Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 259: the truth

In a city near the edge of the forest in Citi, a young man in his twenties turned pale after seeing the post of a Chinese netizen in a luxury villa.

Recalling all the information the organization said, it was simply not correct. According to the information of the citizens of China, the organization wanted to eliminate the mutant creatures. It was simply thinking too much, unless the organization burned the forest.

"Grass, a group of crooks, actually said that mutant creatures are easy to destroy." The youth yelled angrily.

The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa turned around strangely and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Dad, see for yourself." Upon hearing this, the young man passed the wristband with an ugly face, and the post posted by a Chinese netizen caught the eyes of the middle-aged man.

"How come~". The middle-aged man shrank his pupils and murmured in disbelief.

"Dad, the agency deceived us, or let's go to the big city to hide, it's not safe here." The young man suggested that he was emotionally disturbed.

"Okay, hurry up and pack it up." The middle-aged man responded in a panic.

In Geely, all residents living in cities near the edge of the forest were stunned when they saw the posts posted by the Chinese netizens, and immediately began to pack their luggage one by one in a panic, and left their homes. In contrast, the people I am more willing to trust Huaxia Country rather than my own organization.

"What happen to you guys". Those who want to leave here in a hurry are stopped by their neighbors.

"Quickly leave here, it's not safe here. If you don't believe me, you can go online and read the posts of Huaxia Country." After speaking, he ran away, and the neighbor who stayed in the same place was very surprised. After searching for the post of Huaxia Kingdom, the neighbor also became a member of the departure.

At the same time, this has also happened in other countries. Let the agency officials say no matter what, the people just ignore it and either go to a larger city or a country that can protect their lives, and finally a city near the edge of the forest. It became an empty city, a dead silence.

"Wow~wow~wow~". The crows cried over the empty city, and soon they occupied the empty city.

In a big city, a group of people with large bags and small bags crowded the city. The buses and subways were full of people. People who couldn't find a house to rent. Under the overpass became their temporary residential area. The large crowds made the city. The security of the People's Republic of China was faced with the most severe challenge all at once.

After receiving the news, local Li Qiang gathered officials of all sizes and began to discuss: "The city has been stationed with tens of millions of people at once. Public security and other issues will follow one after another. Let's discuss what should be done."

"Cancel the holidays of all security personnel, and from now on, large-scale patrols."

"Their accommodation will also be a big problem, and the shelter can't accommodate so many people."

"Distribute the tents, it will be fine after this period of time."

"Yes, just do it like this. The best thing is to find something to do for them, otherwise problems will arise if they are idle all day."

The officials talked about it.

After the negotiation, the city began to distribute tents and other things on a large scale. The original residents of the city felt very ridiculed. The organization said that there would be no danger, but now it seems that they are just words to appease them. There is not much credibility at all. They were extremely disappointed with the institution.

But the netizens who began to wake up, thinking about everything that happened during this period, suddenly felt bad and began to discuss on a large scale on the Internet, and their tone was full of resentment and dissatisfaction with the organization.

"Oh, the organization is enough. If it doesn't work, it won't work. Why do you want to lie? The face is swollen, OK?"

"Do you really think we are good deceivers?"

"Why is our institution always so stupid compared to Huaxia Kingdom, compared to Dr. Zhang Yu".

"I am now even more yearning for China. The people there are very comfortable. Under the protection of Dr. Zhang Yu, I don't have to worry about anything and I can do what I like to do as much as I want."

"Who doesn't want to, the problem is that the immigration requirements are too high, and you can't get in."

"Perhaps the organization is afraid of us messing up. We shouldn't always think of them so badly."

"Go upstairs, dare to speak to them."


And on the official websites of the major news media, major people occupy this area, questioning, swiping, and cursing vigorously.

"Didn't you say that institutions can eliminate mutant creatures? Why are they all dumb now? Say it."

"Liars are all liars. They know nonsense and nothing is true."

"What about the reporter's principle, has it been eaten by a dog?"

"Experts, can't you tell me, why are you silent now?"


The complaint mailbox on the agency’s dedicated network was filled with a large number of complaints from the public, and the website was about to burst. The messages in it were all questioning words. The system personnel responsible for screening information were very helpless, because they deleted one and the people sent it. Dozens of them come here.

"Oh, naive person." The staff sighed, no matter how many complaint letters are sent, the agency will not pay attention to them. What should the officials do or why bother.

In a luxurious office, the news media boss murmured with a wry smile: "I am implicated. I don't want to send such news. What is this?"

The pretty female secretary stepped forward and squeezed the boss's shoulders and said, "Boss, ignore them, they can't do anything to us, right? I'm pinching like this, isn't it comfortable~".

The ambiguous atmosphere made the boss excited, and then an inhumane voice sounded in the office.

The hard-pressed experts murmured bitterly: "I really didn't want to say this this time. They were all forced." He said so many falsehoods, this time it was absolutely true.

The reporters even hid them, fearing that after the masses knew their identity, they would be beaten up and it would be bad. They reluctantly thought: "It's not what we said. It's our business. I was wronged." ".

After the people found that all the reporters and the media were silent, they became even more furious. Don't apologize if they were wrong. Is it all right to play missing? Thinking of the people here, they even scolded unscrupulously on the Internet.

"Everyone is dumb now, it's really unreasonable."

"Quality is too low."

"What qualities said upstairs, do they have these things?"

"Yes, never trust them anymore."

"Let's think of a way to immigrate to China as soon as possible."

"It's difficult."

At this time, in the square outside the Citigroup No. 1 leader’s residence, the people who were deceived by the organization were angry. When their brains got hot, they clamored and came here to protest. The people of Citigroup think about it, all the mistakes are It's Oppama's fault. Who called him the boss? Without his permission, would those officials dare to deceive others.????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Opama come out".

"Give us an explanation."

"What is a tortoise with a shrunken head"

"come out".


The Oppama in the No. 1 leader mansion suppressed her anger, and like an angry male lion, he questioned the assistant Brolang: "Who leaked the news?" The thought of revenge filled his heart.

"Citizen of Huaxia Country". Bulang lowered his head and turned back.

"---". When Obamar heard the words, he fell silent, and all his anger was half gone. He didn't dare to deal with anyone in China. This bitter pill could only be swallowed by himself, so he quickly tried to reassure the masses.

The Empress of Geely Country faced the low level of public acceptance of herself, gritted her teeth and said: "Damn Dr. Zhang Yu, just invent your product well, why do you have to do so much?"

She threw all the faults to Zhang Yu. After all, she wanted to come, without Dr. Zhang Yu's consent, how could those citizens post such news posts, and there was so much expertise in it.

The head of state of the country said sadly: "Well, the truth has been leaked out, and my credibility is gone, what to do, what to do~~".

The head of Russian screw angrily said: "Nosy bastard, bastard~".

The head of State Fa calmly thought and said: "We must clear our relationship with this matter as soon as possible, and we must not lose the hearts of the people."

During this period of time, scientists from all over the world have conducted detailed studies on mutant organisms and found that pesticides do not work on them at all, even if the concentration is very high. As a result, their research directions are less. One, and no progress in other areas, really worried about them.

The person in charge reported the results to the top with full of heart. During this period of time, so many things have happened, but they have not played their due role at all. How can they not make them, the scientists feel sad, what they have learned? Knowledge has become a stepping stone for Dr. Zhang Yu.

In the No. 1 leader mansion, Obamar, who was frustrated by public protests, received the report from the scientists again. After only a few glances, he tore up the report in anger, gritted his teeth and roared: "It's all a group. Waste, the state has given them so much convenience and resources, and even if they give such a reply, don’t they feel ashamed, waste~~".

[Mutated biological genes are too complicated to develop useful technologies in a short period of time].

"---". Bulang on the side saw the mad boss, staying aside quietly, silent.

Huaxia Kingdom is not disturbed at all, it is still so comfortable, the children in the streets and alleys are running and playing, and there is no tension at all. After comparing with other countries, it is almost like a paradise. Tourists who come here People, envious and jealous talk.

"It's so easy."

"I don't want to leave when I come here. Why is there such a big difference between countries?"

"It's all because of the relationship with Dr. Yu Zhang from China State."

In the forest to the southeast, Mei Xue, Xu Bo, and Shi Xi stayed here for a few days. The animals in it were injected with evolutionary potions. Their appetite increased, and their body size increased greatly, and the whole body was full. With explosive muscles, even the rooster has become more stellar.

"Roar~". The calls of carnivores continued to be heard in the forest.

"Baa, baa~~". The frightened sheep ran away. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 259 The Truth), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (