Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1460: oath

The powerful body of the deep-sea octopus, and the imposing pressure it showed, made He Li feel deep despair. Seeing that his children and wife were about to be buried under the tentacles of the deep-sea octopus, He Li was desperate. .

In the scene, only Song Bao and other ghosts looked at the tentacles of the octopus with a smile, and muttered, "I don't know if such a big octopus is delicious."

Facing the thrashing attack of the huge tentacles of the deep-sea octopus, Zhang Yu punched in the air. Under the blasting fist wind, the air waves surged, and the shock wave burst out, colliding with the slapped tentacles.


The tentacles of the deep-sea octopus stopped at a height of tens of meters above the ground, and could not fall down. In just a split second, the power of fist force broke through the obstacles of the tentacles, and went straight up to the clouds, and a cloud appeared in the sky. Hole.

As for the pair of tentacles of the deep-sea octopus, they disappeared, and the blood sprayed out from the break. The blue blood dyed the seaside of the island dark blue. One can imagine how much blood the deep-sea octopus shed.

"Ow~". Under the severe pain, the deep-sea octopus screamed and withdrew into the sea water, with two big glowing eyes showing fear.

"Damn, isn't even Xiaoba an opponent?" Siren King Nasa roared unwillingly.

Just when the Kraken King Nasa was struggling to decide whether to shoot himself, Zhang Yu's counterattack came. Facing the members of the Kraken clan in all directions, he didn't need to aim at all, and punched him punch after punch.




With the bursting punch, the shock wave took away batch after batch of Kraken lives, and the ground was dyed blue by the blood of the members of the Kraken. The young woman Wang Meng on the side had her eyes glaring out. Zhang Yu's great strength was shocked and sluggish.

He thought that after returning this time, he and his daughter were dead, but Wang Meng really didn't expect that Zhang Yu he met was so strong that he defeated the monster Kraken and was about to be exterminated.

"Saved". Wang Meng's eyes showed ecstasy, and he looked at He Li in the prison camp.

And He Li and the prisoners were all ecstatic. The stronger Zhang Yu's strength, the more chance they had to survive. At this moment, all the prisoners who had experienced life and death cried out in joy.

"We are saved."

"Great, don't have to die".

"Thank God for sending heroes."


Humans are very happy, but this is not the case for the members of the Kraken clan. The horrified Kraken clan fled wildly, and there was no idea of ​​continuing to fight with Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu killed them as simple as crushing ants. , how could there be a desire to fight.

Seeing that the number of clansmen was getting smaller and smaller, the Kraken King Nasa burned in anger and roared: "Lei Ying".


The clouds in the sky suddenly burst, and a huge thunder column with a diameter of ten meters fell from the sky in an instant, so fast that no one could react. times, it doesn't work at all.

But Zhang Yu instantly remembered that there were still people in his arms, and there were people and ghosts next to him. They were not afraid of lightning like he was, so Zhang Yu instantly inspired a layer of transparent energy shield in mid-air.


Lei Zhu landed on the energy shield, and the electric sparks that splashed knocked out small black holes in the ground. It is conceivable that even the aftermath of the power is extremely powerful. In the center of the Lei Zhu, Zhang Yu , how powerful the attack will be.

"Don't~". It seemed that he was about to be saved, but the rescuer was attacked by such a powerful Leizhu, and all the prisoners were desperate, and no one thought that Zhang Yu would survive.

Even He Li is the same. When he thinks of the children and his wife dying like that, He Li is like a walking corpse who has lost his soul. His face is no longer angry, and his eyes dim.

"Hahaha, go to hell". Siren King Nassar shouted madly.

Lei Zhu lasted for a few seconds before slowly disappearing. There was no dazzling light. The place that Lei Zhu had attacked appeared in front of the people and the Kraken. The unscathed Zhang Yu and his party made humans scream again and again. road.

"Great, the hero is fine".

"Meng'er, Mengmeng, that's great." He Li was ecstatic and burst into tears.

"How could there be nothing at all". The members of the Kraken clan roared in disbelief.

"Hahaha, uh~".

The Kraken King Nasa was stunned, and the frantic laughter stopped abruptly, staring at Zhang Yu's face with incomparable anger, staring at this human being who repeatedly gave it an accident, the lightning strike with all his strength, he was easily killed Blocking it, the unwilling Kraken King Nasa picked up the three-pronged spear and blasted it out.

"Since lightning can't kill you, I'll kill you myself." Siren King Nasa roared.

The Kraken priest had already stopped from the sacrifice work, and when he saw the Kraken King Nasa personally going up to kill the enemy, he was immediately worried, and shouted to the members of the Kraken: "Sing quickly, help the Kraken King. kill the enemy".

"Yes". The members of the Kraken immediately reacted and sang loudly.

"Yah ah ah yo".

The sound of confusion echoed through the island, and the girl He Meng instantly fell into a beautiful environment. Even the ghosts such as Song Bao were also affected by the singing, their eyes became dull, and their souls swayed involuntarily.

"Hehehe". Song Bao and other ghosts let out happy laughter.

The deaf captives saw the mouths of the Kraken and moved regularly, and immediately recalled the power of the confusing sound, and shouted at Zhang Yu to remind them.

"No, it's the bewildering voice of the siren, break your ears."

The singing drifted in Zhang Yu's ears. At that moment, Zhang Yu seemed to see a beautiful paradise. Those citizens who could not be carried in the Xingyue Kingdom were all like dragons, becoming progressive, upright, honest, and strong. Be brave and wait.

Any matter, the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom can solve it alone. Zhang Yu relaxes, and travels with his family to various worlds. He sees endless customs and customs. In all worlds, there are no wars and frictions.

Unfortunately, how is this possible, Zhang Yu sighed: "It's too fake, the selfishness of human beings makes it impossible for the world to have such a scene."

After waking up from the sound of confusion, Zhang Yu saw the three-pronged spear head of the Kraken King Nasa, which was already close to his face. .

With his eyes restored, Nasa, the Kraken King, was shocked: "Impossible, there are humans who can wake up from the sound of confusion."

Subconsciously, the Kraken King Nasa, who was afraid of Zhang Yu's powerful strength, burst out with all his strength, and let the three-pointed spear head stab at Zhang Yu's face at a faster speed. As long as he pierced Zhang Yu's head, everything would be over. .


The head of the three-pronged spear pierced the air, and before the sharp and piercing sound could be heard, the head of the spear had already reached the tip of Zhang Yu's nose. Just when the Kraken King Nasa was ecstatic, a hand suddenly caught it. The handle of the three-pointed gun.

The stabbing action stopped abruptly and stopped a millimeter away from Zhang Yu's face. He couldn't move. The Kraken King Nasa pushed hard, but found that it didn't work at all. same place.

"brush". As soon as Zhang Yu exerted force, he snatched the three-pronged spear and drew it violently.


Nasa, the unsuspecting Kraken King, was hit in the waist by his own weapon, the three-pronged spear, and was instantly swept away. The caudal vertebra was beaten by gravity, the spine was suddenly broken, and the intestines were shattered by the aftermath of the force. .

"Pfft~". The Kraken King Nasa, who spewed a mouthful of blue blood, fell to the ground, struggling to get up.

The serious injury made the struggle of the Kraken King Nasa in vain. The members of the Kraken clan and the Kraken priest exclaimed: "Your Majesty~".

"How can human beings be so powerful, I don't believe it". Siren King Nassar roared while spraying blood.

The expressionless Zhang Yu frowned and approached the Kraken King Nasa, who was struggling on the ground. He turned the three-pronged gun in his hand, and aimed the sharp point of the gun at the Kraken King Nasa on the ground. One light, and the life of the Siren King Nasa is over.

The priest of the Kraken race rushed over and knelt down in front of Zhang Yu with a "plop", his terrifying face turned into a pleading look, and said, "Human powerhouse, whatever you want, we will promise you, I beg you to let go of the Siren King."

"Please let go of the Siren King." The members of the Kraken Clan fell to their knees one after another.

If the Kraken King is lost, it will be difficult for the Kraken clan to survive in the endless sea, and the Kraken clan has always been affected by the curse. Only the talented Kraken King Nasa broke the curse and successfully cultivated. Become a strong man and protect the Kraken.

As long as the Kraken King dies, the Kraken clan will soon be wiped out.

"---". Zhang Yu was indifferent and silent, and he didn't agree with the idea. The head of the three-pointed gun was slowly approaching the head of the Kraken King Nasa.

The priest of the Kraken clan begged: "No, we are all just for survival, it is really not intentional to kill humans, you stole our precious stone, making us unable to resist the curse and losing the ability to reproduce, we We will only go to capture human beings to make new spar, as long as you don't kill the Siren King, we are willing to give everything to you."

Zhang Yu, who heard the words, was stunned. The head of the three-pronged gun stopped on the face of the Kraken King Nasa. It sounds like all this is his own fault, but the spar originally used human essence. Made by God, that is to say, the former Kraken slaughtered humans.

The Kraken priest showed his powerful ability to act according to chance, read Zhang Yu's expression, and explained, "That spar was left over from ancient times."

To kill and not to kill, Zhang Yu is a little tangled. It is easy to kill the Kraken, but the dead humans can no longer be alive. Not better.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu asked, "Would you like to swear to never hurt human beings, to see human beings in danger, to help them, and to compensate those who died." ..