Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 158: satellite

In the laboratory base, Zhang Yu had no interest in the five captured mercenaries. He just suddenly thought that the monitoring equipment of the super-intelligent artificial Xiaowen was a bit behind. After all, it was just using radar to search for electromagnetic signals. I didn't find the mercenaries directly. If the electromagnetic waves were disturbed, Xiaowen's performance would be greatly reduced.

"Satellites, you have to launch a few satellites." Zhang Yu, who likes to take precautions, said that he immediately gave up his research and researched satellite data. He wanted to do things well before the founding ceremony.

Zhang Yu suddenly remembered that there is a better way to do scientific research, so he quickly ordered: "Xiaowen, start analyzing all the satellite data, first make a simple simulation of a satellite, and I will modify it."

"Yes". Xiaowen replied happily, thinking that her father would participate by herself.

"Data search completed, synthesis is in progress."

"Complete synthesis, simplifying."

"The simplification is complete, and the drawings are being generated."

"Beep, the drawing has been generated". Xiaowen Machinery's report began to progress.

In a few minutes, the satellite drawing information was completed, and Zhang Yu quickly ordered: "Show it."

"Yes". Xiaowen responded, and then projected the drawing information in front of Zhang Yu.

The moment a curious Zhang Yu saw the drawing, his face suddenly became disappointed. It seems that super-super artificial intelligence does not have the powerful creative ability of humans. The effect of satellite optimization is not for himself without physical reference. It was not too good, so I had to analyze it myself: "Well, although this satellite combines various functions, its body is too bloated, it consumes a lot of energy to launch, and it has no attack weapons, which is unsafe."

Upon hearing Zhang Yu's words, Xiaowen said sadly: "Sorry Dad, I am so useless."

"It's okay, your optimized satellite is already the best compared with other organizations." After hearing this, Zhang Yu quickly comforted. He was telling the truth. Although the satellite optimized by Xiaowen is bloated and huge, its performance, life span, and multi-functional use far surpass those of other agencies.

However, Zhang Yu's brain is beyond everyone. He can create better designs in his brain, so he is disappointed, but it does not prevent Xiaowen from being superior.

"really". Xiaowen raised her head, staring at Zhang Yu shiningly and asked.

"of course". Zhang Yu said affirmatively.

"Ok". Xiaowen was immediately happy.

At this time, because the mercenaries failed to collect information, and even all of them were missing, the rest of the mercenaries who had planned to come over to collect information suddenly panicked, recalling those who had beaten Zhang Yu’s ideas, either disappeared or disappeared. When they died, the mercenaries quickly gave up their mission.

"Boss, why do you want to give up, just collect intelligence, what can be dangerous?" The newly joined mercenary member asked puzzledly.

"Don't you know, Dr. Zhang Yu has a title with us, Terminator, that is to say, the person who made his idea has no good end. I would rather assassinate the boss than to deal with Dr. Zhang Yu." The old mercenary said with a frightened expression.

"You are too exaggerated." The young and sturdy mercenaries heard the words, disdainful.

Another member on the side heard the words and said, "That's because you have little knowledge. You have to know how many seniors have been planted in the hands of Dr. Zhang Yu. Nothing is spared. You don't know his horror at all."

Hearing so many people say this, the young mercenary also believed a little, and he became silent. This incident became a pit in his heart. In the days to come, he only has to get involved with Dr. Zhang Yu He never touched the task of relationship, becoming the last mercenary who survived.

Gast, who was responsible for collecting intelligence information, reported the failure of the mercenaries at the No. 1 leader residence of Citigroup. Obamar, who had heard of it, said unwillingly: "In other words, we even have a bit of information in Zhang Yu's territory. No".

"Yes it is". Just heard the words and replied.

"Use our satellite to monitor it secretly." Obamar thought for a while and ordered.

"But if it is discovered by Dr. Yu Zhang, our satellite may be in danger of being controlled by him. We have been behind him in the field of electronic information." When Jester heard the words, he was shocked and stopped.

"I know, but we must know the information about most of the weapons in his territory, so as to prevent it from happening. Citigroup can't do nothing and let him go on like this." Obamar shouted, flushing.

"I know". After hearing this, Gast also knew how unwilling the boss was and accepted this order.

After Gast left the office, the order was passed on. An artificial satellite in the earth orbit was aimed at Zhang Yu's territory. When the signal began to fluctuate, it was quickly detected by Xiaowen, who was monitoring the world, and it was immediately breached. After the satellite’s electronic cryptography was protected, the satellite was controlled, and it was reported to Zhang Yu immediately.

"Dad, a Citigroup satellite just wanted to monitor us and it was controlled by me. What should I do?"

"Blow it up." Zhang Yu thought for a while and ordered. After all, keeping it would be useless. If Citigroup uses it to make a fuss and has a bad reputation for itself, it can teach them a lesson if the satellite bursts.

"Ok". Xiaowen responded.

Immediately, the satellite aimed at Zhang Yu's territory, after a flash of red light, was broken into pieces, and the residue disappeared in the universe, and part of it was vaporized when it landed in the atmosphere.

In the leading mansion No. 1, Gast ran in panting, and reported with ecstasy: "The satellite blew up, but we got a vague map."

"It's great, I have finally gained something, and quickly gather the analysis department to study all the targets on the map." After hearing this, Obamar shouted ecstatically, that he didn't feel sorry for the satellite's self-destruction. He knew that this was Zhang Yu's warning to himself, but after he got what he wanted, those were not important anymore.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that the vague map was completely fake. It was the false information that Xiaowen specially left for them, otherwise the endless unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite surveillance would be annoying.

The next day, Shi Xi, Mei Xue, and Xu Bo set foot on the pyramid-shaped headquarters again, and the rest of the researchers left. They were unable to convince their family members, and they knew that Dr. Zhang Yu would not teach themselves. Staying here only increased the sadness. After many years, They regretted the incident this time.

Zhang Yu, who put down satellite research, returned to the classroom again and found that there were only three people left inside. His face suddenly sank. He soon figured it out and sighed, "Come with me." For those who gave up, this is their choice, and Zhang Yu cannot blame it.


The three responded in unison.

Passing through the shielded corridors, Zhang Yu led the three to his laboratory. All the equipment here is the most advanced, so the three of them looked straight. They had never seen such high-end equipment. Seeing their reaction, Zhang Yu nodded in satisfaction. Scientists must be curious, otherwise it will be difficult to learn actively.

"You guys will help me out today." Zhang Yu ordered that he still wanted to try their abilities and talents more.


The three of them were eager to try.

Zhang Yu took the three people to the place where the drawings were placed and introduced: "This is a drawing of a multi-functional satellite. After you read it, tell me your views."

"Satellite drawings".

Seeing that such a complicated drawing is actually a satellite, they exclaimed, and then they hurriedly checked it. The more they looked at it, the more they felt unpredictable. Some places were not understandable at all. Moreover, the formula data was so esoteric that their foreheads were sweating coldly. Obviously The technology in the drawings surpassed their knowledge.

"Okay, let's talk". After half an hour, Zhang Yu said blankly.

"Good, good".

The three of them stared at each other with some stammering response.

Shi Xi tried his best to recall the information in the drawing, and said: "The satellite in the drawing is a multi-purpose satellite. It has functions such as X-ray, video, electromagnetic wave, thermal imaging, etc., and weapons are installed on the satellite. The system should be an electromagnetic weapon~~~".

"Next". Hearing this, Zhang Yu said blankly, making it impossible to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied from his face.

After recalling the drawing, Mei Xue began to reply: "The satellite structure in the drawing includes, power supply system, thermal control system, attitude control and orbit control system, radio measurement and control system, and return landing system, etc. It is a geosynchronous orbit satellite." .

"Next". Zhang Yu did not comment, and ordered.

More cold sweat broke out on Xu Bo's forehead, because Shi Xi and Mei Xue had finished talking about most of the things, but he couldn't say the same as them, so he had to find the difference. After thinking hard, he finally began to answer: "The weapon system should be an electromagnetic gun, as well as rail guns and coil guns."

"explain". Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu asked unexpectedly, because only he understood the design of the weapon system.

"Yes". Xu Bo heard that confidence began to rise and explained.

"The railgun uses the ampere force of the interaction between rail currents to launch projectiles, and it is mainly composed of two parallel long straight rails."

"The coil gun is also called the AC coaxial coil gun. It is the earliest form of the electromagnetic gun. It is composed of an acceleration coil and a projectile coil. It works according to the principle of the magnetic field interaction between the energized coils. The acceleration coil is fixed in the barrel. When it is supplied with alternating current, the alternating magnetic field generated will induce current in the projectile coil, and the magnetic field of the induced current interacts with the magnetic field of the accelerating coil current to generate Lorentz force, which makes the projectile accelerate and launch." .

"The reconnection gun is a multi-stage acceleration non-contact electromagnetic launching device without a barrel, but the projectile is required to have a certain initial velocity before entering the reconnection gun. Its structure and working principle are to use two rectangular coils to divide up and down. There is a gap between them. The rectangular projectile is subjected to strong magnetic force in the magnetic field generated by the two rectangular coils and accelerates through the gap."

"Very good, your theoretical knowledge is good." After hearing this, Zhang Yu finally smiled and said. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 158 Satellite), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (