Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1479: on the island

In the shallow sea area of ​​the endless sea, on the territory of the Kraken, Song Bao and An Qian and other ghosts floated in mid-air, watching the rough sea outside the island, one after another tyrannical sea beasts, killing each other.

"What the **** happened in the endless sea?" Song Bao frowned.

"Who knows, but have you found out that the situation of the Kraken is very wrong." Yan Xi reminded.

"where". Hearing this, Song Bao and other ghosts suddenly looked curiously at the members of the Kraken who were hiding on the island.

The evil qi drifted on the island through the mist evaporated from the sea water, which made all the members of the Kraken clan very irritable. Once they attacked, they would fall into madness. Scare, when unhappy, start scolding mother.

As for being unable to go into the sea and cruising freely in the sea, the angry Kraken jumped and cursed.

"Damn sea beasts, kill them sooner or later."

"No sane shit".

"I'm so irritable, I want to hit people."


Seeing the furious expressions of the Sea-Monster Clan, which were 108,000 miles away from normal, Song Bao was very surprised: "It's really not right, how did they become so manic."

Among the few mists, the breathing system of the Kraken clan inhaled more mist, and the mist carried a small amount of evil qi. As long as the concentration of the evil qi was sufficient, all the Kraken clan would be infected into evil beasts.

The Sea-Monster priest, who didn't notice the existence of evil energy, only found that the people's emotions were getting more and more angry, and he frowned and thought: "What's wrong with everyone, it's too strange."

"Shaman, you found it too, didn't you?" Sea-Monster King Nasa solemnly said that he, who has a more advanced cultivation base, was not so seriously infected by evil qi, and could still think rationally about problems, unlike the reason of the clansmen that was about to collapse.

"Your Majesty, ask Xiaoba to come out and see the situation. If even Xiaoba becomes violent, it means that something is affecting us." The Kraken Shaman suggested with a serious face.

"good". The Kraken King Nasa, who responded, shouted toward the seaside: "Little Eight".

Under the sea, the sound reached the dormant sea beast octopus. It had already been invaded by evil energy and had become an evil beast, but because it was dormant, it did not violently destroy everything around it.

It's just that when the sea beast octopus is awakened, it becomes extremely violent.


The sea suddenly splashed with waves hundreds of meters high, and the sea beast Xiao Ba, whose eyes became red, appeared on the surface of the water, and looked at the sea monster king who called his name on the island. On the Kraken King Nasa.

"What are you doing, Little Eight?" The Kraken King Nasa, who was terrified to avoid the beating, exclaimed.



But the sea beast Xiaoba ignored it and attacked the Kraken King Nasa Lai frantically. The Kraken priest was shocked and said: "As expected, everyone is affected by something and becomes more manic and rational. Reduced".

"what should I do then". The Kraken King Nasa, who was dodging constantly, asked in shock.

The members of the Sea-Monster clan whose minds were affected by the evil energy, watched their leaders being attacked. Not only did they fail to help, they were still laughing and sneering sarcastically.

"You deserve it, Little Eight, kill Nasa."

"Hahaha, do you think His Majesty looks like dancing?"

"Kill it, kill it".


Seeing this scene, it is obviously impossible for the Kraken priest to ask the tribe to help. The sea beast Xiaoba, as the guardian beast of the Kraken, has now become the deadly bomb of the Kraken. The siren priest shouted and proposed.

"Your Majesty, Hachi has a contract with you, use the power of the contract to limit it."

"But if the contract is launched, Xiaoba will be deprived of his current cultivation base by the contract. Is there any other way?" The Kraken King Nasa couldn't bear to ask, if he was removed from the cultivation base, the sea beast Xiaoba would become the state he was born in.

"There is no way, we don't know at all, what is affecting everyone." The Kraken priest said helplessly.

"Then I'll try it again, and if it doesn't work, I'll use your method." Siren King Nasa said with a bitter face.

As a companion who has been born and died together, the sea beast Xiaoba has been with Nasa for hundreds of years. The emotions of so many years have made the sea monster king Nasa unable to be cruel and deprive Xiaoba of everything.

"Xiao Ba, wake me up." The Kraken King Nasa roared unwillingly, his voice was deafening, straight into the heart of the sea beast, and at that moment, the attack of the sea beast stopped, and his eyes flashed red.

"Roar~". Being infested by the evil energy too seriously, the sea beast Little Eight just paused for a few seconds before being controlled by the evil energy again, turning into a mad demon beast, and madly attacking the master of the sea monster king Nasa.

But although it was only a few seconds, the Kraken King Nasa still saw Xiao Ba and recognized himself as the master. Only when he was controlled again by an unknown thing would he attack him again.

"Don't worry, Little Eight, I will save you. Even if I crippled you, I won't take away your cultivation. After all, after your cultivation is selected, you will never be able to recover. We will fight side by side in the future. wait for me". Siren King Nasa shouted with a firm face.

The sea-monster king Nasa, who made up his mind, no longer dodged, but took the initiative to attack. He wanted to restrain the sea beast Xiaoba and find a way to rescue it. Otherwise, the mad little Ba left the shallow sea and entered the deep sea, and he would definitely be killed. .

"Soul Eater Eleven".

Taking out his Soul Eater fork, the Kraken King Nasa burst out, and the sharp fork head swept across the tentacles of the sea beast Xiaoba. break.


The incision was extremely smooth, and the tentacles fell to the surface of the sea under gravity, smashing a splash of water.


The sea beast Xiaoba roared again and again, and the rest of the tentacles attacked wildly, relying on instinct to attack, and the tentacles were randomly pumping. Nasa doesn't work at all.

"Brush brush."

Sea-Monster King Nasa, who seized the opportunity, cut off the remaining tentacles of the Sea Beast Little Eight. The power of the Soul Eater made the wound difficult to heal. After the Sea Beast Little Eight lost the tentacles, only the body was left, and there was no such thing at all. The ability to attack, and even the ability to float on the sea is lost.


The sea beast, Xiao Ba, who fell into the sea, smashed out a huge wave, and the island shook violently a few times.

And the waves that "crashed" on the island poured over all the members of the Kraken clan, and the sea water full of evil energy made the eyes of the members of the Kraken clan all turn red, and the negative emotions were brought to infinity.

"Kill~". The Kraken rioted and killed each other.

Seeing this, the Kraken priest shouted in horror: "What are you doing, stop fighting".

But without the Kraken listening to him, the Kraken King Nasa noticed the movement behind him, turned around and looked at him, suddenly startled.

"stop". Siren King Nasa roared.

The members of the Kraken clan who were slaughtering, ignoring the madness, laughed and attacked the clan people.

"Kill you".

"Hahaha, I am the strongest".

"The world is mine."


"Damn, Ray." Sea-Monster King Nasa was helpless. After scolding, he could only use some less powerful attack methods to paralyze the clansmen who were killing each other. Lightning, which can paralyze cells, was a good attack method.


Electric shocks flicker on the bodies of the members of the Kraken clan, and the thunder attribute has a natural suppressing effect on evil qi. After all, evil qi is a kind of dark force. The lightning strikes that were struck by mistake made the members of the Kraken clan in the fight recover. A touch of sanity.

After waking up, the members of the Kraken looked around in a daze, recalling everything just now, and feeling annoyed.

"What did I do".

"how so".

"It's impossible to actually attack the clan."


The Kraken Shaman ecstatically said: "It's good to wake up."

"kill". After just a few seconds, the members of the Sea-Monster Clan regained their senses, their eyes turned red again, and they shouted madly.

"Ray Comes". Seeing this, the Kraken King Nasa used Lightning Strike again.


The twitching members of the Kraken clan had their eyes restored to their original color, and fell into self-blame again, regretting what they had done to hurt the clan, but the idea of ​​tyranny soon came to my mind again, the Kraken. The clan members quickly shouted.

"Your Majesty, if you can't control it, hurry up and shock us."

"good". The depressed sea-monster king Nasa used lightning strikes on the clan to keep the evil energy inert.

It was just the uninterrupted lightning strikes that caused the bodies and cells of the Kraken members to begin to necrosis in large quantities. If this continues, they will not be driven mad by the evil energy, and their bodies will also be electrocuted, and they will die horizontally and vertically.

The Kraken King Nasa, who stopped the lightning strike, said helplessly: "No more electricity. If you keep the electricity, they will die."

"Then what should we do? We have no ropes here and can bind so many people. If they go crazy and kill each other again, there will definitely be a lot of casualties." The Kraken Shaman was grief-stricken.

Under these two dilemmas, the ruthless Siren King Nasa gritted his teeth and said, "Break the limbs of all the clansmen, so that even if they become mad, they will not be able to attack."

"Okay, I'll go right now." The Kraken priest Wo Huo agreed, discounting the limbs of all the clansmen.

When the time came for the lightning to suppress the evil energy, the members of the Kraken clan who became mad again roared hideously, unable to move their limbs. I want to attack with my teeth.

"Separate them quickly". Seeing this, the Kraken King Nasa was shocked and said that even with his teeth, he could kill someone.

Song Bao, who had been hiding in the cave, was full of disbelief.

"Absolutely not". Yan Xi and other ghosts said with fear and anxiety. ..