Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1650: Beast of Poison Swamp

After the dog food was full, Shangguantang and the others, the half-demons and the human race all felt nauseated and hurried back to their own business. Daughter Zhang Yue watched her parents crooked and clenched her fists.

"Asshole dad, he agreed to play with me, but he actually stayed with the mothers, and he forgot about me. It's unforgivable. The most hateful thing is why that stinky fox can join in." Zhang Yue revealed her little tiger teeth and secretly said.

The vicious eyes kept lingering on Zhang Yu and the little fox Yunyun, and the maliciousness made the little fox Yunyun hid in Zhang Yu's arms, and Zhang Yu felt the goose skin behind him was getting up, and he smiled bitterly.

When they were fighting for favor here, the monsters outside Dulinsen City were miserable. They were exposed to the scorching sun every day, and they couldn’t leave the place even in the wind and rain, lest there would be loopholes in the encirclement. Such days, When is the head.

"Bastard, that human can't come out yet."

"Damn, if you keep drying like this, you're going to turn into salted fish."

"so boring".


The monsters complained, full of resentment.

In a place farther away from the encirclement, a simple camp is hidden among the trees. From a distance, it is impossible to see that there are buildings here, and inside the buildings, the dragon and phoenix clans in humanoid form are just waiting inside.

As soon as Zhang Yu appeared and was entangled by the monsters, the hidden dragons and phoenixes would immediately go to arrest them and not give Zhang Yu any chance to escape. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu did not appear at all, which made everything waiting. Just a waste of time.

The unbearable Feng Wang Baijia's anger surged, and the anger of the Feng family's treasure house being taken away by Zhang Yu, coupled with Zhang Yu's tortoise shrinking, made his temper a lot more irritable, and he wanted to go into the poisonous forest.

"I won't wait any longer, call all the monsters and attack the poisonous forest." Feng Wang Baijia roared angrily.

"Are you sure, ordinary monsters can't enter the poisonous forest, we are the only ones who can enter the poisonous forest, but there will be a lot of casualties." Dragon King Aoying reminded.

"Damn, what do you say, it's been more than a month, and there's no movement in the poisonous forest. Obviously, Zhang Yu intends not to come out in a short time, so we'll just guard it until when will we go." Feng Wang Baijia said angrily, his face flushed with anger.

Dragon King Aoying also felt that waiting like this was not the way to go. After frowning, he thought for a moment and thought of a way that was not the way to go: "Since Zhang Yu can't come out, I think we can do something else, it's okay."

"What's the meaning". Feng Wang Baijia was puzzled.

"I remember that in the endless swamp, there is a poisonous beast with toxins all over the body. Maybe they can be used to deal with Zhang Yu in the poisonous forest. After all, poisonous beasts covered with poison are very resistant to the toxins in the poisonous forest. sex". Dragon King Aoying explained.

"But those poisonous beasts have no reason at all. How can I ask them to help and drive Zhang Yu out of the poisonous forest." Feng Wang Baijia asked.

"That one can't help those poisonous beasts, catch them directly, and throw them into the poisonous forest. Toxins without rationality will definitely fight with the people in the poisonous forest, and we will act according to the circumstances." Dragon King Ao Ying said with a smile.

"It makes sense, then act quickly." Feng Wang Baijia couldn't wait to speak, and his expression became sinister.

The endless swamp is not far from the Feng Clan's territory, next to a huge black ocean. The sea water exudes a thick gray gas, and nothing can float on it. It is a restricted area with no life.

The poisonous beasts living in the endless swamp, strangely shaped, like ugly creatures abandoned by God, each poisonous beast is different, the only thing that is the same is that the body is full of various toxins, poisonous beasts like the endless swamps. Biogas, so have been living here, never been disturbed.

Any creature that disturbed the poisonous beast was either poisoned or eaten, and the bones were swallowed up by the swamp. If the swamp was dug, there were endless corpses under the swamp, and the bones were soaked in toxins and turned black.

Aoying, the Dragon King who came to the edge of the swamp, looked solemnly at the poisonous beasts in the endless swamp. If he didn't want to fight poison with poison, he didn't want to come near here, then the huge poisonous beasts, even it, if they fell into it, Also unable to retreat.

"Let's act, don't go into the swamp, just act on the outside." Dragon King Ao Ying warned.

"Got it, it's really long-winded."

Feng Wang Baijia raised his eyebrows and said that he is no stranger to the endless swamp area next to the Phoenix clan. He knew that if he stayed in the swamp for a long time, he would be engulfed by endless toxins. The toxin eroded, the strength weakened rapidly, and was eaten up by the huge poisonous beasts.



One after another full of furious roars rang out from the swamp. Obviously, the poisonous beasts also discovered the Phoenix King and the Dragon King. The poisonous beasts with no reason, they did not know what they were afraid of, and swarmed.

"It must be caught alive to be useful." The Dragon King Aoying reminded and started to act.

Powerful demon power erupted from their bodies, Howang and Dragon King imprisoned a group of demonic beasts with their demonic power, and then forcibly dragged them behind them, causing the poisonous beasts to roar continuously, and the demonic power came into contact with the poisonous beast and began to slowly turn black.

Seeing this, the Dragon King Ao Ying said solemnly: "Speed ​​up, the demon power will be eroded by toxins."

"it is good". Howang Hakuka nodded, and at the same time increased his speed.

After being dragged forward like a piglet for a long time, the poisonous forest finally arrived, and the monsters also saw the arrival of the Dragon King and the Phoenix King, and immediately gave way with great respect, and stared blankly at the group of people. The poisonous beast emitting poisonous smoke exclaimed repeatedly,

"It's a poisonous beast in the endless swamp."

"Dragon King and Phoenix King are simply too strong, and they are not afraid of being attacked by poisonous beasts."

"What a powerful demon, there is no idea of ​​resistance at all."


Shocked and stunned, Dragon King and Phoenix King, who came to the edge of the poisonous forest, threw the poisonous beasts dragged into the sky, and hundreds of poisonous beasts fell into the forest city like meteorites.


A harsh siren resounded throughout the forest city.

"What happened". Shi Xi in the laboratory was shocked and said, since Zhang Yu left, Mori City has sounded the alarm for the first time, and it was so sudden that there was no warning at all.

"Go out and see". Xu Bo frowned and shouted.

The students rushed out of the lab when they heard a loud noise: "Bang~bang~bang".

Like the sound of a meteor falling, it was deafening. The place where the smoke exploded was the place where it fell, and the place where it fell, emits thick poisonous smoke, although it is still worse than the colorless poisonous forest poisonous gas. point, but it still made Shi Xi and the others' faces change wildly.

Because the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom at this time rely on poison to fight poison, so they balance the poisonous gas in the poisonous forest, but if they get into foreign toxins, it will definitely break the balance, and it will be bad at that time.

Thinking of this, Shi Xi's smart wristband connected to the early warning broadcast microphones in the entire forest city, and shouted: "Everyone, hide in the air-raid shelter, hurry up."


As soon as the words fell, the citizens in the Forest City of Life suddenly ran wild. If it wasn't for an extremely urgent situation, they would not hide in the air-raid shelter. Since such an order was issued, it proves that there are Big trouble.

"Run quickly and enter the dugout".

"Hurry up, hurry up."


The people who built the city in Dulinsen City were all young and strong youths. There were no children or old people at all, so without dragging them down, all the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom quickly entered the underground air-raid shelter to hide. .


And the poisonous beasts who recovered from the impact of the fall, roared and vented their anger, wantonly destroying everything they saw, the moment the poisonous body approached the building, the poison corroded the wall, and was shocked to see this scene from the surveillance Shi Xi and other students.

"It's such a powerful toxin, you can't approach it rashly and use a long-range attack." Xu Bo analyzed.

"Yes, the toxin is too corrosive, I just hope that other aspects are not so strong, otherwise Mori City will not be able to keep it." Shi Xi frowned tightly and said, Zhang Yu left Mori City, and they were responsible for the safety of Mori City. If Mori City was gone, how would he explain to Zhang Yu?

Shi Xi, Xu Bo and the others who pressed the button quickly stared at the surveillance screen.

On the streets of Mori City, the street lamps suddenly changed their appearances. The LED bulbs were deformed, and the gun barrels as large as fingers protruded. Moreover, the height of the street lamps increased rapidly, tens of meters tall. far beyond the height of the floor.

Viewed from a height, the barrels of the street lamps were all aimed at the poisonous beasts, and a powerful electric current flooded them. One after another, hot rays of light were emitted from the barrels, and the speed of light hit the bodies of the poisonous beasts.




The powerful penetrating force damaged the poisonous bodies of the poisonous beasts, and the poisonous water sputtered out from the wound, and when it dripped onto the cement floor, it corroded through the cement floor, causing a A small pothole.

The laser with the thickness of a finger only evaporates the bodies of the poisonous beasts, and in the poisonous forest, the poisonous bodies of the poisonous beasts are like a duck to water, and they recover their injuries when they are opened, and they destroy buildings in rage.

In the laboratory, Shi Xi's face changed greatly: "Damn, the laser doesn't work".

"It doesn't matter, we have other ways to try it with an electromagnetic gun." Xu Bo reminded.

"Then let's get started." Shi Xi said seriously, and the others immediately activated the defense system.

Below the ground, turrets rose up, aiming at the poisonous beasts that were destroying the laser weapons. The thigh-thick barrel was two meters long. The magnetic bullet was repulsed by the violent current, and it was only ready to explode.

"emission". With Shi Xi's roar, the launch button was pressed.




The muzzle port of the electromagnetic gun shot out rounds of white smoke, the bullet pierced through the obstruction of the air, made a screeching sound, and hit all the poisonous beasts. ..