Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1542: escape

The sea monster island in the endless sea was clearly introduced into his eyes, and Zhang Yu was ecstatic. As long as he entered it, the chasing dragon army would lose the position to pursue, and he could escape wherever he wanted.

"Stay with me". A loud roar sounded from behind.

I cheapened my head and saw one at the end of my eyes. It was bigger than all the dragons on the scene. The explosive muscles were nothing like the dragon family. Could it be that the dragon that came was the devil muscle dragon of the dragon family.

Zhang Yu, who was startled, exclaimed, "No, it's that dragon in the real **** realm."

The passage of time and space is right in front of you, but the devil muscle dragon behind him flew past Ao Zhi and other dragons, and rushed behind Zhang Yu, much faster than Zhang Yu's. Judging from this situation, its strength must be very strong. .

Zhang Yu, who was about to be intercepted, shouted in a low voice: "Time stops".


The power of time burst out from Zhang Yu's body. This kind of power to intelligently fix time is one of the most difficult skills for Zhang Yu to improve. After such a long time, he can only stop time for one minute. The first few seconds were much better.

When it spread out, it stopped, and the dragon body of Long Laolongbang was fixed in the air. His expression was still impatient, which was very strange, but Long Laolongbang, who could still think in his head, was shocked.

"Actually mastered the ability of time, such a talent must not be left behind, it must be killed and broken open for me." Long Laolong, who roared secretly, burst out and struggled.


The powerful power of the True God Realm shook Zhang Yu's Time Stopping Barrier. In the Barrier, the sound of glass cracking sounded, and white cracks appeared. Just a few more seconds, the Time Stopping Barrier would disappear. So broken.

"Unfortunately, I have achieved my goal." Zhang Yu, who was beside the entrance of the space-time passage, ran into it after a secret thought, and disappeared in front of Long Lao Long Bang.


Long Laolong burst out with roars in his heart, and he was very unwilling. The power of anger made the struggle stronger, and the Shitian barrier shattered with a "bang". After getting out, Long Lao shot out and rushed in. Go inside the time and space transfer station.

"Damn, let's catch up." Long Hou, Ao Huang, and other dragons who were chasing behind, roared with anger, if Zhang Yu escaped, their dragon family's face would be slapped. When did they lose face so much.

Dragon King Aoying's avatar projection burst out with anger: "Damn, he ran away like this. The ability to trap Long Lao just now is like time stopping. Such talent will definitely bring a powerful threat to the Dragon Clan. , what should I do, **** is under the control of that candle dragon, it is not a strange dragon that is easy to negotiate, how can I monitor the position of that human, do I have to do it myself, but other gods and beasts will definitely not turn a blind eye."

In the tangle, the Dragon King Aoying still gave up the idea of ​​taking his own shot. After all, Zhang Yu at this time is not worth the Dragon King to use the entire Dragon Clan's territory to bet on whether other gods and beasts will take advantage of their absence. Attack the dragons.

"Since this is the case, I can only talk to that alien candle dragon." Dragon King Ao Ying said helplessly.

The clone projected into another world. When in the **** world, the will of **** woke up immediately, and found that it was Ao Ying of the dragon clan who invaded hell, and the will of **** quickly notified the sleeping candle dragon.


The awakened candle dragon changed the color of the **** world, and the yin wind swept across the **** ground. The terrifying yin qi emanated from the candle dragon's body, and the candle dragon's appearance was very terrifying, with a human face and a dragon body. Like laughing and like crying, so weird,

What is even more terrifying is that one of the eyeballs of the candle dragon is red and the other is silver. When they are opened at the same time, the surrounding area becomes like a magma hell, and the terrifying high temperature scorches the earth,

"Sir, stop now, **** will be destroyed by you." The will of **** cried out in horror,

"Oh, got it". Zhulong responded perfunctorily, closed one eye, leaving only a silver eyeball, staring at the projection of Dragon King Aoying's clone, and asked impatiently, "What are you doing?"

"I want to monitor a human in **** and come to ask for your help". Dragon King Ao Ying said in a low voice.

"Oh, will Lord Dragon King come to beg me for this half-blood dragon? It's incredible." The candle dragon laughed, suddenly changed his face, and roared viciously: "Go away, since I was kicked out of the dragon clan, I swear that I will have nothing to do with the dragon clan from now on, **** is my territory, and you are not allowed to come in" .

Zhulong recalled that when he was first born, because he was a hybrid dragon or an alien with a human face and a dragon body, he was mocked and bullied by all the dragon clan, and he knew that he did not belong to the dragon clan, but only to himself.

Afterwards, **** was created, and he cultivated with endless yin qi and the seven sins of all living beings, and achieved the incomparable strength of the candle dragon. Even if the dragon king Aoying entered hell, he could not defeat it.

Its refusal, Dragon King Aoying had long foreseen, so in order to arouse the curiosity of Zhulong, he explained: "I do this for a human with extraordinary talent, his talent is the strongest creature I have ever seen. , and he has a grudge against the Dragon Clan, if he becomes stronger in the future, you will also be killed by him, and even so, are you unwilling to help?"

"Oh, is that so, then I will take a good look at the human you mentioned, you can get out." The candle dragon said impatiently.


Dragon King Aoying pretended to be angry and left, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that he had successfully attracted the attention of Zhulong, and he would definitely pay attention to the human being curiously, and Zhulong's character was both good and evil. He would definitely be tempted to take action against that human.

Zhulong is not a fool, it immediately understood, knowing the plan of the Dragon King Aoying, to make himself notice that human being, but Zhulong refused to let the Dragon King Aoying succeed, sneered: "Hmph, want me to take action , I don't want it, I'll go to practice."

"Huhuhu~". Not long after, the candle dragon fell into a deep sleep again, and the huge Yin Qi was sucked into the candle dragon's body and became its power.

In the time and space transfer station, the old Long who entered here glanced around and found no trace of Zhang Yu, and immediately rushed to the time and space passage of hell. There were only two exits. That human could only escape from hell, no It may be sent to the door to enter the exit of the dragon's territory.


Rush into **** and detonated the sound barrier, the furious Long Lao roared: "Human, you can't escape".

The momentum that shook the **** spread out like a tsunami. The evil ghosts and souls of **** were all paralyzed to the ground, and in the gloomy **** sky, the clouds formed by the yin qi scattered.

The gloomy moonlight shone on the earth, and the skeletons covered the earth.

"Where, where". Old Long observed the surroundings of **** hotly, but found no trace of Zhang Yu, which made him very annoyed.

"call out".

"call out".


A sharp and abnormal sound came, and the members of the dragon clan rushed to **** and joined with Long Laohui, but they found that they had lost the trace of Zhang Yu, and the hidden goal of Zhang Yu was very small, not so easy. can be found.

"What to do, he hid." Longhou Ao Huang said unwillingly.

"Spread out and look for it, and send a signal as soon as you find the target." Longhou Aozhi suggested.

"Okay, all spread out." Elder Long agreed, and the dragon clan immediately dispersed, patrolling in the sky of hell, looking for the trace of Zhang Yu, and the native creatures of **** were scared and hid by the dragon's might of the dragon clan.

After searching for a long time, Long Boao, who found nothing, said gloomily: "Hell is too big, trying to find that human is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"That's not it". Longbo Aoqing asked back.

"Uh~". Long Bo Aoyin was speechless. It found that there seemed to be no other way than searching aimlessly.

When all the dragons wanted to find Zhang Yu, at this time Zhang Yu hid in a small hole in the mountain, hiding his breath, the whole person was as inconspicuous as a stone, the dragons flew over the mountain, but could not Discover Zhang Yu below.

"Finally can rest." Zhang Yu said with relief.

After fighting wits and courage with the Dragon Clan for so long, Zhang Yu was already exhausted. After he was safe, he immediately fell into a state of rest, slowly recovering his spirit, and the small universe in his body, Zhang Meng, Tang Yan and others cheered.

"Great, Brother Yu escaped."

"I knew Brother Yu could do it."

"Finally safe, you can find a place to develop with confidence."


"However, where is a safe and suitable place for development?" Su Mei worriedly said that it is impossible to go back to the world prison of Sun Moon Continent, and other than there, **** is not suitable for development at all, after all, **** is too barren, and the yin is too strong.

"---". The cheers came to an abrupt end, and everyone realized that their future was very confused.

In the silence, Yan Xi asked cautiously, "Everyone, can I go home, I miss my father."

"Yes, you are a resident of the **** area, but it is still very dangerous outside, so let's wait and see." Tang Yan was stunned and persuaded.

"Ok". Yan Xi, who is a fake husband and wife with Zhang Yu, nodded and agreed, and had to suppress the homesickness. Since following Zhang Yu, she has been recognized by everyone except Zhang Yu.

Outside, after resting, Zhang Yu jumped up in amazement as soon as he opened his eyes, because he found that his position had changed, not a cave, but an open field, and the surrounding Yin Qi concentration was amazing. huge.

In the dark and open field, a huge shadow, breathing and breathing, as if sleeping, that momentum is stronger than anything Zhang Yu has ever encountered, and it is extremely dangerous, standing in front of the shadow, Not even the slightest desire to fight.

"Who are you". Resisting the unease, Zhang Yu shouted.

"Huhuhu~". The shadow was still breathing regularly and did not respond. The surroundings were eerily quiet, except for the sound of the shadow's breathing. ..