Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1603: fooled

The members of the dragon clan were all stunned after hearing about it. They never thought that not only the treasure house of the dragon clan was destroyed, but also the phoenix clan could not keep it. Zhang Yu's destructive power was so amazing that he would destroy it wherever he went. ah.

No, I was going to exchange near the poisonous forest. The Phoenix family was deceived. The dragon family knew that after Zhang Yu could enter the poisonous forest, he could come out safely, so Zhang Yu wanted to hide in the poisonous forest, so that he would be safe and there would be no beasts. The clan can threaten Zhang Yu.

"Not good, hurry up." The Dragon King Aoying roared and flew into the sky to chase the direction where the Phoenix Clan left. The other Dragon Clan members followed one after another, while the captured Phoenix Bird was confused and didn't understand what the Dragon Clan was crazy about.

The Dragon King Ao Ying, who was flying in the sky, regretted it very much. If he knew that when the Feng Clan left, he was with Zhang Yu, and he would never let the Feng Clan leave. Yu actually stole the treasure house of the Feng family.

"Hurry up." Dragon King Aoying said in a hurry, if he can't arrive in time, the capture of Zhang Yu will be all for nothing. Who knows when Zhang Yu will come out after entering the poisonous forest, and the poisonous forest is so big, it is impossible for the dragons to defend the poisonous forest. Lin, stare at Zhang Yu.

Half an hour away, the Dragon King Aoying flew desperately in time, and when he came to the vicinity of the poisonous forest, he was still a step late. He saw Zhang Yu leaning against the poisonous forest, facing a group of phoenix birds. smile.

The Dragon King Aoying couldn't help shouting: "Hurry up and stop Zhang Yu, he wants to enter the poisonous forest, he will not be affected by the poisonous gas".

The Phoenix Clan on the ground also heard the roar of the Dragon King Aoying from the sky. The words entered their brains. After realizing their consciousness, all the Phoenix Clan members looked at Zhang Yu and waved to them in disbelief. , like saying goodbye.

"No, just catch him." Feng Wang roared.

"Goodbye, no need to send." Zhang Yu, who waved goodbye, turned around and ran wildly, ran into the poisonous forest, and chased after the members of the Feng clan next to the poisonous forest. They were all dumbfounded, they knew they had been deceived.

I thought Zhang Yu made a stupid decision to come to the poisonous forest to exchange treasures, but I didn't expect that they were the foolish Phoenix clan, so Zhang Yu hid in the poisonous forest, and all the treasures of the Feng clan were taken away. It's just humiliating.

"No, attack me and burn the poisonous forest." In anger, the red-eyed Ho-oh roared again and again.

"Feng Wang, calm down, the poison forest must not attack, it will cause us to have an accident." The elders of the Feng clan hurriedly stopped King Feng. If the poisonous forest burst into flames, the Feng clan would not be spared from the poisonous smoke.

"But, are you just looking at that **** Zhang Yu and taking our treasure away?" Feng Wang said angrily.

"As long as the Feng clan is still there, the treasures can still be found, but when we're gone, what's the use of more treasures." The elders of the Feng clan persuaded.

Feng Wang, who heard the words, finally calmed down, and ordered unwillingly: "From this moment on, Zhang Yu is the enemy of the Feng clan. Seeing him, regardless of life or death, inform all members of the Orcs of the True Realm, whoever helps us. Anyone who catches or provides Zhang Yu with clues will get a promise from the Feng Clan."

"Yes". The members of the Feng clan responded.

The dragon army also fell from the sky at the same time, watching Zhang Yu disappear into the poisonous forest unwillingly, Dragon King Aoying looked at Feng Wang angrily and said: "It's all because of you, if it wasn't for your stupidity, how could Zhang Yu be possible? Run away, we have guarded him for three days and three nights."

"Shut up, don't let your Dragon Clan take care of our Phoenix Clan's affairs." Feng Wang said with embarrassment, although what the Dragon King said is true, but is it shameless? Saying it in public is humiliating himself, how can you give a good face to the Dragon King.

"Damn, if it wasn't for your refusal, we caught Zhang Yu as early as the day he entered the Wutong Forest, how could he destroy your site and the alchemy furnace, so it's all your stupidity , made a mistake." Dragon King Ao Ying sneered.

"Bastard, what did you say". Feng Wang was furious, and high-temperature flames rose from the phoenix body.

"Say you're stupid". Dragon King Ao Ying sneered.

"court death". Feng Wang, who was so angry, immediately started to fight and fought fiercely with Dragon King Ao Ying. The other clansmen also participated immediately. The Dragon and Phoenix clans were right next to the poisonous forest.

And Zhang Yu, who was hiding in the poisonous forest, ate snacks, looked at the battle outside leisurely, took a sip of juice and said, "It's a fierce battle."

If the Phoenix and the Dragons knew that their common enemy was eating snacks not far away, watching them beat to death, they would definitely rush into the poisonous forest in anger and die with Zhang Yu, after all, what Zhang Yu did It's so hateful.

"It's all about those tricks. It's nothing to watch. Forget it, let's go and see if there is a place where Xingyue Kingdom can develop."

After eating, the dragon clan and the phoenix clan were still fighting. Zhang Yu shrugged, completely ignoring that it was a battle that he had caused, and went deep into the poisonous forest on his own. Anyway, Zhang Yu made a decision. It is absolutely impossible to go out. After all, the dragon and the phoenix hate themselves to the bone, and going out is courting death.

The depths of the poisonous forest are no different from ordinary forests in the thinking world. The tall and sturdy trees, withered and fallen trunks, are covered with grass and flowers, as well as various mushrooms, and Zhang Yu does not know any of them.

In order to prevent himself from wandering to the edge of the poisonous forest again, Zhang Yu went deep into the poisonous forest this time, and walked in a straight line. When he encountered a giant tree in the way, he directly knocked down. Anyway, the injury was healed, and he was not afraid of injuring his internal organs.

A straight line was knocked out by Zhang Yu and extended into the depths of the poisonous forest. The ordinary creatures in the poisonous forest all avoided in terror. They were afraid of Zhang Yu, a demolition expert, even a bear in the poisonous forest. Not as violent as Zhang Yu, who knocked down giant trees one by one.

In the small universe within the body, after Quan Nana and the clansmen met, they met the robot that came to deliver food, and immediately went over to watch curiously, and couldn't help touching it.

"It's cold".

"Please don't touch it, thank you." The silver intelligent robot was speechless.

"By the way, can you tell me where is this place?" Quan Nana asked.

"This is the plain of Xingyue Kingdom. It is absolutely safe. Stay here with confidence. After a while, you can go home." The silver robot explained.

Quan Nana, who heard the words, felt a lot more at ease. After all, the robot looked very kind and said politely, not like a bad person, and it was Zhang Yu who sent her in, so it shouldn't be dangerous, so Quan Na Na curiously asked about Zhang Yu.

"Do you know Zhang Yu?"

"Why are you asking this?" The silver robot was on alert.

"He is my fiancé, and he sent me in, so I want to inquire about his past, such as his origin, what his past was like, his~". Quan Nana couldn't stop as soon as she said it.

And the silver-white robot crashed. There was no information about Quan Nana in its chip, but she claimed to be the fiancée of His Majesty Zhang Yu, which made it impossible to deal with it casually, so she quickly informed the superior. As for what to do, I will wait for the news. That's it.

At the headquarters of Xingyueguo, Su Mei and Tang Yan, who were processing documents in the conference room, were all stunned when they heard the news of Zhang Yu's fiancee.

"clear". Guangnao Xiaowen replied a little and sent an order to the silver intelligent robot.

Quan Nana, who left the plain, and everyone in the Hequan tribe were dumbfounded. The products in the modern city were so attractive, because she was worried that Quan Nana left with the silver robot alone, and all the Quan people followed.

When they came to the square outside the headquarters, the people of the Quan people saw the members of the Gang and other tribes, as if they had met old friends in a foreign land.

"please follow me". The silver robot said to Quan Nana alone that no one else could enter the headquarters building.

"Be careful". The leader Quan Wei said worriedly.

"Direction, this is Zhang Yu's site, everything will be fine." Quan Nana replied with ease, followed the robot into the headquarters building, took the suspension elevator, and came to the highest office.

Seeing Tang Yan's five daughters, Quan Nana had no choice but to greet her politely: "Hello, sisters, may I ask if you are from Brother Yu~~".

"We are his wife, you said you are his fiancée, do you have any evidence?" Su Mei said with jealousy.

"Ah, I'm sorry, hello sisters, if there is evidence, I don't know if it's okay to think mentally." Quan Nana, who heard the words, cares that Zhang Yu has five wives at all. After all, in the four-dimensional world, the strong can have many wives.

"What, he gave you spiritual ideas." Tang Yan's five daughters immediately gritted their teeth and said, believing Quan Nana's words.

"Damn radish, you'll be dead when you come back."

"I can't get around you, Zhang Yu bastard."

"Perverts, they are all in their thirties and forties, and little girls are not spared."

In their hearts, Tang Yan's five daughters, who had scolded Zhang Yu many times but had nothing on their faces, knew that they could not be rude, so they had to hold back their anger, but when Zhang Yu came back, the jealousy that erupted would definitely drown Zhang Yu. Yu's.

Outside, Zhang Yu, who was in the depths of the poisonous forest, suddenly sneezed wildly, and an incomparably strong unease emerged from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly said suspiciously: "Could it be that the Phoenix clan and the dragon clan have united to come and arrest me?"

Outside the poisonous forest, the Feng and Dragon clan, who fought fiercely, finally collapsed to the ground. After so many years of fighting, the Dragon and Phoenix clan have basically never died. There is a rule that you can't kill each other.

"Stop fighting, let's join forces, after catching Zhang Yu, one person and one half". Dragon King Ao Ying panted heavily.

"Okay, I want his upper body." Feng Wang gritted his teeth and said, if it weren't for Zhang Yu, the Feng family would not have suffered heavy losses.

"No, it's divided into two halves from the middle, each of us is on one side." Dragon King Ao Ying said fiercely.

"make a deal". Ho-wang and Ryu-wang shook hands and made peace. ..