Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1494: space monster

The roaring giant beast let go of the meteorite in his hand, letting the meteorite float in space, and his thick hands slammed into it, like a huge black cloud covering the sky. Dodged the arm of the giant beast.

However, the attack did not stop. The members of the expedition team, who had cooperated with each other, had one person responsible for dodging, one person responsible for attacking, and another person responsible for observing the beast's every move, ready for the next order at any time.

Captain Yas saw that the giant beast didn't die under countless super electromagnetic cannons, and there was no serious injury, so he knew that it would be difficult to kill it. A meteorite.

After thinking of a way, Yas ordered: "Retreat slowly and attract the monsters away."

"clear". After working together for so many years, the members of the expedition team understood Yas's idea immediately, and immediately implemented Yas's plan. The spacecraft slowly retreated, and the giant beast chased after him.

"Success, keep it up". Captain Yas said in surprise.

"Good Le". The players replied with a smile on their faces.

The giant beast has been led to a place hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. When it is time to turn around and return to the meteorite, Captain Yas issued an order to turn off the searchlight. After the headlights are turned off, you can quietly bypass the giant beast.

But Yas's idea failed. In the absence of lights, he was used to the dark behemoth and was more familiar with space than humans. The idea that the spacecraft wanted to go around was not successful at all, and the behemoth discovered it immediately. spaceship.

"Roar~". In the roar, the huge arm of the monster slammed over.

Captain Yas exclaimed; "Quickly avoid."

"It's too late, Captain." The player Annie was shocked.


The engine was turned on to the strongest, and it drifted at a high speed, but still did not dodge. The left wing of the spacecraft was hit by the arm of the giant beast, and it became fragments in an instant. The cabin was also pulled open a large hole, and the spacecraft was severely damaged.

The artificial intelligence reported: "Red alert, 100% damage to the left wing, damage to the movement of the spacecraft, 50% decrease in speed, damage to weapon equipment, damage to the ecological warehouse~~".

"Damn, get out at full speed". Captain Yas roared unwillingly.

"Yes". The mission failed, the team members shouted with red eyes.

Even with 50% of the power speed left, the spaceship was still a little faster than the monster. After chasing for a few hours, the chasing monster was completely thrown away, and the damaged spaceship came to a dark space. middle.

The flames were turned off and floated quietly in space. In the command room of the spacecraft, the faces of the expedition team members were very bad, and the atmosphere was very depressed. Captain Yasqiang cheered up and said: "It's okay, we still have a chance to repair the damage immediately. part first."

"Good Captain". The team members responded and spread out into action.

On the Moon Continent, a huge fleet of spaceships landed on various hilltops. The strength of the wild beasts is not invincible for the strengthened spaceships, so the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom are like locust invasions, coming to the mountains of the Moon Continent. middle.

After descending, fire a shot when encountering a wild beast. The power of the super electromagnetic cannon is unrestricted, and ordinary wild beasts will die when they touch it. Powerful wild beasts will not rashly approach the spaceship when they perceive danger. .

The members of the private expedition team who got off the spacecraft spontaneously searched for ores in the mountains. As long as there were metal ores, they were all packaged and taken away. However, good ores are all deep underground and difficult to detect. What the expedition found was just some ordinary metal stones.

"Ordinary metals, there is no need to refine them."

The report of the detection device disappointed the members of the expedition team, and the captain sighed: "Bai is happy, let's continue to look for the next batch of areas, we must complete the task ahead of other expedition teams, the chance to become famous is our".

"Yes". The players replied with confidence.

When the affected wild beasts wanted to drive the spaceship away, the Nine-tailed Tianhu and other ancient beast members of the ancient beasts stopped the wild beasts from moving. You must know that the spaceship is only available in Xingyue Kingdom. I don't want to offend Zhang Yu.

Nine-tailed Tianhu blinked his charming eyes and muttered to himself, "I don't know what Zhang Yu and the others are looking for."

"What about him, it's none of our business anyway, but to be honest, Zhang Yu, the human being, is getting stronger and stronger. After the last time I met him, Zhang Yu's momentum became stronger, and I don't know what adventure happened. ". The ancient beast swallowed the sky with envy.

"Anyway, as long as we know, we can't offend the people of Xingyue Kingdom. With the friendship we have fought together, Zhang Yu will definitely not trouble us." The ancient beast, the nine-legged golden toad, said solemnly.

"That's right, it's a pity that the friendship is not deep." The ancient beasts sighed.

There are also traces of the expedition in the Kingdom of Spring. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Spring did not dare to approach, nor did they dare to take any action. They only sent the news back to the top. Citizens roam their borders.

The Kingdom of Flames and other countries also have the same attitude, and it is best to ignore them.

He Yumeng was puzzled by the arrival of the spaceship in Qingchuan College in the Land of Spring occur.

He Yumeng guessed: "Something has happened in Xingyue Kingdom, and so many spaceships have been dispatched."

"What, are you worried about Senior Zhang Yu?" Best friend Qin Sisi asked with a smile.

"A little bit, but unfortunately I can't help either." He Yumeng sighed, she no longer had the confidence she used to have, and became a little inferior, after all, Zhang Yu was so good.

"Cultivation well, one day, you will be able to help." Qin Sisi comforted.

"That's right, let's go, let's go to class." He Yumeng smiled bitterly, she knew it was impossible, but who doesn't have a beautiful dream.

On Xingyueguo's online posts, the news posts that the expedition team found nothing are everywhere, and the number of replies exceeds billions, all of which are cheering and encouraging words, which makes the members of the expedition team very ashamed.

[I have searched for a mountain bigger than Everest, but there is no metal mine].

"Don't be discouraged, keep looking, you will definitely find it."

"come on".


[It's strange, why are there so few metal mines on the Moon Continent, and the material in this world is a little too barren].

"If there were many metal mines, where would they have already opened mines, would they still wait until now?"

"Work hard, don't let your majesty down."


Mars, Xingyueguo headquarters, student Shi Xi peeked at the website from time to time, saw the posts of the expedition team, and the words of encouragement from netizens, and suddenly became listless. The teacher's research here is not smooth, and even the expedition team reward.

"What's wrong". Shu Qiaoqiao looked at Shi Xi who was depressed and asked.

"No gain at all". Shi Xi replied.

Zhang Yu, who was immersed in research, turned around and smiled after hearing Shi Xi's words: "It doesn't matter, there will always be a way, as long as you don't give up."

"Yes". Shu Qiaoqiao and the others cheered up.

On the other side, Xu Bo and six apprentices, who were traveling, also drove the spaceship to space. On the continent of the moon, they searched for it a long time ago, and luckily found it to eat metal, but they also Know the barrenness of the Moon Continent.

From the very beginning, it was more appropriate to go to space to look for scattered meteorites. Xu Bo and others who also encountered monsters did not come as hard as Yas and the others, but chose to avoid them, so they kept the spaceship.

But nothing was found. Most of the meteorites scattered in the space were soil stones pulled by monsters. As for the metal elements, they were all eaten up by the monsters. It was a long time later that Xu Bo and others encountered a Found out after a monster that only poops.

In the command room, Xu Bo sighed: "Damn, there are so many monsters in space, most of them are mud meteorites, how did they survive?"

"I know, the monsters must have the ability to find metal meteorites in space, otherwise they would have starved to death long ago, and it is impossible to have such a huge number." The student Lu Hong had a flash of inspiration and guessed.

"I think so too". Xu Bo and the others immediately said with confidence.

"How to do that". Apprentice Chen Xuezhi asked.

"Following monsters, you can definitely find metal meteorites, but at that time, you may have to fight monsters. I just hope that the strength of monsters is not as strong as it seems." Xu Bo said seriously.

"It's also a good idea, so wait." Student Lu Hong nodded.

Behind a monster, Xu Bo and the others, who were doing nothing, roared in their hearts: "Get up and find something to eat, sleep in Nima, you will have to sleep when you die."

The monster who had been cursed and muttered, felt a deep malice, woke up from his sleep, looked around in a panic, and only yawned after finding that there was no danger. The behavior is still cute.

When I woke up, of course I was looking for food. This kind of life lasted for countless years. The monster stretched its legs and wandered in space like plankton. In the spaceship behind the monster, Xu Bo and others exclaimed in ecstasy.

"It's great, I finally went to find something to eat."

"Get ready for a robbery." Lu Hong shouted to the apprentices.

"Yes". The apprentices responded and scattered around the spaceship, taking charge of their own work.

The spacecraft, each with their own responsibilities, quietly followed the monster and floated in space, but the luck was not very good. The monster they were following encountered another, and immediately started fighting, making Xu Bo want to kill that monster. Just a messy monster.

Space monsters rely on their size to identify their combat power. The bigger the body, the stronger the defense and the stronger the combat power. When the two monsters are finished, the weaker ones leave, and the powerful monsters wave their tails triumphantly and cheer.

Under the madness of Xu Bo and others, the monster finally continued to look for metal meteorites, and took the spacecraft to a huge metal meteorite mining area, but in the mining area, there were traces of monsters everywhere. ..