Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1587: limit

By the way, Zhang Yu suddenly remembered that he still has a trick that can stop the time within a range, maybe use it to make a sneak attack, plus the power of the seal that he has learned, it should not be a problem to trap the Dragon King for a second, maybe he can. Take the opportunity to seriously injure the Dragon King and exchange the Dragon King's life for one, otherwise even if the Dragon King is defeated, there will be no spare energy to escape from the encirclement of the Dragon Clan.

After thinking about the plan, Zhang Yu waited for the Dragon King Aoying to approach.

"Suffer to death". The Dragon King Ao Ying approached Zhang Yu as he wished. The strong power of the God King Realm made it not afraid of Zhang Yu's sabotage fist at all. Even if the upper limit of the sabotage fist was higher than it, as long as he couldn't hit himself, nothing would happen. .

Within a few meters of Zhang Yu, the Dragon King Aoying suddenly saw that Zhang Yu, who had an uneasy look at first, suddenly smiled. The smile made Dragon King Aoying shudder. about to retreat.

But it was too late, Zhang Yu stared and activated his ability.

"Time to stop".

At the moment when the ability was activated, the air stopped beside Zhang Yu, the surging fog also stopped, and the approaching Dragon King Ao Ying also stopped, his whole body was stiff and turned into a sculpture, but his brain was not stopped. The living Dragon King Ao Ying was very terrified at this time. This kind of ability is too strange. He can actually trap himself, and the strength of the God King Realm can't work. This is simply too terrifying.

"Damn, get me moving." Dragon King Aoying was very flustered, roaring and struggling.

"what happened". And Elder Ao Bang, who was preparing for a sneak attack, saw the dragon king Ao Ying who was still and stiff, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"good chance".

All the dragon clan members were stunned. The Dragon King Ao Ying, who had always had the upper hand, suddenly withered. This is unscientific, but they were stunned, but Zhang Yu was not. Less time to stop.

At this time, Zhang Yu found that the time-stop ability was consumed like running water, and he was about to use up the last time power. Suddenly, he violently rushed in front of the Dragon King Ao Ying. The power of the world was condensed in his fist, which was still two fists. Shot out like a rocket.




In an instant, Zhang Yu hit hundreds of punches, and with each punch, the dragon king Aoying in the humanoid state would be dented, unable to maintain his humanoid shape, and instantly returned to his dragon form.

In the dragon form, the dragon king Ao Ying's body became thousands of times larger, and his body covered the sky, but Zhang Yu's fist hit it more accurately. After all, the target is so big, it is impossible to hit it crookedly matter.

"Pfft~". The time was over in less than a second. The Dragon King Ao Ying vomited golden dragon blood and was kicked out. He rolled around on the ground for dozens of laps before stopping. Eerily quiet.

He spat out a mouthful of dragon blood again, and Dragon King Ao Ying's face was full of rage. He didn't expect that, accidentally, he was injured, and in front of all the Dragon Clan members, this made him lose his face.

Aoying, the Dragon King in the dragon state, hurriedly stretched out his limbs and stood up. With his body damaged, it was impossible to fight Zhang Yu head-on, and he couldn't let Zhang Yu get close to him, otherwise he would be as strong as Zhang Yu. Under the close combat capability, it will be beaten violently.

Thinking of this, Dragon King Ao Ying roared furiously: "Three thousand weak waters".

"Boom Rumble".

The innate water attribute ability was developed to a high level by the Dragon King Ao Ying. Ordinary water turned into a frantic stream of water with mixed abilities. At this time, it has the characteristic of nothing sinking, as long as it falls into its weak water , even a feather can't float.

Elder Ao Bao, who woke up from the shock, said incredulously, "It's the Dragon King's innate ability of weak water, is it actually used?"

The members of the Dragon Clan who besieged the back mountain all recovered from their stunned expressions and shouted with all their faces.

"It is the strongest ability of the Dragon King, that human being is dead."

"No creature can rise again from weak water."

"I knew the Dragon King would not lose."


The turbulent weak water swept in more violently than the tsunami. Even the members of the dragon clan who were watching quickly flew into the sky and did not dare to approach. The back mountain was directly buried by the weak water, and the back mountain became a piece of Wang Yang. .

"Fly, who can't." Seeing that the flying dragons escaped the weak water, Zhang Yu also flew up, and the energy made gravity useless.

However, the weak water surging under his feet suddenly formed a huge waterspout under Zhang Yu's feet, and Zhang Yu, who was caught off guard, was swept in, and the spinning weak water made Zhang Yu's body weak. Feeling of powerlessness.

Weakness has the effect of dissipating the strength of the living beings, and the quality of weak water is very low, and there is no buoyancy at all. The waterspout swept Zhang Yu under the weak water, making Zhang Yu immersed in the weak water.

Although there is no need to breathe, but there are so many dragons around, Zhang Yu knows that he must not be trapped, and he quickly accumulates the power of the world. Fortunately, the level of the power of the world is higher, and it is not swallowed by weak water, even if it is swallowed, the speed It is also very slow, so that Zhang Yu still has the strength to fight back.

"Super Destruction Fist".

The fist condensed with the power of the world made the weak water vibrate, the water droplets trembled wildly, and suddenly there was a loud "boom", and a column of water sputtered from the bottom of the weak water from low to high, and Zhang Yu jumped out of the weak water range.

"Give me down." At this time, Elder Ao Bao, who had already prepared, sneaked over, and his human-shaped rushing fist slammed into Zhang Yu's back.


In an instant, Zhang Yu flew back upside down, entered the bottom of the weak water, and was once again wrapped by the weak water. Elder Ao Bao, who had succeeded in the sneak attack, laughed loudly: "Hahaha, just stay inside and be swallowed by the weak water. Lose your ability."

"well done". Aoying, the Dragon King who controls Ruoshui, praised with great joy.

Zhang Yu, who has fallen into the weak water, is not so easy to escape this time. The dragon king Aoying gathered all the scattered weak water and surrounded Zhang Yu's body, forming a bird's nest. The bigger ball makes Zhang Yu farther away from the world outside Ruoshui.

Zhang Yu, who was trapped in the weak water ball, desperately bombarded the surrounding weak water, making a loud "boom boom", and in the splashing water, Zhang Yu's face was ugly, because even if Zhang Yu exploded his body The surrounding weak water, but the surrounding weak water will be replenished immediately, wrapping it endlessly.

In other words, if you can't break the weak water ball in an instant, you will not be able to get out at all, or if you try to get the Dragon King Aoying to stop the weak water's manipulation, it is possible to get out, but it is too difficult to do.

The powerful energy of the God King Realm made the Dragon King Ao Ying unable to see the strangeness of collapse, and in Zhang Yu's astonishment, the Dragon King Ao Ying flew into the weak water after he was completely trapped by the weak water ball. Swim towards Zhang Yu like a fish.

"It's not affected by Weak Shui, but it's right, after all, Weak Shui is the ability of the Dragon King." Zhang Yu said in surprise, his heart became anxious.

Aoying, the Dragon King who swam in front of Zhang Yu, sneered: "This time, you can't escape."

As soon as the words fell, when Zhang Yu was thinking about how to get out, the Dragon King Aoying did not give Zhang Yu any more time. The huge dragon claws grabbed Zhang Yu's body violently, and he was rendered powerless by the weak water. Can't break free from the dragon's claws.

"Hahaha, I caught you."

Just when the Dragon King Aoying smiled proudly and hit Zhang Yu, he saw that golden chains suddenly burst out from within Zhang Yu's body. These chains carried a powerful sealing force. Even if it encountered weak water, it was not swallowed up in an instant.

The chain of seals that swarmed out of Zhang Yu's body wrapped around the dragon's claws. In just a split second, the huge dragon body of the dragon-tailed Aoying was entangled. Now, the dragon-tailed Aoying caught it. Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu also caught the Dragon King Ao Ying.

"What, it's actually the power of the seal."

Dragon King Aoying exclaimed, but he was very fortunate in his heart that the power of the seal was not strong, otherwise, the weak water would not be able to swallow the chain of seals, but at this time, when both sides were caught, the most unfavorable Instead, it was the Dragon King Ao Ying.

Because of the power of the seal, Dragon King Aoying's weak water skills began to collapse, the spherical weak water collapsed, forming a river that spread out, and Zhang Yu finally escaped, without the imprisonment of weak water, the power of the world condensed in The fist slammed into the dragon claws of Dragon King Ao Ying.



Under the impact, the sound of giant and broken bones sounded at the same time. He never caught Zhang Yu's dragon claw and was freed by Zhang Yu. Dragon King Aoying's face was ugly, and he broke free from the seal that had been overwhelmed in weak water chain.

Lost the best chance to catch Zhang Yu, but the Dragon King Aoying is not worried, because in terms of strength, it is still the most powerful, and Zhang Yu's explosive attack ability is only comparable to it. , and certainly not for long.

It was only a moment of thought, but Dragon King Aoying's dragon claws had recovered. As long as the ability was not exhausted, its body could be recovered at any time, but to exhaust the energy of a dragon with the strength of the **** king, for Zhang Yu, it was impossible.

"Since I can't trap you, then I will defeat you and capture you alive." Dragon King Ao Ying shouted angrily, and the dragon body flew towards him.

I can also imagine that Zhang Yu, who couldn't beat the Dragon King Aoying, had a solemn expression on his face and felt bitter in his heart. .

Zhang Yu, who was in a hurry, found that he had no way out, so he recklessly used his uncontrollable powerful abilities.


As soon as the bursting sun came out, whether it was Ao Bang who was preparing to sneak attack, or the Dragon King flying towards Zhang Yu, they all felt the extreme danger, and immediately stepped back and took someone else's attack. , not to mention the flame on Zhang Yu's fist, it still looks so dangerous.

"The body is burnt, and a quick solution is needed." With blood boiling all over his body, smoke coming out of his hair, and Zhang Yu, whose skin began to turn black, he said secretly anxiously. ..