Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 453: Four options

On the ground of the laboratory, a two-meter-wide circular sphere stood in front of everyone. According to the aquatic life’s nature of being afraid of fire, Zhang Yu, under in-depth research, mixed highly concentrated gasoline with a variety of elements to give birth. A long-lasting gasoline solid.

As long as the petrol bomb explodes, everything in the sea of ​​flame will be burned for a long time, and the temperature is enough to melt the alloy, and the mixed gasoline in the petrol bomb has amazing viscosity. Even if the behemoth escapes, it cannot escape the burnt. fate.

Xu Bo, staring at the stars, sighed: "With this kind of bomb, I don't believe that the evolutionary behemoth is immortal."

Shi Xi worriedly suggested: "I think it's better to make more preparations. After all, if the behemoth is not dead, Xingyue Nation will be terrible."

Mei Xue said in agreement: "Yes, after all, even the high temperature of a nuclear explosion can't kill the giant beast, right".

Xu Bo shook his head and said with disapproval: "Nuclear bombs can't kill giant beasts. That's because when nuclear bombs explode, they only produce high temperatures for a while, while gasoline bombs continue to produce high temperatures. This is simply impossible to compare. ".

Zhang Yu on the side heard the discussion and decided to say: "It's better to be safe and make some other plans, just in case."

"Yes". As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked forward to their heads.

The decision was good, but Zhang Yu and others discovered that while the giant beasts were still in the territory of Star-Moon Nation, they were restrained, and there were not many options to choose from. In this case, the preparatory plan must be safe and controllable, and there must be Weapons of lethality are good enough, which troubles Zhang Yu.

The pensive Zhang Yu recalled the weapons he had developed before, and analyzed the performance of each one, hoping to find one that could deal with the giant beast.

[Electromagnetic gun-strong penetrating power, but not enough lethality.

Plasma gun, the nemesis of machinery and equipment, has little effect on the powerful body of the behemoth.

Neutron bomb-when exploding, the radiation is strong, but it may cause the monster to mutate and give up.

Nuclear Explosive Bomb-A brief high temperature and shock wave are ineffective against the behemoth.

Railgun-Although it can kill giant beasts, the huge shock wave produced will destroy the city of Star-Moon Nation and give up.

Vacuum bombs-have little effect on monsters that can last for hours without breathing.

Tsar bomb-also known as hydrogen bomb, equivalent to 100 million tons of TNT explosives, but nuclear pollution is too large, and will destroy the city, also give up].

After thinking about it, Zhang Yu found that there was really no useful weapon anymore. Since there was no way for bombs, Zhang Yu began to think about other weapons, such as biochemical poisons and virus weapons, but now it’s the fifth day. There will be at most two days before the monster will become reality.

At this point in the analysis, Zhang Yu frowned and murmured: "Damn it, if there was more time, it would be fine."

Hearing Zhang Yu's whisper, Xu Bo and others asked.

"Teacher, have you thought of the second plan?"



Frowning Zhang Yu replied: "No, and our time is running out. Come and think of a way, let's brainstorm together."

Xu Bo heard that, after a moment of reflection, he suggested: "Mix the biological samples in the laboratory-the venom of all the poisonous snakes. Maybe it does not necessarily work on the giant beasts. Teacher, what do you think".

"Yes, this plan is left to you." Zhang Yuquan should be the answer of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Ok". Xu Bo took over the task.

Shi Xi also thought of a way and boldly said: "I think we can try electromagnetic pulse weapons, high-intensity electromagnetic pulse weapons, using strong electromagnetic pulses to destroy incoming missiles, electronic equipment, and even disrupt people’s brain and nervous systems, and make people temporarily If you lose consciousness, as long as you increase the pulse wave, you may be able to destroy the brain of the giant beast."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu said, "Yes, this plan is very good, I leave it to you."

"Good teacher". Shi Xi was complimented by Zhang Yu, and she looked at Xu Bo and Mei Xue proudly, and replied.

Immediately, everyone looked at Mei Xue, who hadn’t spoken yet. Only she hadn’t given her suggestion yet. Mei Xue, who was looked at by everyone, became nervous, her tongue began to knot, and she couldn’t speak clearly: "I ,me".

"Relax, it's okay." Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu comforted.

Mei Xue quickly calmed down, and after a long sigh, said: "Do you still remember the killing vine?"

"Killing Vine". Xu Bo and Shi Xi heard this, and after thinking about it for a while, their complexions suddenly changed, and they asked worriedly.

"You don't want to use the killer vine to **** the giant beast, but what to do later."

"Yes, don't kill the giant beast then, there will be a huge killing vine disaster."

Mei Xue knew what the people were worried about, and analyzed: "At that time, it was because the killer vine was in the laboratory. It was not easy to destroy the killer vine with fire, but if it was outside, if the killer vine had an effect on the monster, we could also use it. The napalm bomb destroyed it."

Zhang Yu nodded and said in agreement: "Mei Xue is right. This is also a good plan. This plan is left to you Mei Xue, are you confident?"

"Yes, you are optimistic about the teacher." Mei Xue happily replied when she heard Zhang Yu agreed to her plan.

After having three preparatory plans, Zhang Yu made a decision: "Everyone, start to act. If anyone has a problem, come to me to solve it in time."

"Yes". Xu Bo and the three replied, turning around and starting to take action.

Seeing them all started to act, Song Bao, who was doing nothing, yawned and asked Zhang Yu, "Brother Yu, what am I doing?"

"Your words". Zhang Yu became entangled when he heard the words, and then asked: "Do you have any expertise?"

"Does it count to be able to drive a steel suit." Song Bao asked.

"Stay and go." Zhang Yu waved in disgust.

"Oh". Song Bao answered in anguish.

Xu Bo, who came to the biological sample room, collected the venom of the poisonous snake, and soon thought that Xu Bo, who was unsafe to do so, did not even let the venom of other poisons go, and collected them all. In this case, only his own mixed venom It works, and the person to be rewarded at that time is himself.

"I can do it". Xu Bo, who wanted to be recognized by Zhang Yu, cheered himself up.

On the other hand, Shi Xi began to assemble the electromagnetic high-frequency pulse device according to the existing drawings. The original device was not powerful enough to have an effect on the behemoth. Shi Xi deliberately modified the core of the device to make the device produce Pulse becomes more powerful.

The huge device and the ultra-high power have made the power input larger. In this case, graphene batteries cannot be used to store electrical energy. Only by pulling a cable to transmit power to the device can the electromagnetic pulse device be supplied.

Shi Xi, who didn't want to lose to Xu Bo and Mei Xue, whispered: "My idea is the best, wait and see."

In the low-temperature refrigerator, Mei Xue intercepted half of the killer vine stored by Zhang Yu again, and returned to the laboratory to thaw the killer vine. After the temperature inside the killer vine returned to normal temperature, the killer vine Woke up, the cane moved in the instrument.

After Mei Xue added some concentrated nutrients to the killer vine, the vitality of the killer vine's vines became more abundant, and it has grown a little bit. This made Mei Xue more confident and muttered: "This time the teacher will definitely look at herself with admiration. of".

Shi Xi, Meixue, Xu Bo and the three of them were fighting over and under, Zhang Yu is all in his eyes. As long as the three of them are fighting virtuously, Zhang Yu will not only care about it, but will also add fuel to the fight and let the three of them fight for enough. , The scientific research capabilities of the three will be greatly enhanced, why not do it.

"Will this be too bad?" Zhang Yu, with a somewhat disturbed conscience, murmured, after all, the three of them are their own students, but Zhang Yu was quickly convinced by himself that as long as the three of them have scientific research capabilities and enhanced professional knowledge, the three of them will benefit, right?

In the factory area of ​​Xingyue Country, in the depths of the cave, the king squid had eaten the stone fish on the fifth day. Its huge body made its appetite increase day by day. The hungry king squid in his belly reminded himself of the outside. Things that cannot move-celestial weapons, dare not go out.

"Pat, pat, pat." The huge soft-footed tentacles are constantly fishing for the belly of marine life in the water, but the marine life is too small to fill the stomach at all.

On the sixth day, the king squid was half full. On the seventh day, the king squid had eaten all the food in the cave, and its stomach was empty. It was too uncomfortable. Hunger made it start to move around and wanted to leave the cave. Go to the vast world above and hunt for food.

"Cocococo". The king squid screaming in his belly looked at the top of the cave and fell into entanglement.

At the same time, Zhang Yu and others in the ABP laboratory have also completed their preparations. Four weapons and equipment are in place. Zhang Yu took the students and Song Bao and consigned the weapons to the spacecraft. After everything was ready, Zhang Yu cheered everyone and himself: "We will definitely succeed this time, let's go."

"Yes, the spacecraft starts, and the self-check begins.

The energy is normal.

All parts are normal.

The weapon system is normal.


Xiaowen, the super artificial intelligence, took over the spacecraft.

"Boom boom boom boom." The plasma thruster at the bottom of the spacecraft ejected a high concentration of ions, and the huge thrust caused the spacecraft to lift off and disappear beside the headquarters base.

In the lobby of the headquarters base, everyone heard the sound of the spacecraft leaving, and soon understood that Zhang Yu was going to destroy the giant beast, and they all whispered and prayed.

"It must be successful, Your Majesty."

"To be successful".


At the Citigroup No. 1 leadership mansion, assistant Bulang hurriedly walked into the office and shouted: "Your Excellency, there is something happening in Xingyue Country."

"Hurry up and connect to satellite video." Obama heard this and eagerly ordered.

"Yes". The assistant replied.

After receiving the news in the Polar Bear Country, the boss of Milovich quickly ordered: "Hurry up and broadcast live."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." The assistant answered.

Organizations all over the world paid attention to Xingyue Country for the first time. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 453 Four Schemes), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (