Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 477: Cast a net

No one knows at this moment, how scared the leader of the death black disease is in his heart, how lucky he has listened to the consultant Rattlesnake, otherwise, he will be in disaster today, and Dr. Zhang Yu who owns the spaceship, no one can be pursued by him. get away.

"Fortunately, fortunately we left the base, otherwise." The logistics manager, Blue Whale, turned pale with fright.

"Yes, fortunately we came out. If we are caught by Dr. Zhang Yu, we will definitely be fattened." The spider murmured in a daze.

"We were almost finished." The bat said thankfully.

The consultant Rattlesnake was very excited. After just this incident, he has a much greater right to speak in the organization, but he soon thought that the headquarters of the Black Disease Organization had been removed, and there was a problem with the right to speak. .

The consultant Rattlesnake Bai was happy for a while, and said: "Let's leave as soon as possible. If Dr. Zhang Yu comes over, we will be very dangerous."

"go". The leader of Death heard this, and hurriedly shouted after being taken aback.

"Yes". The members responded, and the follower Reaper left.

Over the abandoned factory, after the spacecraft's tail compartment was opened, a series of robots jumped down. The robots surrounded the factory's periphery one after another, and the jets on the back made the robots slowly land on the ground.

"Boom boom boom boom". The robot strode towards the factory and took out the firearms.

The vanguard robot walked outside the factory where the gate was locked, and quickly charged the electromagnetic cannon. After a flash of blue light, a finger-thick iron door was directly penetrated by a large hole, and then the robot violently broke into the door. .


Outside the windows around the factory, the robots destroyed the iron windows one by one. After the glass shattered, they made a huge "tied up and tied up" sound. After that, the robot entered the factory through the window and formed a pincer attack.

It's just that the factory at this time was already empty. When people went to the empty factory, there were still traces of the mess when people fled in a hurry. The robot quickly searched the factory and sent the situation to Xiaowen.

In the spaceship control room, Xiaowen reported: "Everyone in the factory ran away, but they walked in a panic and didn't take a lot of things."

"Are you a step late". Hearing this, Zhang Yu murmured very annoyed.

With a face full of doubts, Song Bao said unwillingly: "Sure enough, the other party found out that it was a trap during the call, but how did they find out?"

After Tang Yan pondered for a while, he immediately suggested: "We still have a chance. Those people must not have gone very far now. Let's let the robots disperse to arrest all the people with guns on them. Then we will use the brain wave polygraph. To test what those people are like".

"Good idea, Xiaowen, please do it." Hearing this, Zhang Yu commanded after his eyes lit up, casting a wide net, he could always catch some people.

"Yes". Xiaowen responded.

In the abandoned factory, the robot on standby received Xiaowen's new instruction. The red light in the glass eyes lit up and began to spread. When the robot left the factory, it began to arrest people with guns on them.

Seeing this, the people hiding guns on Nienia Street shouted angrily.

"Why catch us".

"Let go of me, what are you doing?"

"Don't come, I'll be welcome again."

"Damn don't force me."

Under the robot's pursuit, many gang members among the pedestrians were angry and wanted to resist. They took out their guns and attacked the robots, making a "pop-bang" sound. After the gunshots, the whole street became more chaotic.

"The target resists and activates the attack system."

The red light in the robot's eyes became brighter, the combat system was activated, and the arc gun was taken out of the stomach, and the gangster was shot directly. The blue arc flashed in the air, and all those who resisted rolled their eyes and dizzed. past.

"Boom boom boom boom". People fainted constantly and fell to the ground.

Among the pedestrians, the members of the Dead Black Disease Organization were panicked and wanted to escape after seeing the robot's movements, but they had firearms hidden in their bodies, and they had nowhere to hide under the robot's metal detectors.

"Zizzizi". The strong voltage fired by the electric arc gun stunned many escaping members of the Black Disease.

On the flustered streets, pedestrians quickly discovered anomalies. Those who did not hide their guns, after being chased by the robot, ignored them. Such weird behaviors blinded many innocent pedestrians.

"What are you doing?" The innocent pedestrian thought to himself with a dull face.

At this time, the high-level people who were fleeing from the Black Disease came to the forest. The tall and lush trees can effectively block surveillance, and there is their simple base in the forest, where they can temporarily hide.

On the mountain trail, the spider following the leader received the message from his subordinates, and immediately changed his face and shouted: "Leader, some of our personnel have been caught."

"What, how come". The leader of Death heard this, and after a staggering footsteps, he stopped and said in disbelief.

The logistics manager Blue Whale asked incredulously: "How did Dr. Zhang Yu know our list of personnel".

The spider said puzzledly: "Dr. Zhang Yu probably didn't know, because he also caught other people, and some people didn't."

"I understand, tell those who have not been caught, hurry up and throw away their guns." The consultant Rattlesnake meditated for a moment before yelling immediately.

"Ah, I will notify them right away." Spider looked puzzled, but he quickly notified the fleeing members of the Black Disease.

The consultant Rattlesnake saw everyone looking at him with a puzzled look, and explained: "You can tell in a short time whether it is ours. There is only one way, whether there are guns or not. Innocent people will not have guns." .

"That's why Dr. Zhang Yu caught other people by mistake." Everyone suddenly realized.

After Zhang Yu's series of blows, the leader had become a frightened bird. He looked at the rattlesnake without his own opinion and asked: "What should we do now, do we have to go to the simple base on the mountain?"

"You can't go there anymore. As long as Dr. Zhang Yu interrogates our people, he will know the secret base." The consultant Rattlesnake shook his head and explained.

"Then where are we going". Blue Whale, the logistics manager, asked eagerly.

"---". Others also looked at the consultant, taking him as the backbone.

"We went to Neon, now only our cooperation can take us in. After all, we have offended the killer guild and mercenary organization, and now agents from various countries are also looking for us." The consultant Rattlesnake faintly replied.

"Then go". The leader Death heard this, and said decadently, he knew that even if he and others were taken in by the partner, the treatment would not be very good, maybe in the future, he and others would become vassals, after all, no one would raise a group of waste.

Without a place to shelter, the high-level black and black people changed their direction and fled to the neighboring country. As long as they changed their identities, they could smuggle out as civilians. Although the process would be very long, it was the safest. method.

Around the abandoned factory, the robot's aggressive capture operations alarmed the local security personnel, but when they came to the scene, they saw the chaos caused by the robots of the Xingyue Kingdom, and they were so scared that they hid their guns and did not dare to move.

The officers cried to the captain.

"Captain, what shall we do".

"Do you want to turn around and leave as if nothing happened?"

"---". The security officer's captain convulsed and remained silent.

The robot also found the security personnel, and when they saw that they did not stop them, they ignored them. People with guns continued to be arrested, and more and more innocent people who were ignored by the robots gathered together.

The innocent people trembling with fear soon discovered a different place from the robot's arrest and began to whisper.

"It turns out that the robot caught someone with a gun."

"I was shocked. I thought the robot was in turmoil."


"Boom boom boom". Scattered gunshots sounded on the street, and soon quieted down. The people who passed out were picked up by the robot and stacked together. The crowds of hundreds of people were spectacular.

On the east side of the street, a group of security officers stood still like wooden people, watching the robot's actions. Suddenly, the security officer’s wristband rang, and the shocked security officer’s leader saw the robot staring. Behind himself, his face paled.

Later, when the security officer's captain saw the robot divert his eyes, he secretly connected the phone and whispered, "Hey."

"Have you found the cause of the confusion?" The voice of the security officer's seat came from the wristband.

The captain of the security officer reported: "The seat is found, but I dare not stop it."

"Are you okay, you have created such a big mess, even if it is the emperor, you will catch him for me." The seat of the bureau yelled angrily.

"It is the robot that creates the chaos, Dr. Yu Zhang's robot." The security officer reported.

"---". In an instant, there was no movement at the other end of the wristband.

The security officer captain asked cautiously: "Seat, do we want to act".

"Move your head, don't hurry back to me, if I disturb Dr. Zhang Yu's robot, I will shoot you." The bureau seat roared angrily, completely devoid of position.

"Uh". The security officer's captain became sluggish, then suddenly he thought to himself that he had learned another lesson.

In the security bureau, the bureau seat hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no friction with Dr. Zhang Yu. Otherwise, the above would definitely kill himself, but for such a big thing, the bureau seat decided to report it. Better, you can't afford the responsibility of doing nothing.

In the old mansion, the boss of Uluta received the news of Dr. Zhang Yu's wanton arrests, and caused a lot of chaos in his own country. Such blatant behavior made Uluta furious and roared.

"Damn it, what does he think of our organization, is it just a place where he just goes around?"

The general and other officials comforted: "Your Excellency, we will treat it as if we didn't see it, or if we didn't know, it would be much better in this way."

"you guys". The boss was dumbfounded when he heard this. Shouldn't you join me in accusing Dr. Zhang Yu? Where is the integrity? Swear to be patriotic. ..The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: Read the full text of the technology empire of the city: city’s technological empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 477), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (