Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1652: return trip

The finishing operation went very smoothly. Without the liquid poisonous beast, there is no danger of being poisoned to death. The citizens of Xingyue Kingdom did not care about the mere flames, and the forest fire was quickly extinguished. ash.

"saved". Citizens cheered.

It's just that Shi Xi was not excited at all, but said uneasy; "Since the enemy has started to move, I think it's not good to stop then, and there will be a protracted battle next."

"Yes, then come on, we are not vegetarians." Xu Bo and the others said sternly.

Outside the poisonous forest, both the Dragon King and the Phoenix King saw the failure of the poisonous beast. The thing that could explode violently and emit a violent high temperature could destroy the huge poisonous beast in an instant. It was simply not too easy.

The puzzled Feng Wang Baijia said: "Damn, we can't give up easily, let's continue to catch more toxins."

"Also, I don't believe that the human race can solve the poisonous beast without incident every time." Dragon King Ao Ying said unhappily, if the human city can't be destroyed, and people can't be killed, Zhang Yu can't be forced, so next time, the city and the human race in the poisonous forest must be destroyed at one time.

To do this, you must catch more poisonous beasts, and it is not enough to rely on yourself and Ho-wang, so the Dragon King asked Ho-king to inform the clan, and the two clans will go to catch the poisonous beasts together. If you don't believe that you can't kill the people in the poison forest.

"Wait, next time you won't be able to escape so easily." Dragon King Ao Ying sneered.

At the same time, Zhang Yu, who was still in the Great Rift Valley, accompanied his wife and daughter to enjoy the holiday, and he didn't have to do or think about anything, which made Zhang Yu feel that his body and head were dull, and he felt like a salted fish.

Fortunately, a month will come soon. An underground tunnel that is several thousand kilometers long is about to be completed. The entrance of the tunnel is fifteen meters high and ten meters wide. , otherwise it will not collapse.

There are a large number of ventilation pipes at the top of the tunnel, which can keep enough fresh oxygen in the tunnel. Every ten meters, there will be a light to illuminate the dark tunnel. There are two sidewalks on both sides of the tunnel, which are used by robots for walking and maintenance.

In Zhang Yu's inner universe, there are a large number of suspended trains. As long as the tunnel is opened, it can be taken out and used, and it will not take too long.

Within a month, Zhang Yu and the creatures in the Rift Valley became more familiar with Zhang Yu's character. The half-demon and the human race in the Great Rift Valley were no longer afraid of what Zhang Yu would do to them. Instead, they felt that there was Zhang Yu. Now, feel more secure.

For example, the fox clan, who had been bullied by the half-demon for a long time, spontaneously became the nanny and maid of Zhang Yu and the little fox Yunyun. Zhang Yu didn't even have a chance to refuse, because the fox girls did not listen to the rejection and waited silently. Zhang Yu's family and the little fox Yunyun.

When he got used to being served, Zhang Yu found that it was difficult to change it, because the life of Yilai, reaching out for food and opening his mouth, who doesn't want to enjoy it, is still served by a group of lovely and beautiful fox girls, which makes Shangguantang and other boys jealous Eyes are red.

"I really want to be Zhang Yu." Shangguantang smiled bitterly.

"Dream it, let's talk about it when you have Zhang Yu's charm and strength." Shangguan Tang complained in such a hateful tone. Obviously, the fox girls took away her dedication to Zhang Yu, so why not get angry.

"The tunnel is about to be opened, and Zhang Yu will leave soon, what should we do, should we continue to follow?" Tai Shikun asked.

"I've been away from home for so long, isn't it a good idea not to go back, my family will be very worried, and, Zhang Yu has so many good things, can we also let the underground kingdom and Zhang Yu have some communication, using Things are exchanged for some vegetables, after all, after you get used to eating fresh vegetables, you won’t have them when you get home, and you will be very unaccustomed to it.” Baili Mo said quietly.

"Yes, how can I live without vegetables and such delicious meat." Shangguantang and others suddenly panicked.

"It's fine for me to follow Brother Yu, you can do it yourself." Shangguan Tang made a decision in an instant and chose to attack Zhang Yu.

Shangguantang, who heard the words, said speechlessly: "If you really have a lover, you don't need your family anymore."

"I want you to take care of it". Shangguan Tang said angrily.

"Yes yes yes, I shut up". Shangguantang shrugged.

On the other side, the fox clan are also discussing, the tunnel is about to open, Zhang Yu and Princess Yunyun will also leave here, and their fox clan was washed away by the flood, and there is nothing left, even if they stay, it is useless, because the fox clan After the altar is broken, the curse of not being able to leave is broken.

The fox clan without the blood of the fox king is not a fox clan at all, so the fox general Huhu said; "Let's also leave with Zhang Yu. It seems that he is a good person and has Her Royal Highness the princess there. , will not ignore us."

"That's right, I'll leave with you in the name of protecting Her Royal Highness." Aunt Qing pursed her lips and smiled.

"It's great, follow Zhang Yu, there are delicious, fun, and very safe."

"That's right, don't be bullied anymore."

"If only I could serve Zhang Yu."

"If you think beautifully, even if you serve, I will come."

The fox girls suddenly became noisy, blushing and fighting.

Although the fox girls were far away and their voices were not loud, for Tang Yan and the others, it was not a problem at all. They heard them all. Su Mei, who was half-smiling but not smiling, gave Zhang Yudao a charming glance.

"Husband, your little fan sister has increased again."

"No, it's just fans." Zhang Yu said with a dry smile, under the watchful eyes of the five wives, his back was wet.

"Put away your charm, you are not allowed to bring us sisters back, have you heard?" Tang Yan burst into anger and said, as for the little fox Yunyun's affairs, he can only choose to ignore it, after all, it has already happened, what else can be done.

"Yes, yes, no guarantee." Zhang Yu said with a wry smile, although it wasn't his own fault, but reasoning with a woman would be a demented behavior.

"Send us back. After the tunnel is opened, you will be busy, and we have to start preparing the necessary materials to make your plan more smoothly and quickly completed." Tang Yan gestured.

Although I wanted to stay by Zhang Yu's side, as Zhang Yu's wife, how could it be possible to make a vase, so I held back my reluctance and only needed to be able to help Zhang Yu, which is the responsibility of a wife.

"Send us back too, Yan'er can't be busy alone." Su Mei's four daughters signaled one after another.

"OK then". Zhang Yu reluctantly agreed.

As for Zhang Yue, the eldest daughter, Zhang Yu was very helpless, because she refused to go back, Zhang Yu could only agree, and Zhang Yue, who got Zhang Yu's consent, rejoiced in his heart: "It's great, this way I can watch the old man. Dad, don't let him mess with flowers again."

After sending off Tang Yan's five daughters, Shangguan Tang ran over with great joy. Before Zhang Yue could stop him, he hugged Zhang Yu's arm and said sweetly, "Brother Yu, I want to talk to you about something." .

"Tell me what's going on." Zhang Yu hugged the little fox Yunyun and couldn't break free from Shangguan Tang, so he could only ask about the business.

"Humph~". Zhang Yue stared at Zhang Yu's back unhappily, her cold eyes stabbed Zhang Yu very hard.

"Is it like this, can the tunnels be dug into the underground kingdom, so that people in the underground kingdom can come out and see the outside world, and they can exchange things for some materials, so they can live better." Shangguan Tang asked.

"Of course you can, but it will take a while. Otherwise, you should go back first and inform the people in the underground kingdom about this and see their decision. It is very dangerous to go out to the outside world. They should have their own. choose". Zhang Yu replied.

"Okay, my brother, they will go back to discuss with those people, I will stay with you and see what materials can be exchanged." Shangguan Tang agreed immediately, and then made an excuse to follow Zhang Yu, making Zhang Yue so angry.

"Alright". Zhang Yu agreed, after all, it was for a better life in the underground kingdom, and Zhang Yu would not refuse such a kind act.

Only Zhang Yue was very unhappy, pulled away Shangguan Tang, and hugged Zhang Yu's arm, as if to say, this is my thing. Zhang Yue was very angry, and the two women kept chasing, taking Zhang Yu as the battlefield.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Zhang Yu stopped the two women and looked at the robot walking towards him.

"Master, the tunnel has been dug through, all protections have been done, and it can be opened to traffic." The robot reported.

"Very good, where is the tunnel exit in the poison forest?" Zhang Yu asked.

"There is a slight error. The exit is in the southeast of the poisonous forest, behind Mori City and Dashan. The ventilation system has blown all the poisonous gas that has penetrated into the tunnel out of the tunnel, so there is no danger of poisoning." The robot replied.

"The error is a bit big." Zhang Yu frowned. Originally, he wanted to open the exit directly to the surroundings of Mori City, but it is impossible to dig thousands of kilometers of underground tunnels without a trace of mistakes. Since the mistakes are all wrong, they can only be used wrongly.

We can only add another route in the poisonous forest to connect the channel network of Forest City, which takes a little time, because ordinary robots cannot stay in the poisonous forest for a long time, and the poisonous gas will corrode the electronic chip.

Only after Chenjin is mined in large quantities, there will be Chenjin robots to build the poisonous forest.

"Let's go, it's time to go back to Mori City." Zhang Yu motioned for everyone to follow.

After saying goodbye to the half-demons, Zhang Yu set foot on his way home, and Shangguan Tang also said goodbye to his brother and his companions, and followed the past. The four people in Shangguantang who stayed in the Great Rift Valley looked at each other in dismay. After a glance, he said,

"Let's go too, go back to discuss, and open up the outside world."

"Goodbye". The half-demons and the human race reluctantly watched Zhang Yu leave, saying goodbye for a long time,

The suspension train was released by Zhang Yu from the inner universe and parked on the suspension lane. The little fox Yunyun looked at the decoration of the train curiously, even the fox girls and Shangguan Tang. They had never seen such luxurious decorations. It's gorgeous. ..