Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1594: Faith

In the lively Quan Clan camp, a lot of legendary ingredients such as rice and rice noodles were boiled. Everyone in the Quan Clan gathered to enjoy a delicious meal. Quan Wei, who thought he was Zhang Yu's rival in love, couldn't save his face.

"If you eat his food, won't you be shorter than him? No, I can't eat it." Resisting the invasion of the scent on himself, Quan Wei said stubbornly.

"Well, it's delicious."

"Is this the taste of rice? I feel like I'm dreaming."

"So soft noodles, so delicious".

The exaggerated compliments around him and the sound of eating made Quanwei's head blank, his eyes fixed on the rice and steamed buns in front of the table, and the entanglement made Quanwei caught in the battle between heaven and man.

"I can't eat it, no, I have to eat it. As the leader, I should test the poison for everyone. Yes, it's the poison test." When Quanwei was about to hold on, he immediately used the excuse of testing poison to make himself feel better, and then ate the food Zhang Yu gave me.

At that moment, Quanwei was fascinated by the aroma and taste of the rice. It was even said that the meat dried with a lot of seasonings was so fragrant that Quanwei's tongue was almost bitten off. , I want to cry.

Not only Quanwei thinks this way, but everyone in the Quan people thinks this way, after eating such delicious food, how can you still eat ordinary barbecued meat and berries? Age-old sayings.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were all about their dream lover, and their rival Zhang Yu, and then they chose to agree with Zhang Yu. Anyway, they knew that it was impossible to be with their dream lover Quan Nana. In this case, let Quan Nana finds the person she loves and can also give Zhang Yu a better life for them. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?

"Nana is mine, mine is mine". Quanwei said secretly and firmly while eating the food given by Zhang Yu.

After lunch, the scorching sun made the full-fed Quan people fall asleep. Everyone left the camp and returned to their caves to rest. But he stopped Nana, who wanted to rest, and said.

"When you have time, seize the time to cultivate spiritual ideas. This is a skill that becomes stronger. Only by becoming stronger can you have the ability to survive."

"I know grandma." Quan Nana nodded and replied. After returning to the bedroom, she took out the book Zhang Yu gave and began to practice spiritual thinking. Naturally, I thought of Zhang Yu.

The mental power has become something like lines, and the three-dimensional shape has become Zhang Yu's appearance. The first step of visualization is completed in a confused way. Quan Nana is a little confused, but since it is all completed, it is impossible to shatter the visualization. The things that come out have never been, just keep practicing like this.

"Did I recognize Zhang Yu in my heart, but he ran away from marriage without hesitation, what should I do?" Quan Nana said in annoyance.

A faint power of faith floated from the cave to the distance. In the depths of the sycamore forest, in the area close to the center of the giant sycamore tree, Zhang Yu was lurking close, and if he wanted to pass through, he could enter the Windy City by going around. This trading city built by all orcs.

But suddenly, a faint power of faith floated into his mind. Zhang Yu was shocked to find that the power of faith was contributed by Quan Nana. She actually visualized her own in her mind. Appearance, regard yourself as the strongest source of strength in your heart.

This made Zhang Yu very stunned, and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know, whether it is good or bad to give her a spiritual view, forget it, since everything happened, let her go."

When stealthily sneaking into the territory of the Feng clan, Zhang Yu's sharp eyes saw dense small holes on the trunks of the huge plane trees, and the small holes were filled with dense human races. You don't need to guess to know that It is the material used by the Feng people to make alchemy.

"Damn Phoenix, **** Orc, what do they think of Human Race?" Zhang Yu secretly said annoyed.

Although he really wanted to go out and kill the Phoenix clan, Zhang Yu knew that it was impossible. The Phoenix clan was no better than the dragon clan. The dragon clan might be afraid of the real fire of the sun, but the fire bird clan were born flame messengers. They were not afraid of flames, that is, It is said that Zhang Yu's strength has been targeted, and only relying on the destruction fist of the power of the world, perhaps even the Phoenix Clan of the True God Realm can't beat it, let alone the Phoenix King of the God King Realm.

If the Phoenix clan really has the legendary ability to be reborn from ashes, then Zhang Yu will really be sitting on the wax, so he can't be high-profile, he has to look for opportunities in a low-key manner, and then have a chance to rescue the human race inside, but how to start, Zhang Yu No idea yet.

In the trunk of the giant sycamore tree, the imprisoned Terran looked at the vast world outside the iron fence, but could not get out. From the top of the treetop, there were often miserable screams of the Terran, which made all the imprisoned Terran members. Shivering.

"We are dead, we are dead".

"The phoenix bird is the belief of our feudal country, but the belief takes us to make alchemy. This is a desperate blow."

"Don't mention any beliefs to me, phoenix birds are just a bunch of beasts, we should believe in our own."


In the midst of the commotion, because of the uncontrollable despair, the members of the race became irritable. There were many people who would fight if they disagreed, and there were also many people who were indifferent, and there were also many people who were arguing. The selfishness and suspicion of people's hearts were all at a glance.

Fengguo, a country that cultivates the power of sealing, but their strength is the same as the people in the Sun and Moon Continent. They are firmly suppressed in the transcendent realm, and the people of Fengguo who cannot be promoted will never be able to beat the Feng Clan. Even if their chain of seals can lock the members of the Phoenix clan for a moment.

And Fengguo and the Sun Moon Continent Dawn Organization are also inextricably linked. The power of the seal is transmitted from Fengguo, but the only people in control are Feng Wen and Wu Wei of the Dawn Organization. Having died in the fight against the Nine Lives Blood Cat, only Wu Wei and Zhang Yu are left with the power to seal.

Feng Sheng, the great master of Fengguo, was also caught by the Feng clan in order to save the people of Fengguo. For the first time, he knew that the Feng clan who believed in turned out to be just a group of cold-blooded divine beasts, and then the belief collapsed, and they were desperate and unwilling. When I was willing, I found the people who were quarreling and not cultivating.

After a while, Feng Sheng angrily roared: "What are you arguing about, isn't it shameful enough, we are all treated like livestock, why can't you unite well, you have to wait for us all to die before we can stop yes".

"---". Everyone in Feng country knew Feng Sheng, and when he yelled at him like this, everyone bowed their heads with shame on their faces.

"Archmage, what should we do, the cage is too strong, we can only seal the ability, the attack power is not strong at all, can't break the cage, what else can we do except wait for death." The cultivators of Fengguo said in fear.

"Think, think hard with your brain, you will definitely think of a way to get out, unless you want to die here." Feng Sheng said with a firm face, the four-dimensional world is too cruel, there is no other way to save oneself, and the expected hero is even less likely to appear, because this is the real world, and only in fairy tales, there are heroes.

As soon as the voice fell, the people who didn't want to die began to scream like crazy. The louder they shouted, the more courage they could inspire.

"Yes, there must be a way, let's think about it."

"One person can't think of it, so many of us can definitely think of it."

"Certainly possible".


In the phoenix tree pavilion, which covers the sky and the sun, a huge palace is built between the branches, which are skillfully connected into a huge palace group, and the members of the phoenix family live here, surrounded by small palaces. Inside the Grand Palace, King Ho asked with a puzzled face.

"Haven't the dragons left yet?"

"They are still guarding outside the Wutong Forest, and they don't know what they want to do." The members of the Feng clan replied.

"Strange, are they really looking for people? How is that possible? Why did the dragons go to find an ant-like human? Did something happen that I didn't know about, or is that human coveted by the dragons? treasure". Feng Wang frowned.

"How is it possible, can the mere human race escape the pursuit of the dragon army? It must be a lie that the dragon wants to attack us." The elders of the Feng clan were disdainful.

"That's right, then be careful, don't let the dragon race take advantage of it." Feng Wang thought it was very reasonable, the human race was so weak, how could it escape the pursuit of the dragon army, it must be a lie, so he told the members of the guarding Feng clan.

"Yes". The phoenix guards responded.

Under the towering tree, looking up at the huge sycamore tree, Zhang Yu felt very powerless. I don't know how such a huge tree grew. It is not a good way to go up hastily. Flying up is even more seeking death, but Fortunately, the bigger the trunk, the bigger the folds it can climb through the cracks in the folds of the trunk.

"Climb". Zhang Yu said with a wry smile, he never imagined that one day he would climb a tree to save people.

On the trunk of the huge sycamore tree, the cracked bark was seen. Zhang Yu's body was very small, not much bigger than a caterpillar, and it was invisible. The Phoenix clan who patrolled the sky did not find it at all.

At the same time, when Zhang Yu climbed a tree and wanted to save people, bees began to wander around the Quan tribe, looking for more nectar, and the Quan tribe was too close, because of the smell of candy, Concentrated candy scent, more attractive to bees.


The irritable voice made all the people of the Quan tribe feel upset and ran out of the cave.

"What's the noise? It's so noisy."

"Who, who made the sound".

"Would you like to take a nap?"


In Quan Nana's cave, Quan Nana, who was repairing her spiritual concept, also heard the annoying "buzzing" sound and the yelling after the clansmen ran out. The spiritual concept changed Quan Nana's five senses. It became more and more sensitive, and a strong heart palpitations came to my heart.

"What's the matter, why do I feel so uneasy." Quan Nana was inexperienced and exclaimed. ..