Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 524: Excited countries

The media from Deguo also joined in and reported on the program: "Although Dr. Zhang Yu is not a person from Deguo, we should also be grateful to him, because his existence allows us to avoid becoming food."

Fa country’s small media reported: “Although the monsters have not been wiped out now, Dr. Zhang Yu has blocked the monsters in the Philippines. As long as we persevere, we can all meet them. One day, Dr. Zhang Yu will They were wiped out".

Geely’s small media reported: “Dr. Zhang Yu stepped forward in times of global embarrassment, so we should thank him.”

The Polar Bear Country small media reported: "Dr. Zhang Yu, silently paid so much for the world, but the countries only gave a little material to support. This makes us think that there are some undesirable activities in the countries."

Odalia's small media reported: "Everyone can see from the video pictures that the battle is fierce. The robots are also in front of the powerful monsters. They have suffered heavy losses. How can countries remain indifferent."

As soon as the news report came out, people from all over the world were angry. They were angry that their own institutions were not strong. They just watched the Star-Moon Kingdom fighting. They only gave so little supplies to Dr. Zhang Yu and asked Dr. Zhang Yu to withstand the monsters. Of the proliferation.

At a university in Citi, the Minister of Student Moss returned to the school angrily after seeing the news, turned on the school's radio, and said: "People who have read the news, can you be indifferent?

If Dr. Zhang Yu can’t stand it anymore, what shall we do, let the organization to withstand the line of defense, that is simply impossible, they will only shirk, so everyone unite, let the people above support more supplies Dr. Zhang Yu.

Let us also do something for Dr. Zhang Yu and let him know that Dr. Zhang Yu is not fighting alone."

In the classroom, after the students listened to the broadcast, they rushed out of the professor’s dull gaze, gathered, and then the professor joined in, because if Zhang Yu couldn’t stand the defense, ordinary people like them would suffer. .

The number of people gathered in major schools is astonishing. The enthusiastic students took to the streets and started shouting, so that more people joined in. The more and more protesters gathered, they came to the square of the No. 1 consignment residence. Shout.

"Dr. Zhang Yu must not be allowed to fight alone, even if the organization does not do anything, it must provide supporting materials to Dr. Zhang Yu."

"Everyone knows that if Dr. Zhang Yu can't stand it anymore, we must be the first to be hurt. How can you remain indifferent?"

"Join in, let's go and ask for supplies for Dr. Zhang Yu."

"With more materials, Dr. Zhang Yu will be able to make more robots, and we will be safer."


Inside the No. 1 Leadership Mansion, Obamar heard the shouts and was freed from work, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on?"

"Your Excellency, it is like this." Assistant Bulang repeated the protesters' words.

Obamar, who had come to understand, was angry. They had already supported Xingyue Nation twice with supplies, and the amount reached tens of thousands of tons. Is this kind of support still small, but they can't let the protesters go on like this.

Obamar gritted her teeth and said: "Respond to them, we will provide support materials to Zhang Yu, tell them to leave as soon as possible."

"Really support it." Assistant Bulang was surprised.

"Otherwise, do you have a way?" Obama looked at Bolang and asked.

"Why don't we make a donation, domestic businesses will pay more, and our pressure will be less." Assistant Bulang suggested.

"Very good, you go to arrange it, we must make those vampire merchants bleed heavily, we can save it." Obama heard this, squinted and smiled.

After the news was notified, the merchants were overwhelmed, but if they did not donate, the angry people would definitely destroy their company, and the loss would be even greater at that time. It would be better to donate some supplies to Dr. Zhang Yu.

The bosses of Citigroup's major consortia gathered together and discussed.

"Do you really want to give it?"

"Give it, we can't make any money without a good environment. It's better to donate some supplies to Dr. Zhang Yu and let him destroy the dangerous monsters."

"That's right, then donate some."


People from other organizations saw the case of Citigroup and started to protest. Everyone thought about it. As long as Dr. Zhang Yu had more supplies and made more robots, their security would be greater.

In the airport of Xingyue Nation, seeing the piles of supplies, the logistics minister Tian Yu kept greeting the representatives of various countries, and smiled incoherently: "Thank you, thank you very much for your support, thank you so much."

"You're welcome." The representatives of various countries were very depressed, and the corners of their mouths were pulled up, and they responded to Tian Yu with a smile.

After thanking the representatives of various countries, Tian Yu shouted loudly: "Quickly, put the water fish, not right, it is to put the materials brought by the countries into the warehouse."

"---". The representatives of the various countries looked at Tian Yu with anger, trying to stare at him to death. After taking their things, they actually called them a water fish, which was too bullying.

The scorching ray of gaze made Tian Yu a little embarrassed, and he explained in a slanderous manner: "Mistakes in the mouth, it's just a mistake, don't take it to heart."

In the underground laboratory of the headquarters, Zhang Yu, who was doing an experiment, was awakened by Xiaowen's words: "Dad, the countries have supported us with supplies again. There are so many things."

"What, are they crazy?" When Zhang Yu heard this, his face was unbelievable.

"It's not that they are crazy, it's that they have to do that." Xiaowen said with a smile.

After Zhang Yu understood the cause and effect, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't think that the people of various countries were so cute. Knowing that he was short of something, he was immediately sent over, and more than ever.

With so many materials, Star-Moon Nation could produce more spaceships, and as long as they researched out anti-toxins by themselves, all these supporting materials would belong to Xing-Moon Nation, and they were simply given away for nothing.

"There are still many good people in the world." Zhang Yu grinned.

The bosses of various countries that Zhang Yu described as good people turned black as ink and exuded a dangerous aura. They didn't expect that businesses and people would donate things so generously, sending tons and tons.

Not to mention robots, even if Zhang Yu used steel to encircle Xingyue Nation, they could do it, and they sent so many supplies to Zhang Yu, how could they be happy, after all, Xingyue Nation was their opponent for global hegemony.

Obamar in the No. 1 leader mansion said angrily: "Damn it, why don't they donate so many things to the organization".

"---". The assistant Bulang was also very angry.

In the polar bear country, Milovich said with a big smile: "Everyone is really generous. It seems that they are rich and it's time to increase taxes."

Deguo boss said uncomfortable: "Damn it, how come people are so generous nowadays".

On Xingyue Guo's official website, netizens all over the world posted crazy posts.

"With so many supplies, we no longer have to worry about monsters."

"Dr. Zhang Yu, the supplies have arrived, you are going to kill those monsters."

"We only believe in your abilities."

"Never lose."

"Humanity is the master of the earth."


Xingyue Country Laboratory, Zhang Yu saw the words of netizens on the official website, and Zhang Yu, who was kind and difficult, replied: "I will work hard."

Citigroup netizen: "It's Dr. Yu Zhang, Dr. Yu Zhang has appeared, Dr. Yu Zhang, can you talk about the next plan?"

Netizen of Faguo: "Doctor, do you have the confidence to eliminate the monsters".

Deguo netizen: "Doctor, the world is so dangerous, can we immigrate to you, will you give me some places?"

Geely country netizen: "Doctor, come out with an army of hundreds of millions of robots. After leveling the Philippines, it will be fine."

Polar bear country netizen: "Doctor, after cleaning up the monsters in Philippine, there is no one in the Philippine continent. Do you want to occupy it".

"---". As soon as these words came out, everyone calmed down. If Zhang Yu occupied the Philippines, then the countries would definitely not want to. At that time, there might be some disputes or wars.

Zhang Yu in the laboratory became silent. Do you occupy the Philippines? There are minerals in the Philippines. But this way, you will inevitably get into disputes with other countries. It is better not to go to space to find your own territory. It is safer and more convenient.

However, countries cannot be bargained in vain. At least more resources must be obtained for the construction of lunar bases and open up the situation, so as to speed up the exploration of space.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Zhang Yu replied: "At that time, the Philippines will be auctioned off. Whoever gives a lot of things will have the Philippines. Xingyue Nation does not need land, but only various raw materials."

Zhang Yu's words spread all over the world, and the bosses of various countries were excited, and they actually participated in such a large piece of land in the Philippines. This is simply a pie in the sky. You must know the current world.

Those who have land have their own owners. If they want to expand their institutions, they must have war. Now that there is no need for war, there is an opportunity to expand the territory of the institution. How could they miss it?

In the Citi State No. 1 leader residence, Obamar, who heard the news, shouted with excitement: "Is the news true? After Dr. Zhang Yu destroys the monsters, the Philippine mainland is really going to be auctioned."

"Yes it is". Assistant Bulang nodded and replied.

"Excellent, hurry up to prepare all kinds of raw materials, then Citigroup must get the largest piece of land." Obama ordered ecstatically.

"Yes". I didn't reply.

After winning the country, the boss of Yomu flushed with excitement, and urgently ordered: "Hurry up and prepare supplies, we must get a large piece of land to win the country."

In Geely country, the empress shouted feverishly: "With the power of the whole country, we must win a piece of land to make our institutional territory bigger."

In the polar bear country, Milovich shouted loudly: "Order to go down, from now on, speed up the mining of minerals, our opportunity is here."

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the king blushed and asked: "You said, based on our relationship with the Xingyue Kingdom, can we win a piece of land?"

The prince shook his head and said: "Father, we don't have so many minerals, we can't compete with other institutions."

"what". The King of Saudi Arabia was disappointed. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 524 Excited Countries), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (