Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 446: Miscalculation

The King Squid that was hit by the main cannon of the spaceship stopped motionless. The big cut on the squid's head was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few seconds, the wound completely healed and the King Squid moved again. , Slapped everything around frantically.

"Boom boom boom."

The people who were paying attention to the battle saw the speed of the self-healing of the King Squid, and their faces were suddenly stunned, and they did not dare to say anything.

"how can that be".

"The speed of self-healing surpassed the speed of the monster along the coast of Citi, and after self-healing, it did not affect its actions at all. The King Squid is too powerful."

"Even the monster along the coast of Citigroup will affect its speed, endurance, etc. after self-healing."

Zhang Yu stared at the king squid, and soon discovered the abnormality, and said with a serious face: "No, after the king squid heals, its body is a little smaller, and it will consume its fat after self-healing. In this way, we only need to If you continue to attack it, you can consume it."

When everyone heard the words, they also carefully observed the king squid, and when they realized that it was so, they all happily shouted, "Really."

With a solution, Zhang Yu immediately implemented it and instructed Xiaowen: "Continue to attack the behemoth."

"understand". Xiaowen responded.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo,". The robot continuously fired small electromagnetic cannons, harassing the king squid, making it annoying but unable to do anything.

"boom". In the air next to the headquarters, the main gun of the spacecraft acted as the main force, shelling the body of the king squid.

The small electromagnetic cannon is only itchy to the king squid, which is not enough to cause trauma. However, the electromagnetic cannon that the spacecraft’s main gun fires only once in a few minutes is too slow, because the king squid is getting closer to the edge of the city, Zhang Yu can only continue Commanded: "Xiaowen, release all the drones in the spacecraft to attack."

"Ok". After Xiaowen responded, densely packed unmanned fighter planes flew out of the sky of the headquarters, and the fighter planes roared over to the head of the king squid.

"Boom boom boom boom." On the drone, an electromagnetic cannon one size larger than the robot electromagnetic cannon was launched, and sonic boom clouds continued to appear in the sky.

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff". More wounds began to appear on the king squid's body, blue blood gushing out, and the huge electromagnetic cannon attack from the spacecraft ensued. The king squid soon became scarred and its movements became more and more sluggish, and it was about to arrive. The edge of life and death.

"Boom Boom". Suddenly, a few loud noises attracted the attention of Zhang Yu and others. Turning around, they suddenly found that the cancer besieged in the protective shield had grown back into a carapace. The cancer was one size smaller, and the carapace had changed from the original one. The yellow became the dark black now, and it seemed even harder.

"Damn it". After seeing this, Zhang Yu shouted helplessly. The two-line combat was really troublesome. If he didn't pay attention, the Cancer had evolved a harder carapace. Then he wanted to use a nuclear bomb to destroy the trapped Cancer. It's possible.

Xu Bo also saw the Cancer recovering as before and suggested: "There are two nuclear bombs left, or throw them into the protective shield together."

"You can try, let the robot hold the nuclear bomb in there, teacher." Shi Xi said in agreement.

"I'll leave it to you on the Cancer side, and I will tell the King Squid on the other side." Zhang Yu replied in deep contemplation for a moment.

"Yes". Shi Xi and the three replied, and began preparations.

A scarred robot was called back because the injuries on its body were not enough to allow it to continue participating in the battle. Using resources, it can still make the best use of it. Two basketball-sized nuclear bombs were trapped by the robot. Under the armpit, Xu Bo commanded: "Throw them into the protective cover."

"Yes". The scarred robot urn responded and began to move.

The robot swaying into the air quickly came to the top of the protective cover, and the Cancer, hitting the electromagnetic shield, found a small bug on its head, angrily cut the pliers, and issued a "bang". With loud noises, the robot turned a blind eye to Cancer's movements and dropped the nuclear bomb directly.

"great". Upon seeing this, Xu Bo shouted with joy.

"---". Mei Xue, Shi Xi, and Song Bao watched nervously.

Inside the protective cover, Cancer saw that the robot bug had dropped two unknown objects, and hurriedly tried to catch it with claws. Unfortunately, the nuclear bomb was too small and there were two. Cancer can't do two things at once, only clamped one of them. One nuclear bomb, another nuclear bomb was thrown out of the protective shield by another pliers.

"Boom." The nuclear bomb that flew out rolled down on the grass.

"---". The four Xu Bo were stunned by this accident.

As for the Cancer inside the protective shield, the white light suddenly lit up when the claws were pressed hard, the nuclear bomb was detonated by the heavy pressure, the skyrocketing fire gushed out again, the sky was red by the red fire light, and the Cancer was once again submerged by the flames. , Zhang Yu, who heard the explosion, turned around, saw the ugly faces of Xu Bo and others, asked in confusion.

"what's happenin".

Xu Bo explained with annoyed expression: "Teacher, a nuclear bomb was thrown out by Cancer's claws and it didn't explode."

"---". Shi Xi and the others were full of bitterness, they messed up things.

"what". Zhang Yu exclaimed, and looked nervously inside the protective cover. When the fire stopped, the Cancer appeared in front of everyone unharmed. Although the Cancer's carapace became broken, its self-healing speed would soon be intact. Yes, and the carapace will become harder.

"This is bad." After seeing the appearance of the Cancer, Zhang Yu muttered with a gloomy face.

"Boom Boom". On the other side, the king squid came to the factory and hid behind the building bunker, which caused the spacecraft’s attack. The king squid who got a chance to dig the soil and escape to the cave, but the ground in the factory They are all cement soil mixed with adhesives.

"Kacha". Under the huge force, a crack was opened in the cement road, but the force of the counter shock made the behemoth’s soft feet unbearable, so the king squid gave up digging and wanted to avoid the continuous attack of the drone in the sky. The squid only hid and entered the factory.

"Boom boom boom".

The king squid who entered the factory smelled the scent in the air. It was the smell of evolution liquid, which made the king squid even more want to leave here. The excited king squid, with eight soft feet, kept looking around everything, wanting Find foods that make its cells happy.

Soon, the pot for storing evolution fluid was found by the king squid. The pot was wrapped in soft feet and pulled towards the mouth. The king squid’s mouth had two huge teeth. With a light bite, the 5-meter-high pot cracked. , The King Squid continued to swallow the evolution fluid, and its body began to change rapidly.

Next to the electromagnetic shield trap, Zhang Yu was no longer calm after seeing the king squid enter the Evolution Liquid factory, and panicked and shouted: "Damn it, it's worse now, Xiaowen, don't care about the things in the factory. Give me an immediate attack, absolutely can't let the king squid absorb more evolution liquid."

"understood". Xiaowen replied, just as her voice fell, the attack that covered the sky and the sun fell in the evolution liquid factory, but the attack came too late.

"Rumble rumbling." When the attack arrived, all the buildings of the factory were razed, and the smoke and dust of the sky made it impossible to see the situation in the factory.

The dense smoke was mixed with dust, forming a huge spherical haze. Just as everyone watched nervously, I saw eight huge soft-footed tentacles, stretched out the thick smoke and waving, and Zhang Yu could analyze it from the huge volume of the soft-foot Then, the evolution liquid must have been absorbed by the king squid, which made the situation more serious.

"Shoo, hoo,". The king squid waving his tentacles looked very happy.

The analysis of the evolutionary behemoth is seriously inadequate, making the plan one step wrong, but who would have thought that the behemoth has such a powerful ability to heal itself and crisis evolution. Zhang Yu can only say with emotion: "Pull. Sound the emergency evacuation alarm and let the people hide in the headquarters base."

"Ok". Xiaowen responded.

"woo woo woo woo". In the city of Xingyue Nation, the stern emergency evacuation alarm sounded, and all citizens panicked, because the sounding of the alarm indicated that His Majesty Zhang Yu’s actions were facing the risk of failure and could no longer protect everyone.

In the headquarters office and Su Mei’s office, Zhang Yu’s relatives and friends were very ugly. You can probably know the situation from the satellite video, and Zhang Yu also sounded the emergency evacuation alert, proving that the situation has reached a very serious point. , Su Mei immediately ordered.

"Xiaoying, go and inform everyone that the evacuation arrangement has begun."

"it is good". Zhao Ying responded and walked out of the office.

In the nursery, Dean Chen Ping heard the alarm sound, and suddenly his face changed greatly and ran out of the lounge, shouting to all the staff in the hall: "Hurry up, take the children away, we are leaving."

"Yes". The employees responded.

Residential Building No. 1A-2a-301, when Dogo heard the stern siren, he regretted it. He had known earlier that he had pulled his wife and daughter and left Xingyue Kingdom. Now it’s impossible to leave. , And now I don’t know how serious the situation is.

Du Gou, who was very anxious, yelled: "Hurry up, don't take your luggage."

"Ok". Shen Rong replied with a pity, and put down the things in her hands.

"Let's go, little tiger." Du Yueqing took the tiger, followed his parents and left the house, and went to the ABP to take refuge.

On the way to the headquarter base, I saw panicked crowds everywhere. Fortunately, there were security personnel and robots maintaining order on the road. Otherwise, trampling incidents would be difficult to prevent, and a large number of people slowed down the overall speed and time. One minute and one second passed, but still a large number of people did not enter the base.

"Line up, hurry in one by one." At the entrance of the headquarters base, the security officer yelled from the robot urn.

The crowd in line was very upset and yelled.

"Hurry up in front."

"Why is it so slow".

"Damn it, hurry up".

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