Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1490: time fruit

Seeing Bai Long's disdainful expression, Nie Long Xiao Hei and Zhang Yu laughed at the same time. Isn't there a white dragon from the four-dimensional world in front of him? There must be many top treasures on him. It would be a pity not to take them .

Nie Long Xiao Hei looked at Bai Long gloomily and said: "Xiao Bai, be wise, hand over the space equipment. If you don't take it, you will know the consequences, hehehe."

That sneering tone could almost scare a bunch of children into tears. Bai Long's face was very angry, but he became a lamb to be slaughtered. There was no room for rejection. Bai Long reluctantly handed over the space equipment. Reluctantly watched the evil dragon Xiaohei snatched the jade bracelet.

"Let me see". After Nielong Xiaohei snatched the jade bracelet, he threw all the contents out. The pearls of the treasures and the faint light of Lingzhi were almost dazzled by Zhang Yu's eyes.

In contrast, Zhang Yu finally knew how poor he was, and sighed: "Dragon Kingdom is really rich, it seems like a robbery".

"Humph~". Bai Long sneered when he heard the words, robbing the country of the dragon was really courting death.

"Uh~". Nielong Xiaohei was full of surprise, if Zhang Yu really went to rob the Dragon Kingdom, he would definitely die, and immediately persuaded: "Master, don't be impatient, the Dragon King of the Dragon Kingdom is very strong."

"Of course I know, I just said it casually." Zhang Yu said with a face full of indifference.

"That's good". Nielong Xiaohei breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Zhang Yu would take action.

It's a pity, how could Nie Long Xiao Hei know that Zhang Yu didn't just say this casually, he really had the intention of robbing the Dragon Country, but he just postponed the plan and waited for it to be executed later.

The treasures found in the jade bracelet are all top-level treasures. With the traitor of the Dragon Clan, Nielong Xiaohei, all the characteristics of the treasures have been explained. Bailong is furious, but he can't do anything.

There are all kinds of ginseng, and they are all thousand-year-old silver ginseng, and a ten-thousand-year-old golden ginseng is an excellent medicinal material for improving cultivation and replenishing the body. Zhang Yu smiled and hid the silver ginseng and golden ginseng, and then went to look Other useful babies.

"No~". Seeing that the treasures that he had treasured for many years were taken away one by one by others, Bai Long was in despair. After such a blow, even his eyes lost the distance in an instant, and he looked half-dead.

Nie Long Xiaohei picked up a few colorful fruits and said with a smile: "Master, I found it, this is the fruit of the flower of time and space, which can restore the soul to the body, and restore the strength of the life, the stronger the person, The lower the strength of recovery."

"Very good". Zhang Yu took the time and space fruit with excitement on his face and hid it close to him.

Zhang Yu doesn't need such things as spirit crystals, because the body of the gods absorbs spirit energy anytime, anywhere, and it is not worse than spirit crystals. He simply threw them all to Nie Long Xiaohei. Among the treasures, a diamond-shaped strange Crystal, which caught Zhang Yu's attention, this crystal doesn't look like a baby at all.

After picking up the crystal, Zhang Yu frowned and said, "What is this".

"Master, that is the inheritance method of the dragon family, but it should be useless to human beings, or give it to me." Seeing this, Nielong Xiaohei pleaded with bright eyes.

"Like This". When Zhang Yu heard the words, his divine sense penetrated into the crystal, and after copying a copy of the dragon's practice, he threw the crystal to the evil dragon Xiaohei.

"Thank you master". The evil dragon Xiaohei was ecstatic, and contentedly hid the inheritance crystal. He had a different idea about the act of robbery. It turned out that robbery can make a fortune, and this kind of thing must be carried forward in the future.

After dividing the treasures, there is nothing left, and the white dragon is already half-dead. For the dragon family, taking their treasures is more painful than abusing them. At this moment, the white dragon only feels that the dragon life is gray.

"My baby is gone~". Bai Long said miserably.

The plump Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Xiao Hei, with Bai Long, we're going home."

"Good Le". Nie Long Xiao Hei excitedly said.

The next second, Zhang Yu, who had left, turned and returned to the side of the space-time aperture. Seeing Nielong Xiaohei froze for a moment, he asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"It's not good to just let the space-time aperture go unchecked." Zhang Yu frowned.

"There's no way to do that. The space-time aperture was made by the ancient dragon clan together. It has a strong protective ability. Even if we work together, it is impossible to damage it." Nielong Xiaohei understood Zhang Yu's thoughts, but shook his head with a wry smile.

"Well, well, let's go to destroy the second portal that can be destroyed." After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu smiled confidently.

"Yes, as long as the second portal of the secret realm of time and space is destroyed, even if the dragons come out of the aperture of time and space, they will not be able to find the exit of the mainland for the time being. It's a good idea to come in and trouble us." The evil dragon Xiao Hei was overjoyed.

"This is what happened." The captive Bailong said in a cold voice, but there was no way. His strength was completely sealed, and he couldn't do anything. He could only let Zhang Yu and the evil dragon Xiaohei destroy the space-time channel on the sea monster island.


