analysis.

"The front line is held for a period of time." The general assured.

"Very well, let the engineers speed up the installation of launch equipment." The head of the federation ordered.

"Yes". The federal official responded.

On the giant wall of the capital, the engineers carried heavy parts and rushed with all their strength. When they came between the two guns, they began to install more gun barrels. At the same time, the explosion sounded all the citizens in the city restless. stand up.

"Be sure to hold on."

"God bless you, don't be okay."

"Who will save the Federation?"


In the city, the gates of shops were closed, and there was no one on the street except soldiers. All the citizens were hiding in their homes, but the windows were transparent, and the explosion of flames reflected the sky. Everyone knew that the war was fought very hard. fierce.

In the house of four, the father hugged his wife and children, his face was disturbed and said: "Don't worry, I will protect you, absolutely."

"Husband, don't worry, the Union soldiers will take care of everyone." The wife comforted.

"Hope it". The man sighed.

In the city, no matter whether it is adults or children, smiles will no longer appear. The war is on the verge of making all happy emotions disappear. In fear, unarmed citizens, holding weapons, kitchen knives and other things they can find, Stay at home.

Even the homes of wealthy businessmen have lost their status. The wealthy businessmen who have no sense of security no longer have the protection of their bodyguards, because the bodyguards have gone home to protect their families.

"Damn, you don't make money if you have money, what's the matter?" The rich businessman wanted to cry without tears.

The campus has been closed, the supermarket and the market are in a mess, there is a mess inside, all food has been looted, the moment the war started, the city lost all its vitality.

Above the city wall, the soldiers' sniper rifles were aimed at the sky and kept shooting black guns.




All the worker bees were shot down, causing the swarm to drop sharply.

The number of hundreds of millions of bee colonies has been drastically reduced to about half under many artillery fires and black guns, but there are still more than one million bee colonies, which is still a dangerous number for the Federation.

The artillery did not dare to stop for the slightest, and blocked the swarm of bees in the sky outside the city.

"Buzzing". The queen bee urged the worker bees to find the dead spots to attack. As long as you swarm in from there, you can get close to the city wall and knock out the artillery fire on it.

The fifth-order Queen Bee of the Transcendent Realm possesses wisdom that is not inferior to humans. Under its temptation, artillery fire attacked the defense line, exposing the original problem. On the side wall of the city wall, the artillery fire is the least place.

After discovering this area, the queen bee made a "buzzing" sound in ecstasy, and the worker bees immediately responded to their mother queen and swarmed up.

"No, the monster found a dead spot in the artillery fire, haven't the engineers fixed it yet". In the command room, the head of the Federation stood up instantly and exclaimed.

"Soon". The signalman replied.

"Damn it, let the engineers hurry up, it's too late." The head of the Confederation was anxious.

"Yes". The correspondent responded and issued a command announcement.

The engineers on the city wall immediately used full power, but the automatic artillery device can not go wrong. If it is installed incorrectly, it will explode on the spot, so no matter how fast it is, the bee swarm is already close to the city wall.

The non-commissioned officers of the city wall screamed: "Shoot, don't let the monster approach the artillery device."

As soon as the voice fell, dense bullets poured out, regardless of whether they could hit the target or whether there were stray bullets falling from the sky, accidentally injuring their companions, the soldiers shot the bees in the sky.


"Puff puff". The large-headed bee colony was hit by countless bullets, and its body was broken into pieces, but more bee colonies were pouring in, one meter by one meter close to the city wall, the distance between the two sides was very close.

"Buzzing". The queen bee on the wall issued an attack order.



Countless steel needles shot out from the swarm and hit the city wall like raindrops. In an instant, the soldiers died and wounded countless, and the dead steel needles were wiped away and the federal soldiers' offensive was stopped. ..