Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 569: Energy beam


A straight green light radiated from the moon to the earth. When the green light penetrates the earth’s atmosphere, it shoots the thick clouds through a large hole. The sunlight is mixed with green light, reflecting the ground into a colorful color.

"Hehehehe~~". The zombie man on the ground was irradiated by a small portion of green light, and a drastic chemical change suddenly occurred. The stiff and shriveled body was "hissing" and dissolved, and it quickly turned into a pile of liquid.

"Dangdang~". Human bones rolled on the concrete road.

Most of the green light dissipated in the air, and there was a competition with the zombie virus in the air. The higher-end magical energy of life form defeated the zombie virus steadily. As long as the green light is not interrupted, the zombie virus It is only a matter of time before it is eliminated.

The green light shining directly from the moon to the earth was quickly monitored by the satellites of various countries. The heads of state of the various countries immediately took precautions. Who knows if the rays Zhang Yu emits are harmful rays? The defensive heart is indispensable.

In the secret base of Country M, Obamar asked anxiously: "How is it, has Green Light analyzed what it is?"

"The lack of information makes it difficult to analyze, but it can be known from the video surveillance that this kind of green light can kill zombie people, presumably it can also eliminate the zombie virus, and the earth is saved." The scientist explained.

"well". Obama overjoyed and said.

"Your Excellency, I think we can let the robots clean up the zombie people first. As long as the zombie virus in the air is eliminated, we can regain the lost ground as soon as possible and let the people return to their homes." General Hams suggested.

"Yes, you can arrange it." Obama nodded and agreed.

"Yes". General Hams turned and left.

"Your Excellency, I will leave first. I want to study the green light emitted by Dr. Zhang Yu." The scientist said goodbye.

"Go ahead." President Obama nodded and motioned.

Soon, Obarma was left alone in the office. Obarma’s originally happy face collapsed all at once. The zombie virus incident caused the economic collapse of Country M, not to mention the deaths and injuries of countless people.

It is impossible to restore Zeng Jin’s economic system to the previous state in five years, but after five years, the Xingyue Congress has become stronger, and country M has obviously lost the space race. .

"It's really unwilling." Obamar gritted her teeth and murmured.

On the moon base, the green light connected the moon to the earth, and Zhang Yu, who was standing next to the energy converter, saw that the machine was working well, and said to the three Shi Xi with relief: "Good job."

"Thank you". Shi Ximeixue and Xu Bo grinned immediately after hearing this.

"The energy output cannot be stopped, you are optimistic about the machine in shifts, there must be no problems. Zhang Yu ordered.

"Good teacher". Shi Xi nodded and responded.

Zhang Yu, who turned to leave, felt the cue sound from the wristband continuously. Zhang Yu, who did not stop, turned on the wristband projection, and saw the posts of netizens from various countries, and instantly swiped Zhang Yu's Weibo.

Deguo netizen: "Doctor, it's been the third day, why haven't there been any movements?"

Yingguo netizen: "Yes, Doctor, you obviously promised."

Netizen from Country M: "Doctor, if you don't save us, we really can't hold it anymore."

Russian screw netizen: "Doctor, help~~~~".

Seeing a netizen’s post, Zhang Yu thought about what happened three days ago, and immediately posted a notice on his Weibo: [I have started to rescue you, those who can see the moon, please look up, that one Green light is what saves you].

Deguo netizen: "There is no green light."

Netizens from Faguo: "I didn't see it either."

Eagle country netizen: "Where is the green light~".

A netizen from the cold country: "I saw that the green light is in Asia, and it shoots from the moon to the earth all the time. The dazzling green light makes people feel so warm."

Russian screw netizen: "I have seen it too, but why does the green light appear in Zhang Yu's hometown? Even if it is eccentric, it is too eccentric."

Seeing Zhang Yu, who said that he was eccentric, replied: [Don't worry, the earth will rotate, so it will also rotate in the green light].

Netizens from all over the world were helpless and had to accept this arrangement. Otherwise, what else could they do? Go and scold Zhang Yu. If Zhang Yu loses his temper and can't save them, they will be dead, so the aggrieved netizens swallowed it Unhappy in my heart.

In Zhang Yu’s hometown of Ningxi Village, green light energy groups flooded every corner of the village. The survivors who lived here felt a strange feeling for the first time, and a warm and peaceful breath rose from the bottom of their hearts.

The zombie virus in the body of the survivors was quickly melted away by the green light energy, even the zombie virus in the air was no exception, and the body felt better than ever, and the survivors screamed happily.

"I'm fine, I'm fine~~".

"The zombie people on the street are dead, we don't need to be afraid."

"Is this the green light that Dr. Zhang Yu said, it's so powerful."


The green light energy spread out from Ningxi Village, affecting areas within a radius of several hundred square kilometers. In the area where zombies are most infested in the city, in the cold reinforced concrete buildings, a shaggy woman smiled.

"Mom, I'm hungry~". On the bed, a girl opened her eyes and shouted Nuo Nuo.

"Wow~~~". The woman hugged the child and started crying. Originally thought she was going to lose the child, she did not expect that at the last moment, the green light fell from the sky, and the child who was suffering from the disease was abruptly restored to its original state.

"Mom doesn't cry". The girl hugged the woman's neck and patted the woman's back with her small hand, comfortingly said.

On the street, a strong man who went out looking for food accidentally knocked over something. The sound attracted the attention of the zombie people. Then the strong man was chased by the swarming zombie people. The strong man ran away panting, not daring for a moment. Stop.

"Damn, my meat is stinky, don't chase it, okay, can I give you some meat in the future? The strong man yelled in a flowery voice.

"Hehehehe~~". The zombie man responded with a roar from the strong man, as if saying that they disagree.

The brawny man who was immersed in running hard saw a huge green light in the distant sky. The brawny who was afraid of harmful rays turned his head and looked at the zombie behind him. The brawny who didn't want to be eaten alive ran into the green light. among.

The zombie man also ran in, but the brawny man was fine, which does not mean that the zombie man was fine. The zombie man who entered the green light range seemed to be soaked in sulfuric acid and began to dissolve.

"Hehe~". Under the severe pain of instinct, the zombie man kept scratching his body, and the loose flesh was caught as soon as he caught it, which intensified the speed of dissolution.

The brawny man surrounded by green light only felt tired and frightened away from him. The brawny man who recovered all his strength and spirit, recalled the zombie man chasing him, and quickly turned his head.

"Huh ~ Zombie Man". The brawny man looked at the piles of bones behind him, with a puzzled expression on his face.

After touching his head, the strong man didn't think much about it. He hurriedly left here to find food. The sky was so big that his stomach was not as big as his own. If he didn't eat anything, the strong man felt like he was going to die.

The green beam of light rotates from Asia to the western hemisphere, passing through Afkhan, northern Philippines, South America and central North America. As long as the zombie people in the green light area are in the green area, they will be melted away, and the half-dead infected will also restore.

This is how the first day passed. When the second day came, more survivors learned about the green light. The survivors rushed to the area where the green light appeared, wanting to recover early, or to find a safe area to live.

In the disaster area of ​​Indu, because the people of Indu had little money, the number of people who had been injected with evolution potion was very rare. As a result, most of the people in Indu, all of them became zombies, and a small number of survivors had a difficult life.

When they knew the existence of green light, the survivors in Induri couldn't help it, all packed up and rushed to the green light-infested area.

The Yindu man looked at his family and discussed: "Let's leave here."

"Why, it's too dangerous outside." The women were puzzled.

"Go to areas where there is green light, we will be very safe, and we don't have to worry about being infected." The man explained.

"really". Upon hearing this from the old man, the woman immediately asked with a look of yearning.

"It's true, a lot of people have already started migrating, let's go too." The man nodded and said.

More and more people couldn't help but set off. The migration of a large number of survivors attracted more zombies. Only a few people can succeed in such a migration, and more people died on the road of migration.

"Run, the zombie man is here again".

"Damn it, why did it come so fast".

"No way, I really can't run anymore".

"Help me~".

The survivors cried and fled.

In Ningxi Village, when the green light began to shine from here again, the leakage of life energy caused all the animals and plants in Ningxi Village to begin to grow faster. The fresh, plump and plump green grass attracted a large number of herbivores. .

Under the green light, the trees began to grow at the speed of the naked eye. Every minute, they would grow several centimeters tall. The seeds buried in the soil desperately began to sprout, joining this feast of life.

"Trusty rusty~~~". The branches and leaves are stretching to their heart's content.

The woods came alive, and under the horrified gaze of the survivors, a radical change took place. The thick roots of the trees protruded into the village from the ground. The crisscrossing vines put Ningxi Village in a green coat. .

Even the survivors who bathed in the green light were taken care of. All the dark wounds, bacteria and viruses in the body disappeared, and the cell activity of the human body was more abundant. The frowns on the faces of the old people were all flattened and looked even more. Young.

Wherever the green light turns, all the lives there will change. Plants grow rapidly, from sparse grass to lush forests. It only takes a few hours. Green light continues to create more forests. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 569 Energy Beam), and you can view it next time you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (