Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1584: sneak attack

After escaping from the cave, there are potholes all over the ground, and most of the surface has turned into coke. The electric shock intensity of the thunder penalty is too high, and the ground that is directly hit is vaporized. The dragons who escaped also found that the human race ran out, but they were powerless.


The electric shock of thunder and punishment is still threatening them on their heads.

"Damn, the Terran escaped." Elder Long Ao Bao said angrily, it was a shame to be tied down by the weak human race, but he was chased by the resentful human race and had to flee, and there was no chance to get close to the back mountain.

"It's okay, the thunder penalty will end soon, and those human captives can't escape." Dragon King Aoying looked at the shrinking Thunder Punishment, and said with a careless face,

On the mountain, Zhang Yu saw the dragons fleeing in all directions, and the human captives who had escaped, and immediately said with joy, "Good opportunity."

"Sir don't." Seeing that Zhang Yu had the urge to go down the mountain, the giant stone devil and the rat-devouring leader all screamed in horror, but they couldn't stop Zhang Yu at all, because Zhang Yu was too fast, and when he just reacted, Zhang Yu had already run out dozens of times. meters away.

"It's over, I'm going to die now." The Rat Devourer leader said in despair.

"I don't want to die." The stone devil giants trembled.

The consequences of being discovered by the dragons are too serious, so the giant stone devil and the leader of the rat eater are so afraid, but soon, the leader of the rat eater and the giant stone devil are all stunned, because Zhang Yu, who ran down the mountain, actually disappeared.

"Maybe there is help." The rat-devouring leader and the stone devil giant were ecstatic when they saw it. As long as they were not discovered, they would not be destroyed by the dragon clan. After all, the arrogant dragon clan would not pay attention to these little bugs.


The stealth method of Qimen's escape technique made Zhang Yu like a fish in water, and in the chaos of thunder and punishment, no dragons found Zhang Yu's smell. After all, the smell of human race was too strong, who would know that there was a human race smell.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhang Yu, who was in stealth, waved his left and right hands together. Every time he waved, he would put the people around him into the small universe within his body. Slowly, more and more human captives disappeared, and the dragons also discovered this weirdness. scene.

Dragon King Aoying roared with gnashing teeth: "It's Zhang Yu, only he can collect the ability of living creatures."

In the four-dimensional world, space equipment can only collect dead objects. It has always been like this. It was not until the appearance of Zhang Yu that the dragon family knew that living things could also be collected, but they did not know how Zhang Yu did it. , but it is enough to know that Zhang Yu can do it.

"What, offended our dragon family, dare to come back, find out immediately." The elders of the dragon clan were furious and said that they had captured the dragon clan, and they also smashed the face of the dragon clan. Zhang Yu and their dragon clan were already immortal.

The dragon clan's territory became more chaotic. Thunder Punishment chased the human race grievances, the human race grievances chased the dragon clan, and the dragon clan also wanted to chase the invisible Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu took the human race captives, interlocking, chaos. It became a pot of porridge.

The invisibility of Qimen's escape technique did not work for the Dragon King and the Dragon Elders. They soon found Zhang Yu's trace, and flew over regardless.

And Zhang Yu, who was taking the captives of the human race, suddenly saw a familiar face appear among the captives, recalled the moment, and exclaimed: "He Yumeng".

"Who is calling me". In the crowd, He Yumeng turned to look at the place where the sound came from, but saw nothing, and was immediately very surprised. It was obvious that the sound came from there, why there was nothing.

It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to escape quickly, but there is no trace of his sister He Meng, which makes He Yumeng very hesitant. If he runs away and his sister He Meng does not run away, then he will come here by himself. Dangerous place, all in vain.

He Yumeng, who was in the tangle, felt a shock in her body, and then she was immediately stunned, because she found herself in a quiet and peaceful city, surrounded by captured human races, while the dragon race and Lei Punishment were all connected disappeared.

"Where is this". He Yumeng exclaimed. ,

The human captives who were taken in were also dazed, but they were already very happy to survive, hugging their relatives tightly, enjoying this moment of tranquility, only He Yumeng was impatient.

With a flash of inspiration, He Yu dreamed up. Isn't this the little universe in the body that Zhang Yu put her into when he rescued her last time? Thinking of this, He Yumeng shouted ecstatically: "Zhang Yu Senior, please save my sister He Meng."

Outside, Zhang Yu heard He Yumeng's call of his name, and suddenly remembered who He Meng was, that cute little girl, didn't expect to be caught too, thinking of this, Zhang Yu took the human captives , while observing the existence of He Meng.

"No, is He Meng really there?" Zhang Yu had taken all the ethnic captives into the small universe inside his body, but he found no trace of He Meng, and was very at a loss.

The elder Long, Ao Lie, also ran straight over. Although Ao Lie was in a humanoid state at this time and looked pitiful, the familiar Long Wei made Zhang Yu instantly aware of its identity, and he had to All other thoughts were discarded, and they concentrated on escaping.

"Who will help me?" Ao Lie pretended to be miserable and wanted Zhang Yu to come closer.

"Fool". Zhang Yu sneered silently, his perception ability, but instantly discovered the identity of Elder Ao Lie, but he still pretended stupidly, but maybe he can do it.

With a mysterious smile, Zhang Yu looked at Ao Lie with a confused look, trotted over and shouted, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

"be cheated". Ao Lie was ecstatic, patiently waiting for Zhang Yu to approach, and at the same time pretending to be stupid: "Who is there, why can't you see".

One person and one dragon are acting, but Zhang Yu is better because he discovered Ao Lie's identity, but Ao Lie thought that his identity had not been seen through, and Ao Lie, who was forcibly suppressed with all his strength, was about to riot. It takes a second to attack, but Zhang Yu only needs an instant to attack.

Yilong and one person are getting closer and closer. The distance is only ten meters. Such a distance is not close enough for Ao Lie, because in one second, the strong man can run far away, and it takes one second to solve the problem. Turn on suppression.

But for Zhang Yu, this distance is enough.

"The sun is on fire".

Zhang Yu, who burst out with the strongest power directly, clenched his fists tightly, and a flashing light lit up from his fists. It was a raging flame, and the temperature of the flame made the ground melt in an instant, and Elder Ao Lie instantly froze. He was stunned to find that that power could hurt himself.

"No, I've been fooled, he has already discovered it, such a keen perception." Elder Ao Lie, who exclaimed in his heart, forcibly released the suppression, but Zhang Yu's fist had already come to it, and as a last resort, Elder Ao Lie had to cross his hands to protect him.


An explosion that was more violent than the roar of Thunder Punishment rang out, and the mushroom cloud burst into the sky.

All the resentful spirits and dragons were attracted by the explosion. They found that in the mushroom cloud of the explosion, an extremely embarrassed figure flew out upside down. After a closer look, it was found that Elder Ao Lie, who was in human form, suddenly exclaimed.

"It's Elder Ao".

"How can it be".

"The elder is injured, go and save it."


A group of dragons in humanoid state rushed over and caught Elder Ao Lie. After a closer inspection, they found that Elder Ao Lie was seriously injured and kept spouting blood. He couldn't even maintain his human form. All exploded.

Longhou Ao Huang quickly protected Elder Ao Lie, and the **** approached Zhang Yu, and shouted at the same time: "Elder is seriously injured, come and treat him quickly".

Under the serious injury of Elder Ao Lie, the Dragon Clan, who attracted the attention, suddenly found that Zhang Yu was gone. Dragon King Ao Ying looked around and said angrily: "Damn, Zhang Yu, the human, he ran away" .

"What~". The members of the dragon clan burned in anger, injured the elder and wanted to run. Suddenly, the dragon clan scattered, looking for the trace of Zhang Yu.

The Dragon King, Ao Ying, checked Elder Ao Lie's injury, with a face full of dread: "Impossible, that human being has such a powerful flame force that the elder's body is constantly being burned."

"No way". The members of the dragon clan who heard the words were all stunned. How long did it take for Zhang Yu to come to the four-dimensional world, and Zhang Yu had a power that was no worse than that of the elders of the dragon clan. Can't beat Zhang Yu?

Dragon King Aoying also thought of this. Even if it was a sneak attack, it would be incredible that Zhang Yu could defeat Ao Lie in an instant, so Zhang Yu must not be spared any more today, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

"Search for me, be sure to find Zhang Yu." Dragon King Ao Ying roared.

"Yes". The members of the dragon clan responded in unison.

At this time, the Thunder Punishment was only as big as a bucket, because the remaining resentful spirits were only the last one. Seeing that the Dragon Clan was going to search for the invisible Zhang Yu, it suddenly became anxious. You must know that at this time, Zhang Yu Yu Ke took all the races into a strange place. If he was caught, wouldn't all the races be caught?

The terrifying eyes of the resentful spirit can see the soul, and it found Zhang Yu's location at a glance, which is not far from the dragon family, so the resentful spirit Wang Wei floated straight into the dragon palace, hid in it, and laughed.

"Quack, the treasure house of the dragon family disappears with me."

"No, stop it." Dragon King Ao Ying simply roared with split eyes. In the Dragon Palace, all the treasures of the Dragon Clan are stored. If it is destroyed, how can it be obtained? At this moment, Zhang Yu is no longer important.

The members of the dragon clan who scattered to search for Zhang Yu, also roared furiously and rushed to the Dragon Palace.

"Bastard, come out."

"Damn human grievances".




The violent electric shock of Thunder Punishment fell into the treasure house of the Dragon Palace, and regardless of whether it would damage anything, it directly destroyed Wang Wei, the resentful spirit, and by the way, destroyed all the treasures in the treasure house, which made the dragon race crazy. . ..