Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1596: rescue

There are at least tens of thousands of alien bees in a nest, not to mention that it is the only nest of alien bees within a radius of several thousand kilometers. Their number is not only tens of thousands, but only the number of worker bees. .

When encountering an enemy, the alien bee's tentacles sent out a signal, and then more and more alien bees flew in. The entire sky above the Quanzu camp was blocked from the sun and turned dark. Such a huge number of alien bees. , scared the people of the Quan people to the ground.

"If you can't beat it, everyone hides in the cave." The leader, Quan Wei, subconsciously gave the order to escape.

"Tap tap tap".

As soon as the words fell, all the Quan Clan warriors turned around and ran wildly, carrying their families, and ran into the nearest cave, and then blocked the entrance of the cave with wooden furniture, gasping for breath with pale faces.




The furniture at the entrance of the cave was knocked out loudly. When the alien bees were angry, even the more powerful alien beasts had to temporarily avoid three feet, not to mention the weak Quan people.


The wooden furniture blocking the entrance of the cave made an overwhelmed sound.

The Quan Clan warrior whose face changed wildly, completely lost his fighting spirit, and said in horror: "Leader, what should I do?"

"I don't know either. Who knew that there was actually a nest of alien bees in the vicinity of the Quan Clan. It would have been great if they had known earlier, and they could be dealt with when there were not many. Now there would be no such crisis." . The leader, Quan Wei, said annoyed, anxious, and uneasy.

The Quan people were unreliable. Grandma looked at her granddaughter anxiously and said, "Nana, can you recover quickly, now only you can stop those alien bees."

After hearing the words, the Quan people immediately looked at Nana with anticipation.

"Yes, Nana depends on you."

"The future of the Quan family is in your hands."

"Nana, come on."


A single combat ability is not good for a large number of alien bees, and Quan Nana's mental shock wave is a group attack ability, which can sweep a group of alien bees. This kind of ability is the best skill to deal with alien bees, so at this moment , All the Quan people put their hopes on Nana.

"---". As the leader, Quan Wei was full of depression and kept silent. After this time, his status must have been greatly reduced, but it was the girl he loved who stole his reputation. What he could do was to forgive her. Now, if it's a man, Quanwei wants to let him know what the authority of a leader is.

"Let me try". Quan Nana, who was highly expected, replied with a firm face.

Close your eyes and sink your mind into your mind. The practice of mental view is very simple. You just need to make the object you visualize as perfect as possible, and it is best to condense more spiritual power on it. will become stronger.

But everything takes a long time to realize, and Quan Nana doesn't have that much time now. The wooden furniture at the entrance of the cave is about to be smashed. When the alien swarms come in, it is the genocide of the Quan people. time.

"What should I do, it's too late to become stronger." Quan Nana did not explain this to everyone, but silently endured it, thinking desperately about a solution.

In his mind, Zhang Yu, who was visualized, was not angry at all, just like a dead thing, but Quan Nana still looked at Zhang Yu's visualization sincerely, trying to obtain stronger spiritual power.

"Help me, help me." Quan Nana murmured anxiously.

In the central area of ​​the Wutong Forest, Zhang Yu, who was climbing up in the folds and crevices of the huge Wutong tree trunk at that moment, was suddenly alerted by a strong power of faith. No matter it was the three-dimensional world or the four-dimensional world, no one cultivated the spirit. When thinking about thoughts, I thought about Zhang Yu, except for Quan Nana.

So Zhang Yu easily accepted Quan Nana's anxious thoughts, and said blankly: "What's going on? Could it be that the Quan family has an accident?"

Zhang Yu, who had guessed correctly, looked at the tree canopy far above his head. The human captives in the tree holes and the strict guards let Zhang Yu know that it was impossible to rescue the captives in a short time. If something really happened over there, it certainly wouldn't last that long.

"There's only one way to go back." Helpless, Zhang Yu gave up rescuing the human captives, and began to climb down to the Quan tribe camp.

In the cave next to the waterfall, Quan Nana, who was cultivating, was shaken awake. She saw the terrified expressions of the Quan people, the complicated eyes of the grandmother, and the precarious wooden furniture. Quan Nana knew everything, hurry up. Couldn't hold on.

Quan Nana, who had recovered some mental strength, no longer expended energy willfully, but sent out a mental shock wave in a targeted manner.


Outside the cave, the sound of the crash stopped abruptly under the mental shock wave.

"Very good". The Quan people immediately cheered and jumped, but the next moment, the impact sounded again.


"Ah~". Suddenly, the Quan people looked at Quan Nana in horror.

"Everyone stand back, so as not to accidentally hurt." Quan Nana called out.

"it is good". The Quan people responded and hid behind Quan Nana. Watching Quan Nana defending against the alien bee colony outside, they felt very uncomfortable. Sitting and waiting for death was not their style. The leader Quan Wei signaled everyone to come over. Then said.

"We can't let Nana go on like this alone, she can't last long, so we have to save ourselves."

"How to do it". The Quan people said urgently.

"Dig the side of the cave and hide in another cave, so that if we can't find our alien bee, it will leave." The leader Quan Wei suggested.

"What if the bee hadn't left." Quanhua, a member of the Quan tribe, said with great concern.

"Then dig through other caves, you can't sit and wait to die, hurry up and act." The leader Quan Wei said with a resolute expression on his face that he could not refuse, so that the Quan people did not say anything more and began to dig.

But between the cave walls, the rocks are very hard. You must know that in a rocky mountain, the hardest place is often the rock at the foot of the mountain. Because of gravity, the rock at the bottom of the mountain is extremely compact. .




The power of the true spirit was put into the javelin of the sycamore tree trunk, and it stabbed hard at the cave wall, but only made a sound of gold and iron.

"Damn, so hard." The Quan people cursed angrily.

"Can't give up, stab it with the greatest strength." The leader Quan Wei shouted.

When the Quan people were busy digging the cave wall, Quan Nana, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, had become very pale, her mental strength was about to be exhausted, and there was no time to restore her. Stop flying and hit the door.

Outside the cave, the alien bees that were stunned by the mental shock wave were dragged away by the awake alien bees and piled up all over the place, as tall as a rockery. Crazy banging on the cave door.

"These are bees, and there are a lot of them."

Zhang Yu, who rushed back, stood outside the Quan Clan camp, watching the densely packed alien bees slamming into the entrance of a cave.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu saw that all the wooden furniture at the entrance of the cave had been smashed into pieces, and the entrance of the cave was wide open, and all the Quan people inside came into Zhang Yu's eyes. Quan Nana, who had a pale face, was also seen by Zhang Yu. in the eyes.

"No~". With a cry of unwillingness, Quan Nana squeezed all her spiritual power and activated it all.


Outside the entrance of the cave, the alien bee who wanted to enter passed out instantly, while Zhang Yu, who was hiding at the edge of the Quan Clan camp, smiled and said, "Let me help you" after seeing this scene.

Immediately, Zhang Yu, whose body had not recovered, but his mental power was not damaged, spread out from the body, and the moment the spiritual power spread out, the world changed, and the whole world seemed to be about to fall. It was extremely depressing.


Zhang Yu's mental power swept across, all the alien bees were stunned, and fell to the ground like raindrops "bang bang bang", even the alien bee who was stunned by Quan Nana and was about to wake up, He also fainted again in an instant, lying still like a corpse.

"---". The world was silent, Zhang Yu succeeded, turned around and left and said: "It's okay, it's better not to meet them, otherwise the escape from marriage will definitely make them uncomfortable."

The Quan people in the cave looked at Quan Nana in a daze, and Quan Nana also looked at the fainted alien bees outside. The mental strength just now was weaker than ever, but why is there such a thing? It's so powerful that it stunned all the alien bees, which is not scientific at all.

"Could it be that Zhang Yu is here". The girl's sixth sense made Quan Nana guess that Zhang Yu had been here, ran over, looked at the alien bees all over the ground, but could not see Zhang Yu, and shouted unwillingly.

"Zhang Yu, you come out, I know you are here, you come out for me."

The people of the Quan clan who came out one after another looked at the alien bees all over the ground with shock. I also know that it is impossible for Quan Nana to stun all the alien bees instantly, maybe just like what Nana said, Zhang Yu came.

As for whether Zhang Yu has been here, the leader Quan Wei doesn't care at all. He has no affection for his rival Zhang Yu at all, and said angrily: "Don't worry about those, quickly kill all the fainted bees, or they will wake up when they wake up. trouble."

"Yes~". When the danger was not completely resolved, all the Quan tribesmen responded and began to torture and kill the fainted alien bee.

And Quan Nana, who was still shouting for Zhang Yu, looked disappointed, and Zhang Yu did not appear, which made Quan Nana very resentful and secretly said: "It has appeared, why won't you come out, and why?"

"Nana, forget it, maybe Zhang Yu hasn't thought about it yet. When he thinks about it, I believe he will come back here to find you again." Grandma comforted.

"No, I want to go to him and ask him why he did this to me". Quan Nana said unwillingly.

"No, it's too dangerous outside." Grandma's face changed a lot, but simple people are all stubborn. Grandma knew that she couldn't convince her granddaughter, so she had to watch her closely and not let her have a chance to leave. ..