Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1530: mobilization

It is said that they are leaving the deserted areas of the Moon Continent with their homes, but it is difficult for the tens of billions of citizens of the Xingyue Kingdom to migrate away in one day, not to mention, even Zhang Yu does not know where to migrate to be able to. Avoid the pursuit of dragons.

The passage opened by the gate of the starry sky is not going to hell, it is the death star and the demon world, and the magma world. The living conditions are simply astonishingly poor. Thinking of this, Zhang Yu's face is full of worry and he is restless.

"Brother Yu, have you thought of where to go?" Song Bao asked eagerly.

"Yeah, the longer we wait, the worse it will be for us." The restless Xingyue officials reminded one after another.

"We have nowhere to go at all. The world opened by the Starry Sky Gate is not suitable for us to survive. On the Sun Moon Continent, it is easy to be found by the Dragon Clan. Obviously, we have nowhere to go." After thinking about it thoroughly, Zhang Yu smiled bitterly.

"how come". After the officials heard the words, their faces were full of depression.

"No, there must be a place that is suitable for our survival, but we have not found it." Tang Yan, who heard the words, insisted.

"Husband, think about it again, there must be a way, you are so smart, there is no problem that can stum you, isn't it?" Su Mei said expectantly.

"Teacher, you can do it." Shi Xi and other students spoke out and encouraged them.

Expected by so many relatives and friends and officials of Xingyue Kingdom, Zhang Yuqiang cheered up, if he gave up, he would not be worthy of continuing to be the king of Xingyue Kingdom, because protecting everyone is the king's responsibility.

"You're right, wait for me." Zhang Yu gave a strong laugh, his expression became serious, and he closed his eyes and pondered amidst everyone's inexplicable confusion.

"What is this for?" Seeing Zhang Yu's eyes closed, Song Bao said in surprise.

"Don't be noisy, the teacher must be thinking of a way." Shi Xi scolded.

"---". Hearing this, everyone looked forward to the silent Zhang Yulai, not saying a word or making a sound, for fear of disturbing the thinking Zhang Yu.

With his eyes closed and thinking, Zhang Yu's whole mind was immersed in his own spiritual world. Only here can Zhang Yu use a skill called Huang Liang Yimeng. Since this skill was developed by Zhang Yu, there has been little used.

Because it is too common, this skill has no attack power and no protective power. It is only used for dreaming. People with strong mental power can create this skill. But one thing is that other skills cannot compare with Huangliang. A dream is temporality,

In dreams, the proportion of time is different from reality. Sometimes I have a long dream, but the reality is only a few minutes, or even tens of seconds. In this deep sleep state, the time becomes longer, and I can still maintain my sense of reason. Dreams are the most suitable for thinking at this moment.

In the colorful dream, Zhang Yu muttered to himself: "Judging from the flying speed of the dragon race, the shortest five hours and the longest seven hours, the dragon army will come to the Xingyue Kingdom, the time is too tight."

Therefore, it is impossible to take everyone to escape. Even if the gate of the starry sky is used to allow citizens to flee to places with harsh living conditions, there is no guarantee that the solar system can be preserved in the raging dragon race.

At this time, the small universe in the body has not recovered, and it is impossible to store such a huge planet. When this road is blocked, I can only think of other ways. Finally, there is a way to delay time.

As long as the inner universe recovers and all the planets in the solar system are stored in the inner universe, Zhang Yu will have more choices. At that time, whether it is to escape or fight, it will not affect the safety of citizens.

"How can we delay time?" Zhang Yu pondered silently.

After the idea was opened, the spiritual light came up like a spring, and to hold back the dragon army, no amount of bone gold robots could do, because in case a dragon in the immersion stage came, the bone gold robots could not stop it at all.

Since you can't delay time in the confrontation, you can only choose to hide, but to hide an area as large as the solar system, you need to use a lot of resources to build a hidden array, this kind of array found in the world of practitioners. .

Hiding a galaxy, this unprecedented huge formation, Zhang Yu is interested, this challenging idea makes Zhang Yu's brain more active, and inspirations appear in his mind.

"Each small hidden array, set together, and use bone gold, a material with excellent transmission ability, will definitely allow the hidden array to exert its most powerful effect. At that time, the dragon clan of Xingyue Kingdom will not be found. It's no use getting angry." Zhang Yu secretly rejoiced.

Thinking of a good idea, Zhang Yu thought about the pattern of the hidden array, and improved it so that the hidden array can be infinitely linked to small hidden arrays, like building blocks, to build a giant hidden array. The speed of the formation, or the speed of construction, can be completed in a short period of time.

In the conference room of the headquarters, three minutes have passed since Zhang Yu closed his eyes and meditated. Just when everyone was anxious, Zhang Yu opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he showed a confident smile.

Tang Yan, who was familiar with Zhang Yu's character, was instantly ecstatic and said, "Husband, have you come up with a solution?"

"Really~". The Xingyue Nation officials asked in ecstasy.

"I thought of a good way, everyone listens carefully, I want massive amounts of bone gold, as well as various energy-conducting metal materials, and prepare a fleet of spaceships. I want to build a huge hidden array on the edge of the solar system to let The solar system hides". Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". The crowd responded in unison.

"Hurry up, get to work."

"Run for me."

"To mobilize everyone together, we must complete His Majesty's mission in the shortest possible time."

In just an instant, all the officials in the conference room swarmed out of the conference room, shouting and running to their posts.

Tang Yan, who was still in the conference room and the other women, looked at Zhang Yu with a stern face and said, "What are we doing?"

"Yan'er, your production workshop is ready for production. When the drawings and data are together, mass production of what I need will come out. Shi Xi, come with me. I will get the production process drawings and data of the small hidden array immediately. You help me. I'll check for errors." Zhang Yu ordered one by one.

"Yes". Tang Yan, Shi Xi and the others responded in unison.

In Xingyue Kingdom, the mobilization of the officials has begun. Citizens have come out of the underground base and went to all places to salvage the broken robots. The bone and gold materials must not be wasted. The members of the national expedition team, Yas, etc. Humans have started to hunt space monsters again and extract bone materials.

In the spaceship, Captain Yas shouted eagerly: "Hurry up, hurry up, we don't have much time."


In the space, a black line suddenly crossed the spaceship and stopped. I saw Nielong Xiaohe grabbed the spaceship and said, "I'm here to help, you guys are too slow."

"Thank you so much." Hearing the words, Yas and the others said with ecstasy on their faces, if they hunted space monsters by themselves, the speed and production capacity would be very low, but it would be different with the evil dragon Xiao Hei.

On the earth, citizens have donated their spaceships, transported all the conductive metal materials, and went to the Xingyue Kingdom factory area, waiting for the parts to forge the hidden array to come out. The bustling square was crowded with people.

"Don't crowd, just let the robot do the handling work." the staff shouted.


"no problem".

"Everyone, step back a little."

The citizens responded immediately, stepped back, and vacated a large area for the staff to come out. Robots immediately interspersed in the vacant space, carried the metal onto the spacecraft, and then transported it to the Mars factory.

The area is a tourist and living area, the environment here is well protected and there is no pollution at all.

At the same time, the members of the Dawn organization who stayed in Mars also felt that the Xingyue Kingdom was going to make a big move, but they only practiced and fought. They didn't understand technology at all, and they couldn't help much, so they could only watch depressedly. on.

"It's really a spectacular scene, and only Xingyue Kingdom can see it, everyone is working together." Uncle Wu Wei was full of admiration.

"Yeah, their sense of belonging is really strong. On the Moon Continent, no country can do this." Dawn organized everyone to respond.

Spaceships and hover vehicles are used to carry materials. Citizens without means of transportation use their legs to run wildly in the streets, looking for all available materials. In a private repair shop in the suburbs, a scruffy A man is repairing a small hover car.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and the irritable sloppy man looked at the door and scolded, "What's the matter, didn't you say don't disturb my work?"

"Dad, Xingyue Kingdom needs a lot of materials and means of transportation, how can you be indifferent." The young man who rushed into the repair workshop asked angrily.

"yes". The sloppy man smiled and shouted: "Haha, it's finally time for me to go out, transport tools and materials, right? No problem, I have plenty of them."

"Dad you~". The young man was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he had misunderstood. It wasn't that Dad was unwilling to contribute to Xingyue Kingdom, but he just didn't know about it. Suddenly, the two father and son opened the warehouse door.

Inside, a huge modified suspension car came into view. The huge modified car was comparable to a small house. It was five meters high and more than ten meters long. behind the car, shouted.


"Boom boom boom~".

The modified car roared and flew out of the warehouse, soaring into the sky.

On the huge square of the headquarters, a large number of people gathered here. All kinds of metal materials were taken out from the homes of citizens. When sailing or taking adventures in space, every household collected more or less some metal ores.

Suddenly there was a huge movement in the sky, everyone looked up and saw a huge refitted floating side, exclaiming repeatedly.

"What a big car".

"Which repair shop master's car is this, it's so cool."

"Wow, look, a lot of metal material".

"---". ..