Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1519: new weapon

The spaceship fleet in space transported back a large number of monster bones again. With the materials, Zhang Yu, Shi Xi and other students started the research and development of weapons. The energy shield, a defensive device, was passed by Zhang Yu. Lose.

Because the energy shield consumes too much energy, this will greatly reduce the stamina of the bone gold robot. Anyway, the bone gold has a strong defense power, and it is more cost-effective to use the energy on the attack.

"Then what weapons should we develop first?" Shi Xi also felt that it was good to leave out the energy shield, and immediately asked about the weapon.

"I think the electromagnetic gun is better. The electromagnetic gun with strong penetrating power, as long as the research and development results, may be able to penetrate the dragon's scale armor and cause substantial damage to the dragon." Xu Bo suggested aloud.

"No, I think laser weapons are better, not only powerful in piercing, but also have a burning effect, which can make the wounds of the dragons unable to heal in a short time. The most important thing is that the laser weapons attack very fast, and the dragons must hide. not open". Shu Qiaoqiao suggested.

"Quantum Pulse Cannon~". Meng Lijian and others also joined in, talking about their favorite weapons.

Everyone wanted to develop their favorite weapons first. Suddenly, there was a lot of quarrel, and the laboratory became noisy. Zhang Yu, who had a headache, looked at the noisy laboratory and shouted helplessly: "Shut up!" .

"---". The voices all stopped abruptly.

"Otherwise, teacher, you have decided whether to study electromagnetic guns, laser guns, or quantum guns first." Shi Xi handed over the decision to Zhang Yu, even if there was something wrong, Xu Bo and the others couldn't say anything.

"Teacher~". Xu Bo and others suddenly looked at Zhang Yu, all wanting Zhang Yu to tell the weapon he wanted to develop.

I have always liked Zhang Yu with a bowl of water. What else can I do? I can only choose no one. Otherwise, if I choose Xu Bo, other people will be unhappy. There are problems with how to choose. Choose another type of weapon.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu decided: "Particle cannons, this technology is not difficult, and there are so many hydrogen ion raw materials, electromagnetic guns consume a lot of alloys, laser weapons take too long, and quantum cannons are too technologically advanced. It might be an instant success."

"All right". Xu Bo and the others had expressions of disappointment on their faces, but can you ignore the teacher's words? Anyway, the others' suggestions have not been successful, so it doesn't matter.

The process of developing the particle cannon is very smooth. After all, the particle cannon has been developed in the three-dimensional world. In the fake four-dimensional world, as long as the shell and parts of the particle cannon are replaced with bone gold, it is good.

The particle cannon made of such a hard material made everyone curious about its power. Once the weapon was successfully developed, the experimental work started non-stop, and the particle cannon was transported to the flat ground in front of a big mountain in the suburbs.

After the assembly was completed, a particle gun barrel about the size of a thatched hut aimed at a mountain a few kilometers away, and at the connection of the turret, the hydrogen atoms and the magnetic field were charged, and a dazzling white light condensed at the front of the gun muzzle.

After the preparations were completed, Zhang Yu signaled: "Open the cannon".

"Di". As soon as the words fell, Shi Xi pressed the launch button.


The particle wave as large as a water tank was blasted out from the front of the muzzle, and the particles not much worse than the beam instantly hit the mountain several kilometers away. Big round hole.

The light from the two ends of the round hole illuminates the mountain, and the line of sight can see the back of the mountain.

"Yes, Shi Xi, report the energy consumption." Seeing the effect of the particle cannon, Zhang Yu smiled with satisfaction.

"Saving one-third of the energy compared to the original, and the attack power has been increased by three times, we have succeeded. With this new type of weapon, even the dragon family will be injured, but it would be nice if there is an experimental body to try it out." Shi Xi replied excitedly.

"Experimental Subject". Hearing this, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of Nie Long Xiao Hei.

In the space, Nielong Xiaohei, who was hunting space monsters for Zhang Yu, suddenly felt a strong chill, a feeling of being stared at, especially strong, Nielong Xiaohei looked suspiciously around. The pitch-dark space is suspicious.


In the suburbs of Mars, Xu Bo reminded: "The teacher's pet beast, Xiao Hei, is still hunting and gnawing monsters in space. As for the experimental subjects, don't we have two dragon captives? Maybe we can use them to try new particles. The power of guns".

"Would this be too cruel?" Shi Xi hesitated.

"What is cruel? Anyway, the dragon race offended us first. Since we have become an enemy, we must have the consciousness of becoming an enemy." Meng Lijian said maliciously.

"Uh~". Zhang Yugan smiled and didn't speak. After thinking about it, he found that he did not see the dragons hurting the half-dragons, so he shot the dragons. This is not the first to offend the Xingyue Kingdom, but can you explain it now? It's not clear. .

"Teacher, what do you think?" Shi Xi looked at Zhang Yu and asked Zhang Yu to have an idea.

"Then try it out, anyway, as long as you don't aim at the weak area, the dragons can't die." Zhang Yu didn't care.

"Good Le". After hearing the words, Xu Bo and others immediately started to act.

The red dragon and the white dragon, who were imprisoned in the laboratory headquarters, felt cold all over, and an inexplicable sense of crisis appeared. Just when the two dragons thought it was an illusion, Shi Xi and the others appeared and took them to a strange place. place.

Bai Longdan said in shock, "What are you doing?"

"Don't mess around, everything is fine." The red dragon said uneasy.

"It's alright, it will be alright soon, bear with it." Xu Bo said with a smile, his malicious look was simply frightening.

"No, what are you doing?" The red dragon and the white dragon roared in horror. They found themselves bound together, and a strange metal tube aimed at them. From the metal tube, the residual energy of the burst energy remained.

"Prepare". With Zhang Yu's order, everyone rushed to their posts.

The particle cannon was charged and everything was ready. The front end of the gun barrel flashed a dazzling white light again, and the red dragon and white dragon, who were aimed at by the white light, suddenly felt a biting chill, which was the instinct of life to call the police.

"do not want". The two dragons shouted in horror, but unfortunately no one listened to them.

"fire". Zhang Yu shouted with a face full of eagerness to know the result.


Pressing the button, Shi Xi and the others also looked at the Dragon Clan curiously, wanting to know the result of the particle cannon's lethality to the Dragon Clan.


The sound of the air breaking sounded, and the particle cannon hit the lower bodies of the red dragon and the white dragon. After the white light dissipated, the sight was restored, and the scales and armor of the lower bodies of the two dragons were all shattered, and the hideous wounds were exposed. in the air.

The numb lower body, after regaining consciousness, the red dragon screamed: "Ow, it hurts me to death, **** human, how dare you treat me of the dragon race like this".

"Ouch~". Bai Long, who screamed again and again, cursed with hatred in his heart: "Damn human, I won't let you go, just wait."

Zhang Yu and the others, who didn't care about the screams of the two dragons, looked at the wounds caused by the new particle cannons with relish. The wounds were blurred with blood and flesh, and they could vaguely see the bones. It is conceivable that the power of the particle cannons is enough to break the Transcendent Realm Nine. The dragon body of the peak level.

"Yeah, we made it." Shi Xi and the others cheered excitedly.

Very satisfied, Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Okay, let's make a large number of new particle cannons and arm the bone gold robots."

"Well, what about them?" Shi Xi responded, then looked at the injured Red Dragon and White Dragon and asked.

"Just take them back and continue to imprison them." Zhang Yu said casually, anyway, the two dragons can't be killed for the time being, so they can be cooked and eaten to make up for the other.

Being escorted back to the laboratory's ecological warehouse, the red dragon and the white dragon trembled with pain. The injured dragon's body was slowly recovering, and there was no physical supplement. No matter how strong the dragon's resilience was, it was useless.

"Damn human, sooner or later I will exterminate you." As soon as the people left, the ecological warehouse became quiet, and Bai Long cursed.

"Stop arguing, what's the use of arguing, it's been so long, why hasn't the Dragon Clan sent people in? It shouldn't be, what's the problem?" The red dragon scolded with an irritable face, and then murmured inexplicably.

"Could it be that we can't find us?" Bai Long guessed.

"How is it possible, our dragon family has the ability to attract blood, and that's how I found you." said the red dragon.

"You also know that this is how you found me, so why wouldn't human beings guard against this, and imprisoned us so carelessly, without a worried expression, it proves that they are not afraid of the dragons finding us, don't they?" Bai Long asked a question, which made Hong Long bewildered.

Yes, since humans have not imprisoned them in other places, it proves that humans are not afraid of dragons finding them. Humans who are not so unfamiliar with dragons cannot be unaware that dragons have the effect of blood attraction.

That is to say, the ability of blood to attract may be limited by what humans use, which makes it clear why the dragons have not come to look for them after the mission deadline for so long. Here it is.

The doubts were cleared up all of a sudden, and the red dragon said with a cold smile on his face: "Humph, humans, you underestimate our dragon clan. Even if we don't have the ability to attract blood, we still have other ways to contact our clan."

"Yes, we can use blood to draw the bloodline formation and send position signals to the dragons." Bai Long said suddenly.

"Blood, we have so much now that we don't have to self-harm." Red Dragon looked at the lower body in his hand, Sen Han smiled and said, no one wants to self-harm unless it is a last resort, there is just a lot of blood in the injured area, which is enough.

"let's start". The two dragons used their own blood to draw a complex symbol on the ground. The dragon's blood was already full of huge energy, and the symbol could run automatically without inputting energy at all.

While drawing the formation, the sneering Red Dragon said, "Stupid human beings, your time of death is coming." ..