With a huge explosion, Zhang Yu retracted his fist, and the space passage had disappeared under the destruction fist.

The loud noise attracted all Song Bao and others, and when they saw Zhang Yu, they all shouted, "Brother Yu, Zhang Yu, benefactor, senior".

"I'm back". Zhang Yu replied, took out the space-time fruit and handed it to the dazed ghosts such as Song Bao, Yas, An Qian, and told the effect of the time-space fruit. Song Bao and others couldn't wait to eat the time-space fruit.


Strong energy erupted from the bodies of Song Bao and other ghosts, and flesh and blood began to proliferate, covering the soul. The sea monsters were completely stunned, and their eyes glowed at the space-time fruit left in Zhang Yu's hand.

"Defiant baby". Siren King Nasa's eyes were full of envy.

The siren priest was shocked and said: "It's incredible that there is such a treasure in the world."

Song Bao, who was being resurrected, exclaimed repeatedly, "My body is back, it's great."

"mine too". An Qian and the other women were excited.

Even Yan Xi, the daughter of the Ghost Emperor, and Zhang Yu's cheap wife had a space-time fruit, but soon, Yan Xi and other girls had an accident. When they recovered their bodies, they would not recover their clothes.

Seeing that he was about to be naked, Yan Xi screamed in horror: "Ah~~ close your eyes."

"do not look". An Qian and the other women cursed angrily.

The scene was chaotic, Zhang Yu took out a large sheet from the space ring, covered all the girls so that they wouldn't disappear, and took out the clothes at the same time, but the clothes were all male.

Wearing Zhang Yu's clothes, Yan Xi, who didn't mind at all, felt the flesh for the first time, and after bouncing a few times, she couldn't help but ecstatically said: "Is this what the body feels like? It's strange. ".

"My body is back." Song Bao clenched his fist and felt the existence of his body.

"I knew you could save us, Brother Yu." An Qian and the others said happily.

"Long Live Your Majesty". Yas said with excitement.

After recovering their bodies and shouting for a while, Song Bao and the others, who finally recovered, noticed the evil dragon Xiaohei and Bailong beside Zhang Yu, and suddenly asked curiously: "Brother Yu, this is true It's a dragon."

"It's a dragon, but it's different from what you think. These dragons are just a kind of creature, with all the shortcomings of human beings, more selfish than ordinary people, and contempt for other creatures." Zhang Yu said disdainfully.

"How can this happen, it's so disappointing." After Song Bao and others heard the words, their faces were downcast. The just and dignified dragon race in mythology suddenly turned into a selfish creature, which ruined their dreams.

"Cut ~ all living things are like this". Nielong Xiaohei said with a sneer, disapproving.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu remembered the two half-dragon people he had rescued in the small universe within his body, and quickly released them. When they appeared, both Long Ling and Long Fei were shivering with fear, because the white dragon in front of them shivered. staring at them.

"Okay, you are all right, Bai Long has been sealed by me, what are your plans in the future?" Zhang Yu asked aloud.

"We want to follow you". Long Ling lowered his head and said with a timid expression, all the clansmen died, they were rescued by Zhang Yu, and there was nowhere to go, and in case of encountering other dragon clan, it was simply courting death, so I followed Zhang Yu. Yu side is the best.

"Alright." Zhang Yu thought about it and agreed, anyway, he offended the dead dragon clan, so what was he afraid of.

"Thank you benefactor". Long Ling and Long Fei were very grateful.

Song Bao said urgently: "Brother Yu, let's go home, my family must miss us very much."

"Okay, then go home." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Goodbye benefactor". The members of the Kraken clan said goodbye.


Saying goodbye to the Kraken clan, everyone rode on the back of the evil dragon Xiaohei and rose in the wind, but the white dragon was caught by the dragon claws of the evil dragon Xiaohei and was carried to fly like a salted fish.

Yan Xi, who has a physical body, is curious about the sensory spaceship of touch, and keeps touching it. The touch of his fingers makes Yan Xi feel strange. In the end, Yan Xi can't help but touch Zhang Yu's head.

Zhang Yu said with a black line: "Sit down."

"Yes". Yan Xi was agitated and sat down peacefully, not daring to move.

"Brother Yu, don't be so fierce. How do you say she is your wife in name? By the way, how did you explain it to Sister Yan and the others when you thought about returning home?" Song Bao asked with a wicked smile.

"Shut up, I'm annoying." Zhang Yu said with a sullen face.

"Good Le". Song Bao snickered a few times and stopped teasing Zhang Yu.

The dragons are natural flying masters. The wind supports the huge body of the evil dragon, Xiaohei, and walks through the white clouds. Inside the clouds shrouded in mist, it looks like a fairyland. Everyone is crazy, only Zhang Yu bows his head. Crying face expression.

Yan Xi asked with a lonely face: "Husband, are you worrying about me?"

"It's none of your business, just, hey." Zhang Yu sighed.

"Sorry". Yan Xi apologetically said that his willfulness had put Zhang Yu in trouble, but even so, Yan Xi was unwilling to give up, and the idea of ​​becoming Zhang Yu's wife had to persist. ..